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View Full Version : How to Beat the Heat S.W.A.T. Style. Saturday 9/4. Plus Bonus 9/6 Recon Report.

09-05-2010, 01:06 AM
Added Monday 9/6/10 Report.

Got a call from Marc (BSP) saying that he’s got a little break from his busy college schedule at USC this weekend and wants to go surf fishing with the Crew. Since it’s also his birthday this week, we decided to take Marc out to the surf and celebrate his B-Day S.W.A.T. style. We originally planned to head South to fish the O.C. surf since the water temperature down there is nice and warm. But at the last minute, we changed our attack pattern to hit the Malibu area instead. Good move…? I think so.
We hit three areas for a quick strike, called it quits by 1:00pm and had a nice and relaxing lunch.

Marc, happy birthday and congratulations once again on your scholarship and decision to attend my Alma Mater USC.
Enjoy college life young man, some of my best memories are of my college years. Have fun, but always know what your priorities are and the reason why you are there. Study first… plenty of time to party later.

I had a great time fishing with Dad (Marc’s father), Marc and Mike today. Been awhile since we hit the surf with Marc and his Dad and really enjoyed their company. Enjoy the Halibut!
BTW - Marc, I have to ask… WHY???? LOL

Conditions: Hazy, foggy morning clearing to sunny skies and warm temperature. Incoming tide, water temperature 60 degrees, small to moderate surf, water clarity excellent, excessive salad in most areas, very little baitfish presence.

Techniques: throwing hard baits, swim baits and drop shotting.

The “Boss” decided to close the stores and give all the employees a long weekend off. I guess he’s a nice guy afterall… Surf fishing today, slaying Stripers at Castaic tomorrow, Monday… who knows…

Have a fun and safe Labor Day weekend everybody!

Arthur (Wingnut)

"Follow your bliss….”

Pictures of our fun day…

Mike, what happen to the S.W.A.T. dress code?!?

Marc arrived to the LZ bright eyes and bushy tail as usual.


Nice sunrise... until...

The fog rolled in...


Funny, as we were working the sand together… I turn to Marc and said, “My Spidey sense is tingling, I think there’s a Halibut right here…” As soon as I said that, bendo!




A solid 28” fish…




I said to Marc, “Hey, we’re in the MLPA closure area aren’t we…? Here, take this fish home to your Mom…”







Marc, can I suggest... "waders...?" lol

"Wingnut's Rock"

Sharing the "Rock"



Bones gets on the board.


Gotta love fishing the boilers...


Let's go eat!



I’ll take my Filet Mignon medium well please…

The beach was quite crowded…

“Look Marc… there’s Yuri Sputnik!”


What a beautiful yatch... someday...



Extra pics.
Wild Dahlias.


Father and Son moment.

Nature's wonder...

Marc's custom USC colors Phenix rod. Where's mine dude?!?

Mike, your finger smells like fish... lol

Slow down Mike... speed trap!

Paying homage to Poseidon...

Poseidon acknowledging my presence on "Wingnut's Rock".

Parting shot.
Wingnut Pug… Cool is the Rule… LOL

Added Monday 9/6/10 Report.

09-05-2010, 01:14 AM
Another kool trip. I'm jealous :)
Thanks for posting bro

09-05-2010, 02:31 AM
Good lookn hali :Cool:

09-05-2010, 05:53 AM
Another great SWAT report.

I am confused on your title 'Beat the Heat'
What heat ? Haven't been east of PCH in weeks.
Been sitting in fog in LB everyday wondering when summer is coming?

09-05-2010, 06:42 AM
Congrats on pulling the nice legal rabbit out of the hat early on in the day Arthur!
Just another day in the BU beating the heat from the valley. It was a nice change of pace just keeping it local with
Nick and Marc today. I saved the day for myself with a last minute shortie and the company was very nice. Lots of eye candy today as well!
Thanks agian Arthur for that very satisfying meal at the Beachcomber (Now we know the secret there). Our Commander deserved a little bonus after poseidon was VERY harsh with him on the previous two evenings ....Not too mention I sure took a beating down south yesterday. So.....Today we had a little bit o payback and didn't give up! I can't believe I stuck with the dropshot all day. Also Marc....Congrats on completing bootcamp and earning your stripes. Boy.....USC.... Frat parties....SWAT training complete......Your on a roll young man. Keep it up and your future will be bright in many ways. A big thanks for Nick just hanging with me and slowing down a bit for the majority of the day.

