View Full Version : New Satellite Phone

09-23-2010, 01:09 PM
For all you outdoor entusiasts TSTR in conjunction with ATT has released a satellite smart phone called the GENUS. This can be a very useful device for those who are out to sea or in the wilderness. It currently is only being sold to emergency services, however, is set to release to public by years end. Keep an eye out

Piss on Myspace
09-23-2010, 03:52 PM
Today @ 1 o'clock...do you ever work? Your worse than I am! if neither of us are there, who's holding the fort down?

Nah, i will have to look into that tho, seems pretty cool... i just gotta figure out the GPS first...lol

Ill catch ya next week mang!

09-24-2010, 05:59 AM
Keep an eye out

I found a pic of it.


09-24-2010, 06:19 AM

09-24-2010, 07:03 AM
It a cool idea but for $800 and 65cents a minute on top of a plan???...that's expensive ! I nknow a lot of people probabaly think that's affordable but I am not one of them.