View Full Version : Ika's

09-13-2010, 12:34 PM
I hate to admit my defeat as this is quite embarrassing. I was fishing this morning using an ika. The bass were boiling on shad and I would cast my ika right into the boil. I got picked up 4 times and each time the bass ran with it, I would wait till I felt the weight out the fish then set the hook, each time pulled it right out of his mouth. What am i doing wrong. I'm using 6lb test and a 3/0 hook. Should I let them run with it for longer?

09-13-2010, 12:39 PM
Try using a 4/0 EWG , it seems to be perfect for the Ika's Good Luck, Marshhawk

09-13-2010, 02:49 PM
Try using a 4/0 EWG , it seems to be perfeck for the Ika's Good Luck, Marshhawk

I agree your hook is too small.

CPT. Kirk
09-13-2010, 03:35 PM
I also use a razor blade to cut a slit half way through my IKA's that way I get better hook penetration. I believe a 4/0 hook on 6lb test is little to much hook for that line test and cutting a slit in the Ika may make it easier to get a good hook set on such light line.
What type of hook?
Try a wide gap 3/0 or 4/0 thin wire hook the Magnum hook my be to much for 6lb test.
The thiner hook will penetrate easier on light line.
Good Luck.

09-14-2010, 02:03 PM
I use a 2/0 EWG Gamakatsu and 10lbs test. I also set the hook "LIKE A BAT OUTTA HELL" my pole is a 7'2" I dont know if that make a different but before i use to set the hook gently and notice that they spit it out more often. Hope this help. BTW "I LOVE IKA'S"

09-14-2010, 03:18 PM
Try using a 4/0 EWG , it seems to be perfect for the Ika's Good Luck, Marshhawk


If you're using 4" fat ika's. 4/0 EWG is the hook needed.

09-14-2010, 03:20 PM
I also use a razor blade to cut a slit half way through my IKA's that way I get better hook penetration. I believe a 4/0 hook on 6lb test is little to much hook for that line test and cutting a slit in the Ika may make it easier to get a good hook set on such light line.
What type of hook?
Try a wide gap 3/0 or 4/0 thin wire hook the Magnum hook my be to much for 6lb test.
The thiner hook will penetrate easier on light line.
Good Luck.


Thanks for sharing this tip Kirk.

09-24-2010, 08:47 PM
i 4/0 hook heavier line for the ika , one of my favorite baits in early spring,
the question i have is there boiling on shad, and your throwing a ika, try a shad type bait scrounger fluke combo ,damiki makes a bait called the vault it is bad *** for braking fish, tail spins etc.
tight lines

09-25-2010, 05:43 PM
Jayfish- It's a no-brainer! When the bass are boiling like that, there's no reason to hook your Ika weedless. I just nose hook like a drop shot worm with the skirt trailing behind. This way you can use a smaller hook which is better suited for 6 lb test and it will be way easier to get a good hook set on most pick-ups from the hungry bass. It seems like shad feeding bass respond better to a swimming Ika rigged with the tails wiggling behind the body. You can even rig it wacky. Use the shad color too. (I've used Ikas and Palm Trees a few times......Ha!)

09-25-2010, 11:24 PM
Thanks for all the tips. Only reason I used an Ika is cause I met a guy there a couple nights before an he said he did real well when they were boiling by using an ika cause it was the only thing he could get out to where they were. Im gunna look for the vault an give that a try.

09-26-2010, 06:11 PM
I fish Fat IKAs a lot.
My preferred method for hooking them is reverse hooking with a 5/0 Owner TwistLock Light gauge hook.
I bend the point curve slightly sideways.
7' MH rod and 20lb Fluoro.
Nearly never miss a hookset.


Ray Lopez
10-07-2010, 05:31 PM
For lighter line presentations on a ika i would say use a size 4 or 2 mosquito hook right under the skirt. To make it semi weedless you can cut two small peinces of 20# mono and make a cross just above the hook. But not needed when you are on a boil. To really kill on a boil get some all white super flukes.