Lt. Bones....Over and OUT!

Here are some of my pics...




Land Halibut? :LOL:

Which Way Out
09-05-2010, 09:16 AM
Great report once again. You always get em.
Oh that yacht belongs to a Russian Billionaire. He was in the Santa Barbara area awhile ago. Young guy that made his money in fertilizer. Yea yea that sounds like a lot of crap I know.....lol

09-05-2010, 11:39 AM
I always love reading your report Arthur....I haven't checked in in over a year and the very first report I read is yours....

09-05-2010, 12:51 PM
Nice Hali Arthur. Looks like a fun day! Happy Birthday Marc! Pay attention in class! lol

09-05-2010, 02:41 PM
awesome report as always, and i love the sc phoenix stick. good job on the hali

09-05-2010, 03:07 PM
Beautiful fish Arthur! Sorry I got your invite too late, still getting settled in at the new place...I'm on Fnn on my iPhone :LOL:

looks like another great birthday adventure and SWAT outting, keep ul the good work fellas!!!


09-05-2010, 07:13 PM
Another kick *** adventure Art, nice to see you and Phuong and Bob today at Castaic.

09-05-2010, 07:28 PM
Great report, Great pics. Yeah, I wish I would have been there. (sigh, jealouse ) Nice halibut guys. Looks like a lot fun.

09-05-2010, 08:11 PM
Arthur, it was great surf fishing with you again, and finally becoming a full SWAT member. Even though I got the stripe and farmed some fish, the joking around and camaraderie more than made up for it. I still can't get over your Wingnut senses, and you definitely are one lucky dude. It was great watching Mike and Dad rush to start fishing once that flatty hit the sand. Poseidon definitely was apologizing a bit for what he put you through earlier, but I think he still owes you a bit more.

I appreciate the advice and well wishes too, and will definitely be sure to keep my GPA up. Like you mentioned, there will always be another party.

As for the WHY?!?!!, I'm still trying to figure it out myself... but so far it's been crushing my efforts.


It's always good to hit the surf with you man, and thanks again for chilling with my dad. He always enjoys talking with you guys, and I definitely think you and Arthur will see him without me for a few future missions. That action shot came out great. I was retreating so I missed it, but Nat Geo cameraman bones came through. Even though you had a rough recon session, you still managed to pull through with a solid shorty that was bigger than the fish I caught. :LOL:

Thanks for the encouragement, and I'll be sure to keep your advice in mind man. Also, thanks for the use of your game clip!

Now for my images:

Wingnut feeding families.


Thanks again for the fish Arthur, everybody enjoyed it and my mom and grandma are very grateful. I even got the cheek meat.


Accident coming home on PCH. This happened a few minutes before we got there as the people were just getting out of the car and there weren't any emergency vehicles anywhere. Everybody was standing around though, so at least nobody was seriously hurt.

09-05-2010, 09:08 PM
Another successful "S.W.A.T. Mission"

I was thinking of how I would rather be out there with you guys on Saturday Morning while I was suffering in the 100+ heat at 0930 in the morning doing physical training with my crew!

Great to see Marc and his Dad back out for another mission!

Congrats on the landings of the flatties! The one will be used wisely as it was destined to become chum with that nasty looking tail! :cry:

Till we meet again! :HB:

"Safety First Guys" Fishing alone will delay the help only if there are witnesses to your misfortune!

09-05-2010, 09:33 PM
That is one nice flatty, good eats and great job to all the swat guys.
That picture of the water crashing over you is awesome.

09-05-2010, 09:54 PM
The tail looks like that because of mating.....the hali's bite each other on the tail to stimulate spawning. As we have been comenting on the egg sacks in the fish lately, this is why. Senor wingnut is a very lucky fisherman!

