View Full Version : freelance july 23 pics

07-23-2007, 11:07 PM
so the boat takes off to san onofree just like every other boat haha. well we get the at about 945 and just pulling up san sandies nothing special and the captin desides to take off to the barracuda spot and the place is full of them. it was a little more south and closer to shore. it seemed like ever cast the sardine was just getting demolished. caught a lot i dont ever remember how many hah. but we ended up keeping 9 and one almost had the jackpot. there were a lot of bass beng brought up in that same spot too. we saw a couple yello tail chasing bait but couldnt get them to bite. then after a cuople hours there the captin wanted some bass so we went to a different spot and this place was a good spot for bass. the calicos were boiling all over the place and even some sandies. i ended up catching about 6 calicos and 3 ssandies and my gf caught 5 calicos and 2 sANdies but they were all to small. only kept one sAND and 2 calis.. but over all had a awesome trip and it was my girl friends first party boat and the look on her face when she first hooked up with a big barry was awesome. the crew was good but i lost a lot of fish because i was waiting for a gaff.
here are some pics.






07-23-2007, 11:17 PM
Nice going on the Slim Sticks . Great bring ur gurl for the first time on the MOO Moo. Hope there is more to come ;)

servant joe
07-24-2007, 07:24 AM
Hello Brad,
Glad to hear from you. Did I tell you that you will catch a biggest fish? Haha. I am glad that you have fun on the boat. I can't wait to go on one of them; but I get seasick. Rocking too much will kill me before I get a fish.
Yeah, the faces of our beloved people look so happy when they catch their first fish. My kids are the same. When my daughter caught her first ever calico bass at Dana Point jetty. She was so excited that she couldn't reel up the fish. When she saw her fish for the first time out the water, she jumped for joy and yelled so loud that she got a fish. Those memories will not ever fade away in my memory.
I am thinking of getting them up to BBL this Saturday fishing for bluegills. If I know that I go for sure, I will let you know. Maybe you and I can meet up there.
God bless you my friend,
I am at school right now. Come to school around 6:30 a.m. to get the class ready. My school is in Rialto. Hopefully not that far from where you live. Fish on and pray hard. :thumb:

ghetto dad
07-24-2007, 08:10 PM
nice going bro!! your girl ruined that pic with the towel cover up....lol....just messin man!! great job!!

07-24-2007, 08:17 PM
LOL yeah tell her to lose the towel man~!

07-24-2007, 08:18 PM
and the guy with the red hat... where's his hand? is he pulling the old "no look manuver"?

ghetto dad
07-24-2007, 08:20 PM
and the guy with the red hat... where's his hand? is he pulling the old "no look manuver"?


07-24-2007, 11:31 PM
ya ya ya i know abouth the towel i tried to make her loose it but what ev. haha.

the no looker haha niceeeeeeeeee he better not of been or else he would be cut up on the shark boat later that night haha.

07-25-2007, 08:41 PM
Hi christainmetalhead909,

Great report and pics. Thanks for the positive input. Waiting for a gaff! Yes .... when things are hot and heavy. If you don't know how, You might want to learn how to 'bounce' a cuda over the rail if it was allowed. I'm sure some of the guys were doing it! Simple once one gets the nack!

ALSO .... there is a simple way to calculate gaff-time. It's different with every species of frisky~er fishy. Again .... you probably know all the below.

Cuda- For an expected hot bite on a typical moo-moo ... one gaffer per 15~20 anglers should be about right. If you had 45~60 guys you should have 2 veteran gaffers and a junior deck or 2 1/2 guys!! Of course, skippers work the deck sometimes too.

If the chum rate must be maintained .... you lose one gaffer intermittenly but the above ratio works pretty good.

For newer moo-moo anglers:
(not directed at you 909 as you are experienced. You were not complaining.)
With a couple guys gaffing, It's a good idea to make it easy for the deck to stick the fish if you're not bouncing it. Keep the fish in front of you .... or stay in front of your fish!! When you see fishy's color (depends but say 15~20 feet down) ... say something like 'there he is' or 'fish' .... and don't be afraid to yell it out to alert a deck! They ARE listening!!

With fishy getting closer .... yell gaff and put yourself against the rail. The deck will judge the best angle to gaff the fish if you stay still and keep your rod movement to a minimum.

Advanced ..... While not lifting fishys' head out of the water .... it is possible to lead the cuda so that it lays out flat in the water making a large target for the gaffer. Once the gaff is in the fish and being lifted out of the water, put your reel in free-spool. Don't get so excited you forget this important simple thing.

It is also possible to trick the fish into stopping its' thrashing by not putting excess pressure on the fish as it is nears the surface, next to the boat, a crucial 4 or 5 seconds which is enough for the deck to put a gaff in it!

It's pretty important to inspire confidence in the gaffer that you know what you're doing by actions ..... after all ..... the deck makes his money by putting fish from the water to the deck to your bag to the cutting board!

Great job on all those slime-sticks!!


07-26-2007, 08:19 AM

i do know how to bounce a berry over but with the first two that a caught i tried that and my line broke. i fish with very light line. i believe a had 12 pound test on that day.

07-26-2007, 09:26 PM
You might want to learn how to 'bounce' a cuda over the rail

To perfect this technique with barracuda is an art form; those head shakes will break you off more often then not.

Your advice for the gaffer is right on, however-present them with your catch, head still in the water, and let them do their job.......easy, easy, careful, -JAB!! Slimestick on board!!! :D

07-26-2007, 09:47 PM
I still think that guys pulling the no looker...

07-26-2007, 10:11 PM
lol the no looker man i almost cried i was laughing so hard when you said that the first time.

07-26-2007, 10:31 PM
hey dude, Funjunkie and I are going on a twilight trip outta davey's on friday night and a 3/4 day outta daveys with goofy on sunday. Can you... (or rather your girlfriend) make it? LOL

07-26-2007, 10:35 PM
man i would love to go, but i have work. dang there is nothing i hate more than turning fishing down.

07-26-2007, 10:35 PM
ouchhh.. dude, my wife just slapped my arm b'cuz she saw that last post. After I replied it says... "view your post now" or "return to message board". If you don't press anything, apparently it goes directly to "view your post now" and I got a bruised arm now.

07-27-2007, 02:04 PM
haha i didnt even get that until now when i looked at it agian. haha. nice one. and NO, SHE CANT GO HAHA. good luck though.