View Full Version : Cast for kids event at Castaic Lagoon - PLEASE HELP - WE NEED BOATERS ! - oct 2nd

09-14-2010, 11:15 AM

The Cast for KIDS event is on Oct 2nd

They currently have only 4 boaters and 45 kids


Let me repeat….WE NEED BOATERS to take the kids out on the Castaic Lagoon for a morning of fishing and then a nice lunch to follow..

These children are disabled or disadvantaged…


These kids need a break and they deserve it…

If you’ve ever helped at one of these events, you’ll know that you’ll end up coming away such a richer person for helping and you’ll bring a memory to a needy child that will last a lifetime…

Please Contact Eric Reifman (Castaic Lake Superintendent 1)
from Castaic Lake to sign up @ ereifman@parks.lacounty.gov

Or call Eric at : 661-257-4050

contact C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation directly at (425) 251-3202 or visit its website at www.castforkids.org.

October 2nd…. Please come to help !

I beleive it's 6:30am to 1pm

09-14-2010, 11:40 AM
The Catch A Special Thrill For Kids Foundation is seeking fishermen and boaters who can help disabled/disadvantaged children and their parents experience the joys of fishing. The Foundation, in association with various Federal, State, and local agencies and businesses are planning several half-day fishing events for these children in California this year. The dates and locations of these events are below with future details on the back.

If you can help, your role as a Captain would be to take these children and their parents on a lake for about two hours and teach them how to fish. The participating children will have their own fishing gear and life vests, however, we encourage you have back-up equipment available. Afterwards there will be a barbeque lunch and an awards ceremony for all participants, including you. You will also receive a commemorative t-shirt and hat designed for the event plus a plaque with a photograph of you and the participating child.

If you would like to help at any one of the events, please contact the persons identified for each event or C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation directly at (425) 251-3202 or visit its website at www.castforkids.org.

See below for event details

Castaic Lake, October 2, 2010 - 6:30am – 1:00pm

Event Information

Feel free to contact any individual on this list if you have any questions regarding the CAST events.

Castaic Lake, October 2, 2010 - 6:30am – 1:00pm
32132 Ridge Route Road, Castaic, CA 91384

Boat Coordinator: Eric Reifman (661) 257-4050 x 241 or ereifman@parks.lacounty.gov
Event Coordinator: David Inouye (818) 500-1645 x 246 or davidi@water.ca.gov
Registration Coordinator: Sharon Brown (818) 500-1645 x 265 or sharonb@water.ca.gov

09-14-2010, 10:42 PM
as soon as i know that my boat is going to be ready by then i'll sign up

09-15-2010, 12:43 PM
as soon as i know that my boat is going to be ready by then i'll sign up
Cool, GREAT I hope you can make it...

It’s really such a worthy cause : )

I really encourage anyone with a boat to PLEASE HELP !

Any boat will do, even a ski boat..

On this day boaters will be allowed to use a regular motor, normaly only trolling motors are allowed on the lagoon but they bypass that for this event…

Ski boat, bass boat, fishing boat…all are welcome and..


Whats most important is that THE CAPTAINS SIGN UP AND COMMIT..

They cannot book the kids without adequate boaters commiting to help.


PLEASE SIGN UP SOON TO HELP, you must register with them to make this happen for the kids, we cannot just show up last minute as they need to know how many kids to bring ahead of time..

Thank you again No Ho and to ALL who will potentially help : )


09-17-2010, 04:51 PM

October 2nd (sat)

Please help these wonderfull kids....

Bassnman Mike
09-18-2010, 02:20 PM
I'm not sure yet if I'll be able to participate, I'll let you know if I'm available as soon as I know but I was there recently and had a difficult time at the ramp. Do you know if they are going to raise the water level in the Lagoon to make it easier to launch and recover on the ramp?

BassnMan Mike

09-20-2010, 09:36 AM
I'm not sure yet if I'll be able to participate, I'll let you know if I'm available as soon as I know but I was there recently and had a difficult time at the ramp. Do you know if they are going to raise the water level in the Lagoon to make it easier to launch and recover on the ramp?

BassnMan Mike
Not really sure why you had a hard time on the ramp, the water isn't up to full pool but is shouldnt create a launch issue.

The county does not have any control over water levels in either the upper or lower lake, that is regulated by the water department so they cannot alter any water ;evels for any specific event.

Please contact Eric at the lake to sign up, if you wait too long it will be a moot point as the kids will already be booked relative to the amount of boaters signed up.

There should not be any launch issues just FYI for anyone considering helping out.

09-21-2010, 05:40 PM
Calling all boaters, come on people - reach into your heart and help the unfortunate kids...

It's just a few hours...

From ONE day in your life...

You'll create memories of a lifetime for the disabled or disadvantaged kids...

Please help...

09-22-2010, 11:24 AM

The water dept expects the levels to be around full at that time.


It's not 100% but it is expected at this time.

Let’s get out there and help everyone : )


09-22-2010, 02:14 PM
i will talk to my buddy he has a boat and would want to help if he is free then both of us can come and help for sure. we will try our best tho.

09-22-2010, 02:18 PM
Hi Gary,

I did this a couple years ago. It's a great time.

I'm going to call Eric and sign up.


bruce watson
09-22-2010, 06:18 PM
Hi guy,

Do we have to take our boats out to the lake a couple of weeks before or can they inspect them that morning?

09-23-2010, 09:44 AM
Hi guy,

Do we have to take our boats out to the lake a couple of weeks before or can they inspect them that morning?
They will inspect the boat THAT Morning..

Great to see some interest....

Let's keep it going....

Again - PLEASE sign up soon so they can book the kids

Bassnman Mike
09-25-2010, 10:11 AM
BUMP for a great cause.

Not really sure why you had a hard time on the ramp, the water isn't up to full pool but is shouldnt create a launch issue.

The problem I had was my truck has high performance street tires and I have a 21 foot Champion so the rear tires of my tandem wheel trailer fell off the end of the cement, about a foot, where the ramp actually ended. Truthfully, launching was not a real problem because after splashing the boat the trailer was empty however recovering was a different story. Lucky for me I had a buddy with a 4 wheel drive and off road tires so we hooked my trailer to his truck and had no issues. It is quite possible that I could have recovered with my truck but I didnt want to take any chances.

Anyhow, its great to hear that they are going to raise the water level for the event so there shouldnt be any launching or recovery issues.

As it turns out I wont be able to make it because I recently had to have an emergency hernia surgery, dont try and lift 100 pound objects without making sure your not off balance, HA!

Is there any other way I can help, do they need any tackle donations? I might be able to supply some X-Point or Daiichi hooks.

BassnMan Mike

09-28-2010, 02:25 PM

Boaters....we need Boaters !

Even if you don't have a boat you can help.

Please sign up