09-05-2010, 10:24 PM
Hey Art, thanks for coming over to the BBQ at Castaic today and hanging out with us for a bit. It was nice to see Phuong and Uncle Bob again. :Big Grin: You guys did pretty well out there today, i only got one striper. :Sad:
Great job in the surf and once again you proved when luck and skill meet, expect great results. Thanks a for another great report, keep up the nice work SWAT crew. :Cool:

murrieta angler
09-06-2010, 01:49 PM
Very nice fish Arthur!
Looks like you guys were having a nice day out at the beach.
Lunch looked pretty good also!

09-06-2010, 04:19 PM
Pretty much looked like a perfect day boyz. Nice company, good fishing, great food, can't beat that. We had such a day yesterday at castaic with T/O didn't we Art? :Cool:
Congrats on the nice Halibut, and Exfactor is right, you always seem to come thru in the toughest conditions. :Envious:

Marc, happy belated birthday and good luck at USC. :Big Grin: Arthur is right, college life can be very distracting, but enjoy the fun in moderation and keep your eyes on the goal. Arthur is a very good example of that philosophy. Let me share with you something from my college years at USC with Wingnut. When some of us were constantly skipping class, chasing tails and getting drunk at the frat parties, Arthur was studying and hitting the books. I lost count of how many times I came home from and find him in the dorm room passed out in front of the computer or on top of a stack of books. We were in the same fraternity, Phi Kappa Tau and Wingnut (his college nickname) did his share of partying but always had his priorities straight. A mutual friend asked Arthur once why he bother trying so hard and his reply was that if his parents worked so hard to save money to send him to college, the least that he could do for them is try. You need to sacrifice a little now, and get alot back later he would tell us, and he was right. Those who took his advice and followed his lead found themselves successful in their post college life. Those who didn't? Well, let's just say some of them wished they could do it all over again. Arthur and I came from a third world country and it sometimes bothers us to see how spoiled and ungrateful the kids that live in this country behaves. They don't know how good they have it here and the opportunities given to them to succeed only if they are responsible enough to take it. You seem like a fine young man Marc, and I'm sure you appreciate what your parents have done for you and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity given to you. Fight on! :Cool:

09-06-2010, 04:58 PM
After hitting the surf on Saturday, I spent all day Sunday slaying Stripers with Phuong (Blackwater) and Bob (TroutOnly) at Castaic. Last night, I get a call from Bones, my S.W.A.T. Lieutenant, saying that we should do a early morning surf recon before we all head to our families for the Labor Day BBQ's. :Big Grin: As tired as I was, I look forward to the third straight day of fishing! I rarely ever get a chance to fish for two days in a row, let alone three! :Big Grin: Our S.W.A.T. Captain Steve (Flyngby) also called last night inviting me to join him and a couple of very special guests on the Spotted Fever for a day in the Newport Harbor today. I would have loved to fish with Steve, but since I had already committed to hitting the surf with Mike, we will plan my return to NPH on another date. :Wink: Thanks Steve... and I hope you guys did well out there today. :Big Grin:

Mike and I decided to recon a spot that we haven't been to in quite awhile at grey light and maybe hop around the area for a bit. We don't plan to fish past noon today since we all had plans with our families later on in the afternoon.

Conditions have deteriorated in the past 48 hours out there. 3-6 foot swells and washing machine surf conditions greeted us at the first location. Two hours in the rough stuff and not even a bite. :Neutral: Hiking back to the car we get a call from Marc and his Dad saying that they are out in the surf also and wants to know if we would like to meet up. Sure... so we made the short drive and joined them in the surf. :Cool:

Same rough conditions... we worked the sand together for a couple more futile hours and decided to wrap it up at 11:00am and retreat to a nice Thai restaurant for lunch! :LOL:

Marc & Dad, thanks for inviting Mike & I to join you guys today... we all got battered and bruised but will retreat and come back for another surf assault very soon. :Twisted:
Mike... we need a chicken dish! :ROFL:

Hope everybody had a nice Labor Day weekend!

Arthur (Wingnut)

"We will often find compensation if we think more of what life has given us and less about what life has taken away..."

Some pics of the short recon session...

Mike, when's the last time you washed those pajamas... :LOL:

Gearing up in the grey light.





It's a long hike...

