View Full Version : lake gregory

08-01-2010, 05:40 PM
thinking about hitting up lake gregory, any clue how it is this time of year. im trying to find a place to catch trout and i dont wanna drive far away. i hear they plant there every week. any idvice will be helpful.

08-02-2010, 09:39 PM
Kingfish, I used to fish Lake Gregory all the time, great trout bite. I haven't been for a while now, but have been thinking about cruising up there in the near future to do a little Bassin. Last time there it was all about the Power Bait, green, white, and rainbow, fish off of the other side where the big parking area is across from the beach and cast directly to the center, at least thats where the trout were the last time I was up there. Good luck, hope that helps.

08-03-2010, 10:48 AM
I don't think they've had a plant for months now. The Carp are always there.

08-03-2010, 01:51 PM
Shore fishing can be a little challengin was there for only an hour or so on Saturday and it was tough to find a channel over by the baseball diamonds to work a lure. A lot of boats on the water and I think the shoreline over by the dam was a little less choked up with weeds. I'd tube it if you have a tube or rent a boat.

08-03-2010, 06:38 PM
We usually rent a boat and head over to the fountains opposite the boat house. Don't know if the oxygen is higher there because of the spray, but the trout love the place. I'd say we anchor 20-30 yards from the fountain shore side.

Use half a night crawler, hooked through the tip and threaded down to cover the shank of the hook. A tiny split shot and sometimes, just fly-lined. The boathouse has nice chunky crawlers for.. I think $3 a dozen. With worms, instead of Power Bait, you'll not only catch trout, but crappie (small, but fun with a micro set-up), brown bullheads and sunfish. Last summer, my son caught a four pound sucker. That was a fun time because we had no idea what it was and it pretty much did what it wanted to for fifteen minutes on his ultra-light set-up.

That's the first place I go with the kids 'cause we've never been skunked there. In the summer, the mist keeps you cool. Getting there with float tubes is easy as well.

I also have had good luck on the opposite end of the lake by the dam trolling in the channel, but first thing in the morning... maybe 5--90 feet of water. Use gold or silver kastmasters, Thomas Boyants, or other such "spoons."

Good Luck and that's a beautiful lake.