View Full Version : Question on broke off fish...

09-01-2010, 10:26 PM
As far as I know, fish that snap lines and have a hook in their mouth probably hide for a while. But, they eventually start biting again to survive. Even those that are caught and released probably hide for a while. Anyone have stories or know facts abThanks.out how fish react the next few hours or days after being caught?
I bring this question up for 2 reasons. I once had to catch a bed fish twice, because she broke me off the first time. I actually caught her again right away and got both hooks out. (I know...some people don't like bed fishing, another subject.) My real point is how many people catch the same fish twice in the same area the same day? I haven't had it happen to me. I have caught fish that have been caught before, but not by me the same day. This could happen more regularly on a small lake, and less on a big lake with more fish. Just curious to hear some thoughts. Thanks.

09-01-2010, 10:44 PM
Flathead fishing on the Palo verde once I had a big flat break me off as it took me in the snags around 9pm. 1am later that night my buddy Todd gets a run and its a big flat at 55 pounds. After we get it in and unhook it we notice that my leader and hook is also in its mouth. Both hooks were big kahles 10/0 hooks. This fish ate 4 hrs later on another fat tilapia.

Also years ago at Irvine lake I had a big blue spit hook at a spot I casted too. After being upset I threw right back at same spot 1 minute later and 5 minutes went by and I was struck again this time getting it in at 46 pounds. Im guessing that one was the same fish.

09-02-2010, 07:52 AM
Yes, I think it happens more than we think. Occasionally you come across a fish with some distinctive marking or injury that makes it possible to know you have caught it before. I usually keep up with the weight of my top five when bass fishing. I once caught the same 5+ fish three times the same morning and had to wonder if I should count it three separate times.

09-02-2010, 08:04 AM
Wow ! nice
I have never caught the same fish twice

I released a nice largemouth one day
and my daughter hooked a fish that looked a lot like the one I caught
we took pics and when we saw them, it was a diferent fish
the pattern was close.

Striped bass gets spooked and goes deep
some say they die days later
I wish I could get a tag or something so I can id a released fish

Nessie Hunter
09-02-2010, 08:14 AM
Years ago at Hesperia Lake (back when it was fish-able!!!) I always get the C&R tag, and one day I caught the same trout 3 times in a row, about 5 min apart each time.
It had a gold trebble hook in its mouth, same spot. (so had been caught recently by others also).
I finally got the chance to take the hook out, dont know if I caught that one again, it was way to WFO to look very close...

This year at Silverwood while Tubing, I caught a Bass that had a hook, worm (plastic) & sinker & 8" of line in its mouth.
Hmmm??? A bass boat near by with 2 guys on it, so I asked if they had just got one here (where I was at, 50' away) They said yes and it broke them off - never saw it..
But they identified the worm color/type and weight type etc.
It was the same fish/bass 10 minutes later in the same spot...

So, IMHO, they got right back to eating.......


09-02-2010, 08:41 AM
I have caught the same fish over and over at Hesperia too...^^^^

A fish was missing his eye and his gill plate was jacked from a Kormoran. I caught that SOB 4 or 5 times that day and landed over a 150 trout in about 4 hours. I really miss that lake being the quality lake it used to be. Too bad really..

09-03-2010, 09:45 AM
While fishing the side of trout island near the fence at Irvine there was a guy about 50' away from me using a gold Kastmaster nailing quite a few trout. I heard him cussing and upset because a fish snapped his line and he lost his lure. About 30 min later I hooked in to a nice trout with a nice new gold Kastmaster! A fish and tackle too!!!

09-03-2010, 02:36 PM
I don't know about fish not during a spawn but when you're fishing a bedding bass, you can catch him over and over and over. I've seen it. Just go to any park that has clear water during spawn. You'll see a bedding bass get caught and release time after time......

09-03-2010, 02:45 PM
fishing with my uncle and my friend ozzy for trout in glen helen my uncle hooks up to a huge trout he doesnt know how to fish 8 pound test so he tries to just man handle it in got it to shore and snap i wasnt there at the time to coach = (=(... 5 minz later ozzie hooks up to the same trout got the hook back and everything lol... 8 pound trout last season

09-03-2010, 03:03 PM
when i was around 8 or 9 some older fellow was fishing on the boat for sandbass at the time and he got bit ripped the rod right out of his hands my next drop down i hook up to his rod and fish gave the rod back to the guy and he stil reeled in a nice 4-5 pound sandbass doesnt really count i guess but the rod bit = D

09-03-2010, 03:30 PM
I've caught LMB that had old hooks in them at Castaic. The hooks were almost gone and the wounds were OK. I've caught lots of them that were all scared up from being caught lots of times.

I hooked a LMB there one time, it came up jumped and broke the line. My buddy changed colors to match what I was using, cast to the same spot and hooked up. When He went to unhook it he asked "What kind of hook were you using?". My hook was in the back of the throat. It actually had the throat sewn shut. It was a good thing for the fish that it was caught again. We removed both hooks and released it.

09-05-2010, 03:20 PM
I got broken off at silver lake in june lakes loop one time. While reriggin that rod my other rod got a slammed. I brought in a nice little brown about 10-11" and he had a brand new red gamakatsu egg hook in his lip. I would bet the farm that his was the same fish that just broke me off. The two rods were floating night crawlers just off the bottom about 50' apart. I was happy to get my hook back. :-)