Rough conditions and massive kelp everywhere. :Neutral:

Second location not much better... :Evil:

Skunk buster! :LOL:


One of the rare times that I was happy to call it quits and go to lunch... :LOL:

Had some great Thai food and the Chocolate Mocha ice cream cake for dessert was to die for. :Big Grin:


Marc and the byproduct of a USC education. :Wink:
Your future is bright kid... stay the path. :Cool:

murrieta angler
09-06-2010, 05:06 PM
Pretty much looked like a perfect day boyz. Nice company, good fishing, great food, can't beat that. We had such a day yesterday at castaic with T/O didn't we Art? :Cool:
Congrats on the nice Halibut, and Exfactor is right, you always seem to come thru in the toughest conditions. :Envious:

Marc, happy belated birthday and good luck at USC. :Big Grin: Arthur is right, college life can be very distracting, but enjoy the fun in moderation and keep your eyes on the goal. Arthur is a very good example of that philosophy. Let me share with you something from my college years at USC with Wingnut. When some of us were constantly skipping class, chasing tails and getting drunk at the frat parties, Arthur was studying and hitting the books. I lost count of how many times I came home from and find him in the dorm room passed out in front of the computer or on top of a stack of books. We were in the same fraternity, Phi Kappa Tau and Wingnut (his college nickname) did his share of partying but always had his priorities straight. A mutual friend asked Arthur once why he bother trying so hard and his reply was that if his parents worked so hard to save money to send him to college, the least that he could do for them is try. You need to sacrifice a little now, and get alot back later he would tell us, and he was right. Those who took his advice and followed his lead found themselves successful in their post college life. Those who didn't? Well, let's just say some of them wished they could do it all over again. Arthur and I came from a third world country and it sometimes bothers us to see how spoiled and ungrateful the kids that live in this country behaves. They don't know how good they have it here and the opportunities given to them to succeed only if they are responsible enough to take it. You seem like a fine young man Marc, and I'm sure you appreciate what your parents have done for you and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity given to you. Fight on! :Cool:

Well said Blackwater, well said!!

09-06-2010, 10:20 PM
Marc, happy belated birthday and good luck at USC. :Big Grin: Arthur is right, college life can be very distracting, but enjoy the fun in moderation and keep your eyes on the goal. Arthur is a very good example of that philosophy. Let me share with you something from my college years at USC with Wingnut. When some of us were constantly skipping class, chasing tails and getting drunk at the frat parties, Arthur was studying and hitting the books. I lost count of how many times I came home from and find him in the dorm room passed out in front of the computer or on top of a stack of books. We were in the same fraternity, Phi Kappa Tau and Wingnut (his college nickname) did his share of partying but always had his priorities straight. A mutual friend asked Arthur once why he bother trying so hard and his reply was that if his parents worked so hard to save money to send him to college, the least that he could do for them is try. You need to sacrifice a little now, and get alot back later he would tell us, and he was right. Those who took his advice and followed his lead found themselves successful in their post college life. Those who didn't? Well, let's just say some of them wished they could do it all over again. Arthur and I came from a third world country and it sometimes bothers us to see how spoiled and ungrateful the kids that live in this country behaves. They don't know how good they have it here and the opportunities given to them to succeed only if they are responsible enough to take it. You seem like a fine young man Marc, and I'm sure you appreciate what your parents have done for you and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity given to you. Fight on! :Cool:


Thanks for the birthday and USC well wishes! USC hasn't changed much from your description, and, considering that I live in one of the more party oriented dorms, I have several friends who are already ditching classes or making all around dumb moves. However, I am not one of them, and plan to take both you and Arthur's advice on studying hard and doing well here. I am having an awesome time, but am definitely not going to let it interfere with my studies. Seeing the success that hard work and sacrificing a bit up front for the long term brings makes denying the short term fun easier to deny when exams and classes call.

I agree that many kids here take too much for granted, and don't realize that they're spending their parents money and not their own. There's a problem when college kids are wearing several thousand dollars worth of clothes/accessories and driving a blacked out Porsche 911 Turbo. It makes me wonder what will happen to them once they have to work. All I know is that I plan to achieve some of that on my own.

I definitely am very grateful for my parents' support as it is what has allowed me to be here, so I will not let them down by making a poor choice. It's also nice to hear what my my parents have been hammering into my head for years from somebody else, and glad to hear that I've made a good impression.

