View Full Version : Anyone knows where I can fishing for this thing?

09-09-2010, 11:50 PM
My uncle ask me where he can fishing for this thing. Also, I would like to catch them too. Does anyone knows a place that we can fishing for it? Any regulations on this fish? Any information is great. Thank you all.


09-10-2010, 12:09 AM
In california, these can be found in Imperial and kern county aquaducts.

Common in irrigation canals. The species found here is the Texas spiny softshell.

Introduced species, No limit. Can be caught with small spoon lures.

Are you planning on eating them, or breeding them?

09-10-2010, 12:23 AM
In california, these can be found in Imperial and kern county aquaducts.

Common in irrigation canals. The species found here is the Texas spiny softshell.

Introduced species, No limit. Can be caught with small spoon lures.

Are you planning on eating them, or breeding them?

Asian people like to eat them. However, I barely eat them. So far I only ate them two times. However, my uncle really like to eat them.

Any suggestion for baits. I heard mackerel is a good bait for them. Is that real? Moreover, can you PM me the location? Then, I can look it up from google map and tell my uncle to plan the trip. Thanks smokehound!

09-10-2010, 05:30 PM
i have a lil softshell i picked from some water vegitation a few yearsago was about 1.5 inches long, still have him hes like 5 feet from me right now actually... i wouldnt eat em for more then one reason... but to each their own, worms might work ive caught red ear sliders on corn while carpin

09-10-2010, 07:36 PM
My uncle ask me where he can fishing for this thing. Also, I would like to catch them too. Does anyone knows a place that we can fishing for it? Any regulations on this fish? Any information is great. Thank you all.


funny looking fish! they almost look like turtles. lol j/k

09-10-2010, 11:05 PM
funny looking fish! they almost look like turtles. lol j/k

seen that toobut wasnt in the usual a-hole mood to point it out but still funny... ive asked before but never got a responce, if ur fishing and catch a turtle whats it called? turtling? sounds like a BM dont it

09-13-2010, 09:16 PM
You have to use live bait for softshells. Goldfish, Tilapia, and Bluegill/redear sunfish..

Try to catch the smallest bait possible.

I'd say fishing for turtles is called 'Gigging'.

09-13-2010, 09:29 PM
hows it called gigging if theres no gig involved? hah

09-13-2010, 10:37 PM
Soft shelled turtles are supposed to have medicinal properties that is why they are so prized by Asian communities.

09-14-2010, 12:06 AM
Soft shelled turtles are supposed to have medicinal properties that is why they are so prized by Asian communities.

I think so too. However, it looks like not many people know where to catch them. One of my friend's friend, he don't want to share his secret spot to me. That is why I try to ask a place or a spot from here.

09-14-2010, 12:10 AM
I think so too. However, it looks like not many people know where to catch them. One of my friend's friend, he don't want to share his secret spot to me. That is why I try to ask a place or a spot from here.

I know how to get the little guys but I won't tell just for the sake of the species' survival and population. In the past a 30lb softy was easy to get now they are so rare it's ridiculous. Anyways if anyone cares the bigger models say the ones over 2lbs are females and can live I believe for over 50 years and takes decades to reach 30lbs in size. For males they're small usually 2lbs but may be bigger and I think the lifespan on those guys are about 10 years give or take. So these turtles are easy to exploit.

09-14-2010, 12:34 AM
I know how to get the little guys but I won't tell just for the sake of the species' survival and population. In the past a 30lb softy was easy to get now they are so rare it's ridiculous. Anyways if anyone cares the bigger models say the ones over 2lbs are females and can live I believe for over 50 years and takes decades to reach 30lbs in size. For males they're small usually 2lbs but may be bigger and I think the lifespan on those guys are about 10 years give or take. So these turtles are easy to exploit.

I know. It is not right to get them as much as 30 to 40 like my friend's friend. I heard they selling them to the supermarket too. Moreover, now he only gets the range about 6 to 15 each time. I Know over fishing will cost them disapear.

09-20-2010, 04:06 AM

09-27-2010, 08:31 PM
Softshell turtles. I used to catch them all the time (not what I was fishing for) when I stood in Texas for a bit. I used to use bacon that was barely cooked or hotdogs lol, believe it or not they loved it. I caught some nice size ones out there, and some kid told me they don't bite, but I got bit =\ nothing major. Wash your hands after handling those things. Goodluck.

See Chris Fish
09-27-2010, 08:57 PM
It's a non-native species. Catch as much as you want. No limit.
The goal is to remove the species from Californian waters.

09-27-2010, 10:04 PM
Thanks for all of your helps. However, I still need to spend some more times to do the map research looking for a location. I found the same map as "smokehound" gave. But that just give me a briefly idea where is the area they are living in. Maybe I should drive down there to scout a little bit more to see where has river or channel in that area.

10-02-2010, 08:07 PM
i caught many at peck with shrimp

10-03-2010, 07:48 AM
Your Uncle must be really hungry.... Dude,, Really ??

10-03-2010, 09:51 AM
your uncle must be really hungry.... Dude,, really ??

how about some t-bone steak...............
Any time over some softshells.:LOL::LOL::LOL: