View Full Version : Newport Bay 7/21

07-24-2007, 06:10 PM
Newport Bay 7/21 ~

Fished with SonarBP(Bryan) and Daniel(sorry - ??? screen name I can't remember)
for some bay bass action on Sat. morning 6am - 12noon

Bryan was cool and let Daniel borrow his extra tube...It was Daniels first time tubing

Finding good current movement was hard which resulted in pretty slow fishing for the most part...

We used Gulp and UniButttered plastics mainly

*Gulp products - 1 fish - sandbass

*UniButtered plastics - 10+ fish - spotties,sand bass, and a loan croaker

Cool fishing with you guys...


07-24-2007, 10:23 PM
Thanks to both of you guys for the good time, I appreciate all the advice and the use of the tube. I'm sure I'll be the owner of my own soon, and we can go again, maybe at night for some bigguns :D

07-25-2007, 07:44 AM
Thanks for taking your time and trying out UNIBUTTER in a side by side test. Please keep going and if you feel that this product is not living up to the "HYPE" then please post that. All i ask for is the truth reguarding this product..



07-25-2007, 10:06 AM

I go to Glenn's in Costa Mesa for my fishing tackle needs, and that is where I first got the butter, and he has heard nothing but good things about it, and it seems to work well. He was getting low, and I asked if he was gonna restock, he said he had just ordered another case 15 minutes before I came in... keep up the good work.

On a side note, I found out that not only do fish love unibutter, ANTS love unibutter... I suggest keeping it away from areas where they can reach it, haha.


Sea Murda
07-25-2007, 02:15 PM
Nice report Sully, good job on getting the new guy out there!

07-25-2007, 02:19 PM
Hey guys,

It was great to get out and fish with you both! Man I knew it was a bad time to be fishing cause of the tide and not very much movement, but damn sully....you sure can fish!!!! :shock:

It was very impressive just watching you work the docks and boats and pull up spottie after spottie. I couldn’t even scratch out one stinking fish for the day….I got the big ole :skunk: !!!!!

I was glad that Theedanimal was able to stick a spottie on the way back to the launch site. WTO Theedanimal!!!!

I think we got another one hooked on tube fishing!!!!

Got to do it again guys......soon!!!!



07-25-2007, 02:33 PM
dang, i fished nph on sunday (22nd) and i couldnt catch jack on plastics. but then again i wasnt using uni butter either. had to resort to live chovies. guess i gotta go pick up a bottle of uni butter :D

07-25-2007, 02:48 PM
The stuff seems to work.....I was throwing AA's and GULP jerk shad all day and didn't get even a single strike until I smeared a bit of the unibutter on my plastics. I started to get the bites but just couldn't hook em!!!!

Newport can be pretty tricky at times!!!