Hope to fish with you soon and fight on!


Arthur and Mike, thank you both once again for another fun outing in the surf along with the after fishing food and discussions. The fishing definitely could have been better, but I enjoyed myself regardless. It's always nice to feel the sand and water on your feet... even if it's kind of cold and the conditions weren't that great. We'll destroy the halibut next time, and I am looking forward to the next trip whenever it may be!

Arthur, as always the advice you give is solid, and thanks for giving me a taste of what it's like to be post-USC along with everything else you've done. :Wink: It'll take some work to get there, but I think I've got the drive and opportunities to make it happen. I'll definitely keep you posted about what's going on, and hope you and Dad can hit the surf some time. He likes talking with you, and I'm looking forward to seeing some reports with you guys when I'm in college.

Mike, I definitely appreciate all the advice you've given me, and will put it to good use when the time is right. :Wink: Thanks for spending time with Dad since he enjoys your company, and you'll definitely be hearing from him as the fall bite picks up. Just don't talk too much crap about me behind my back! :LOL: Glad you're healing up well, and I am looking forward to our next surf session.

09-07-2010, 08:47 AM

09-08-2010, 09:06 PM
The tail looks like that because of mating.....the hali's bite each other on the tail to stimulate spawning. As we have been comenting on the egg sacks in the fish lately, this is why. Senor wingnut is a very lucky fisherman!

Interesting Info there Mikey! Does this behavior only only go on way? Male bites tail of a prospective mate! Or does it go both ways and would be an easy way to tell that it is a female that should be released for the future!

09-08-2010, 11:34 PM
As always it looks like you guys had some good times. With the bite being as tough as it has been lately a 28" fish is a great accomplishment. Well done Arthur. Sorry to hear the bite was tough on Monday. I was trying to make it out to fish with you guys on Monday morning but my request for the beach pass was denied =( Oh well Still keeping fingers crossed for a stellar fall bite.


09-09-2010, 06:32 AM
The tail looks like that because of mating.....the hali's bite each other on the tail to stimulate spawning. As we have been comenting on the egg sacks in the fish lately,

Does this behavior only only go on way? Male bites tail of a prospective mate! Or does it go both ways and would be an easy way to tell that it is a female that should be released for the future!

Is that where the term ' CHASING TAIL ' comes from ?


09-09-2010, 01:24 PM
Nice report, nice boat and super nice deuce coupe! You guys always have fun!

09-10-2010, 12:45 AM
Pretty much looked like a perfect day boyz. Nice company, good fishing, great food, can't beat that. We had such a day yesterday at castaic with T/O didn't we Art? :Cool:
Congrats on the nice Halibut, and Exfactor is right, you always seem to come thru in the toughest conditions. :Envious:

Marc, happy belated birthday and good luck at USC. :Big Grin: Arthur is right, college life can be very distracting, but enjoy the fun in moderation and keep your eyes on the goal. Arthur is a very good example of that philosophy. Let me share with you something from my college years at USC with Wingnut. When some of us were constantly skipping class, chasing tails and getting drunk at the frat parties, Arthur was studying and hitting the books. I lost count of how many times I came home from and find him in the dorm room passed out in front of the computer or on top of a stack of books. We were in the same fraternity, Phi Kappa Tau and Wingnut (his college nickname) did his share of partying but always had his priorities straight. A mutual friend asked Arthur once why he bother trying so hard and his reply was that if his parents worked so hard to save money to send him to college, the least that he could do for them is try. You need to sacrifice a little now, and get alot back later he would tell us, and he was right. Those who took his advice and followed his lead found themselves successful in their post college life. Those who didn't? Well, let's just say some of them wished they could do it all over again. Arthur and I came from a third world country and it sometimes bothers us to see how spoiled and ungrateful the kids that live in this country behaves. They don't know how good they have it here and the opportunities given to them to succeed only if they are responsible enough to take it. You seem like a fine young man Marc, and I'm sure you appreciate what your parents have done for you and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity given to you. Fight on! :Cool:

Well said Phuong. :Applause:
For the record, i was one of those that didn't listen to Wingnut's advice. :LOL:

09-12-2010, 11:50 PM

Hey Mike, to catch this Halibutt, all you need is to stick a $100 bill to your LC. Cast it out on the sand with a slow and steady retrieve. You will have a massive bendo in no time. :ROFL:

Fat Tony
09-13-2010, 01:20 PM
WOW looks like great fun really good report.

