View Full Version : current snag... whats yours?

09-13-2010, 11:01 PM
throughout the year, every year, i find myself going through phases. of course im after trout and cats during cooler months, spring is my snag for carp and crappie, mid summer carp, bass, sunfish, cats, basically anything thats active but right now im very caught up in sunfish, i dont think ive ever been so stuck on bluegill and redears "thanks again guys for the identification help"... carp arent feeding my fight need so those bigger bluegill and redears have been filling the need on the ultraligt... so yeah my current snag is bg's and re's cant get enough and with truxton lake being right around the corner i cant help but want to zip over there every few days for a few hours when im not busy with the baby or tattoos..

tomorrow i might go for a couple hours, going simple so i can do some exploring and see if i can find a couple key spots... should be a limit but who knows.. reminds me, is the limit still 25 in cali? i could swear i read it was but wanna make sure. not gonna keep that many probably 10-15 but wanna aim for a limit of decent sized fish.. a limit of any size of those two is too easy...

last trip on sunday with a buddy we did ok lots of good size fish bunch of dinks but i watched others come and go who would fish different areas and come up with maybe 2-3 dinks in 30 minutes, they where all fishing bobbers, i rigged for bottom and after my buddy watched me catch 5 fish in about 3 minutes he lost his bobber too and started catching a few then got him to try a 14 size circle hook and he started hooking up far more often. no monsters that day but a few decent fish and many many good size fish,,, been eating the jerky i made of em all day its great.. nt even half way through the jerky yet :) yummmm anyways enough of a ramble whats all your current snags? or u one of those gotta get that once species year round kind of guy?

09-13-2010, 11:11 PM
So the BG addiction begins, nice. You'll learn a lot about that little fish and how easy but difficult it may be to catch. Good luck out there and the limit is 25 per person. Nothing wrong with taking big fish, but don't take too many from small waters or you won't have anymore in there.

09-13-2010, 11:14 PM
nice.. u mind sharing ur recipe for the bluegill jerky? i have some left and i'd like to give it a shot.

09-13-2010, 11:26 PM
ive been catchin em for years and my current rig works great, i leave the biggest and eat the medium guys....

the last recipe i used was the best so far look in the recipe forum fish jerkyit should be the last post i did