09-13-2010, 03:52 PM
Another kool trip. I'm jealous :)
Thanks for posting bro
Having better luck out there lately? :Wink:

Good lookn hali :Cool:
Where have you been Brandon?!? :Wink:

Another great SWAT report.

I am confused on your title 'Beat the Heat'
What heat ? Haven't been east of PCH in weeks.
Been sitting in fog in LB everyday wondering when summer is coming?
It was 100+ degrees in the Valley that week Martin... the beach was the best escape. :Wink:

Congrats on pulling the nice legal rabbit out of the hat early on in the day Arthur!
Just another day in the BU beating the heat from the valley. It was a nice change of pace just keeping it local with
Nick and Marc today. I saved the day for myself with a last minute shortie and the company was very nice. Lots of eye candy today as well!
Thanks agian Arthur for that very satisfying meal at the Beachcomber (Now we know the secret there). Our Commander deserved a little bonus after poseidon was VERY harsh with him on the previous two evenings ....Not too mention I sure took a beating down south yesterday. So.....Today we had a little bit o payback and didn't give up! I can't believe I stuck with the dropshot all day. Also Marc....Congrats on completing bootcamp and earning your stripes. Boy.....USC.... Frat parties....SWAT training complete......Your on a roll young man. Keep it up and your future will be bright in many ways. A big thanks for Nick just hanging with me and slowing down a bit for the majority of the day.

Lt. Bones....Over and OUT!

Here are some of my pics...




Land Halibut? :LOL:
All hail to the "Dropshot King!" :Wink: Another decent mission Lieutenant. :Cool: You and Nick spend more time talking than fishing... LOL, Good leaves more fish for me and Marc to catch! :Envious: I'm still tired and sore from yesterday. :LOL:

Great report once again. You always get em.
Oh that yacht belongs to a Russian Billionaire. He was in the Santa Barbara area awhile ago. Young guy that made his money in fertilizer. Yea yea that sounds like a lot of crap I know.....lol
Now that sounds like a pile of sh*t to me! :ROFL:
Hope you've been doing well out there. :Wink:

I always love reading your report Arthur....I haven't checked in in over a year and the very first report I read is yours....
Glad to see you back on the board. :Cool: Got your email, thanks for reaching out to me buddy. :Wink:

Nice Hali Arthur. Looks like a fun day! Happy Birthday Marc! Pay attention in class! lol
Thanks John, nice running into you in the surf a couple of days ago. :Cool:

awesome report as always, and i love the sc phoenix stick. good job on the hali
Thanks man, yeah that custom Phenix Calico stick was pretty nice. :Envious:

Beautiful fish Arthur! Sorry I got your invite too late, still getting settled in at the new place...I'm on Fnn on my iPhone :LOL:

looks like another great birthday adventure and SWAT outting, keep up the good work fellas!!!

Hurry up and get settled Andrew, so you can get back out there with us again. :Wink:

Another kick *** adventure Art, nice to see you and Phuong and Bob today at Castaic.
Thanks Vincent, cool hanging with you guys last weekend. :Cool:

Great report, Great pics. Yeah, I wish I would have been there. (sigh, jealouse ) Nice halibut guys. Looks like a lot fun.
Yeah, we had a blast... :Big Grin:

Arthur, it was great surf fishing with you again, and finally becoming a full SWAT member. Even though I got the stripe and farmed some fish, the joking around and camaraderie more than made up for it. I still can't get over your Wingnut senses, and you definitely are one lucky dude. It was great watching Mike and Dad rush to start fishing once that flatty hit the sand. Poseidon definitely was apologizing a bit for what he put you through earlier, but I think he still owes you a bit more.

I appreciate the advice and well wishes too, and will definitely be sure to keep my GPA up. Like you mentioned, there will always be another party.

As for the WHY?!?!!, I'm still trying to figure it out myself... but so far it's been crushing my efforts.


It's always good to hit the surf with you man, and thanks again for chilling with my dad. He always enjoys talking with you guys, and I definitely think you and Arthur will see him without me for a few future missions. That action shot came out great. I was retreating so I missed it, but Nat Geo cameraman bones came through. Even though you had a rough recon session, you still managed to pull through with a solid shorty that was bigger than the fish I caught. :LOL:

Thanks for the encouragement, and I'll be sure to keep your advice in mind man. Also, thanks for the use of your game clip!

Now for my images:

Wingnut feeding families.


Thanks again for the fish Arthur, everybody enjoyed it and my mom and grandma are very grateful. I even got the cheek meat.


Accident coming home on PCH. This happened a few minutes before we got there as the people were just getting out of the car and there weren't any emergency vehicles anywhere. Everybody was standing around though, so at least nobody was seriously hurt.
Marc, I have no doubt that you will make all the right decisions. You have a good head on your shoulders and your parents have done an exceptional job raising you. :Big Grin:
Enjoy college life young man, it will change you more than you know... :Wink:

Another successful "S.W.A.T. Mission"

I was thinking of how I would rather be out there with you guys on Saturday Morning while I was suffering in the 100+ heat at 0930 in the morning doing physical training with my crew!

Great to see Marc and his Dad back out for another mission!

Congrats on the landings of the flatties! The one will be used wisely as it was destined to become chum with that nasty looking tail! :cry:

Till we meet again! :HB:

"Safety First Guys" Fishing alone will delay the help only if there are witnesses to your misfortune!
We missed having you out there my friend. But, you always have your priorities straight. :Cool: Looking forward to hitting the sand with you soon. :Wink:

That is one nice flatty, good eats and great job to all the swat guys.
That picture of the water crashing over you is awesome.
Mike took a perfect pic... just before I was completely drenched by Poseidon. :LOL:

The tail looks like that because of mating.....the hali's bite each other on the tail to stimulate spawning. As we have been comenting on the egg sacks in the fish lately, this is why. Senor wingnut is a very lucky fisherman!
Good to know Mikey... Red tail = Halibut in heat. :Wink:
You know what they say, I'd rather be lucky than good... :LOL:

Hey Art, thanks for coming over to the BBQ at Castaic today and hanging out with us for a bit. It was nice to see Phuong and Uncle Bob again. :Big Grin: You guys did pretty well out there today, i only got one striper. :Sad:
Great job in the surf and once again you proved when luck and skill meet, expect great results. Thanks a for another great report, keep up the nice work SWAT crew. :Cool:
Thank bro, we had a great time hanging out with the gang last weekend. The BBQ was awesome! See ya soon. :Cool:

Very nice fish Arthur!
Looks like you guys were having a nice day out at the beach.
Lunch looked pretty good also!
Every day out on the beach is a nice day Robert. :Wink: And if we catch something... even better. :Big Grin:

Pretty much looked like a perfect day boyz. Nice company, good fishing, great food, can't beat that. We had such a day yesterday at castaic with T/O didn't we Art? :Cool:
Congrats on the nice Halibut, and Exfactor is right, you always seem to come thru in the toughest conditions. :Envious:

Marc, happy belated birthday and good luck at USC. :Big Grin: Arthur is right, college life can be very distracting, but enjoy the fun in moderation and keep your eyes on the goal. Arthur is a very good example of that philosophy. Let me share with you something from my college years at USC with Wingnut. When some of us were constantly skipping class, chasing tails and getting drunk at the frat parties, Arthur was studying and hitting the books. I lost count of how many times I came home from and find him in the dorm room passed out in front of the computer or on top of a stack of books. We were in the same fraternity, Phi Kappa Tau and Wingnut (his college nickname) did his share of partying but always had his priorities straight. A mutual friend asked Arthur once why he bother trying so hard and his reply was that if his parents worked so hard to save money to send him to college, the least that he could do for them is try. You need to sacrifice a little now, and get alot back later he would tell us, and he was right. Those who took his advice and followed his lead found themselves successful in their post college life. Those who didn't? Well, let's just say some of them wished they could do it all over again. Arthur and I came from a third world country and it sometimes bothers us to see how spoiled and ungrateful the kids that live in this country behaves. They don't know how good they have it here and the opportunities given to them to succeed only if they are responsible enough to take it. You seem like a fine young man Marc, and I'm sure you appreciate what your parents have done for you and take advantage of this wonderful opportunity given to you. Fight on! :Cool:
Thanks Phuong... wise words. We go back a long way don't we my friend? :Cool:
Most people don't know that our Mothers' were childhood friends in Vietnam. :Big Grin:

09-13-2010, 04:14 PM

Thanks for the birthday and USC well wishes! USC hasn't changed much from your description, and, considering that I live in one of the more party oriented dorms, I have several friends who are already ditching classes or making all around dumb moves. However, I am not one of them, and plan to take both you and Arthur's advice on studying hard and doing well here. I am having an awesome time, but am definitely not going to let it interfere with my studies. Seeing the success that hard work and sacrificing a bit up front for the long term brings makes denying the short term fun easier to deny when exams and classes call.

I agree that many kids here take too much for granted, and don't realize that they're spending their parents money and not their own. There's a problem when college kids are wearing several thousand dollars worth of clothes/accessories and driving a blacked out Porsche 911 Turbo. It makes me wonder what will happen to them once they have to work. All I know is that I plan to achieve some of that on my own.

I definitely am very grateful for my parents' support as it is what has allowed me to be here, so I will not let them down by making a poor choice. It's also nice to hear what my my parents have been hammering into my head for years from somebody else, and glad to hear that I've made a good impression.

Hope to fish with you soon and fight on!


Arthur and Mike, thank you both once again for another fun outing in the surf along with the after fishing food and discussions. The fishing definitely could have been better, but I enjoyed myself regardless. It's always nice to feel the sand and water on your feet... even if it's kind of cold and the conditions weren't that great. We'll destroy the halibut next time, and I am looking forward to the next trip whenever it may be!

Arthur, as always the advice you give is solid, and thanks for giving me a taste of what it's like to be post-USC along with everything else you've done. :Wink: It'll take some work to get there, but I think I've got the drive and opportunities to make it happen. I'll definitely keep you posted about what's going on, and hope you and Dad can hit the surf some time. He likes talking with you, and I'm looking forward to seeing some reports with you guys when I'm in college.

Mike, I definitely appreciate all the advice you've given me, and will put it to good use when the time is right. :Wink: Thanks for spending time with Dad since he enjoys your company, and you'll definitely be hearing from him as the fall bite picks up. Just don't talk too much crap about me behind my back! :LOL: Glad you're healing up well, and I am looking forward to our next surf session.
Make us proud Marc... I KNOW that you will. :Big Grin:

Thanks Bob, I think we're overdue for another Lake San Antonio Striper Kill. :Wink: :Twisted:

Interesting Info there Mikey! Does this behavior only only go on way? Male bites tail of a prospective mate! Or does it go both ways and would be an easy way to tell that it is a female that should be released for the future!
Good question Steve. :Cool: Also, is it true that a "Male" Halibut rarely gets bigger than legal size? :Shocked: I've heard that most of the larger units past legal size are females. :Wink:

As always it looks like you guys had some good times. With the bite being as tough as it has been lately a 28" fish is a great accomplishment. Well done Arthur. Sorry to hear the bite was tough on Monday. I was trying to make it out to fish with you guys on Monday morning but my request for the beach pass was denied =( Oh well Still keeping fingers crossed for a stellar fall bite.

The 28" Flattie was a nice surprise Jerry. She was hanging out in a trough no farther than 10 yards in front of me. Had a great time fishing with ya on Saturday buddy and hope we can do it again soon. :Big Grin:

Is that where the term ' CHASING TAIL ' comes from ?

Maybe... lol

Nice report, nice boat and super nice deuce coupe! You guys always have fun!

Well said Phuong. :Applause:
For the record, i was one of those that didn't listen to Wingnut's advice. :LOL:
And yet you turned out just fine Binh. LOL :Big Grin: You are the exception to the rule bro. :Wink:


Hey Mike, to catch this Halibutt, all you need is to stick a $100 bill to your LC. Cast it out on the sand with a slow and steady retrieve. You will have a massive bendo in no time. :ROFL:
Please practice "Catch & Release" on these Halibutt! :Big Smile:

WOW looks like great fun really good report.
Thanks man. :Cool: