View Full Version : Carp a Plenty Huntington Central Park

07-22-2010, 08:31 PM
Huntington Central Park apprently had a die off recently and there were lots of dead bass, but the small carp survived.
I took my daughter (6yo) there and caught a bunch of small carp on bits of night crawlers under a bobber.

We caught one on every cast they were all small 3-5", but there are bigger one's in there.
Leave them on the bank for the raccoons, coyotes and possums to eat.

07-23-2010, 12:48 AM
Huntington Central Park apprently had a die off recently and there were lots of dead bass, but the small carp survived.
I took my daughter (6yo) there and caught a bunch of small carp on bits of night crawlers under a bobber.

We caught one on every cast they were all small 3-5", but there are bigger one's in there.
Leave them on the bank for the raccoons, coyotes and possums to eat.

dude you don't need to do that. theres barely any kinda fish in there for regulars to taget..goodtimes with the kid tho, did you let her reel in?

07-23-2010, 01:44 AM
the last thing anyone should be doing is encouraging raccoons and coyotes to hang around parks...

Kinda weird for that area to suffer a die-off.. Seems suspicious to me.

07-23-2010, 01:13 PM
the last thing anyone should be doing is encouraging raccoons and coyotes to hang around parks...

Kinda weird for that area to suffer a die-off.. Seems suspicious to me.

Yeah she reeled them in. Like I need to encourage them. There are raccoons and coyotes all over the area. You ever see a dead fish floating in the lake?

I live nearby by you should see the size of the raccoons. They look like small dogs.

I am really bummed what has happened to this lake. I caught my first LMB there and fished it all the time as a kid growing up.

07-23-2010, 03:11 PM
Yeah she reeled them in. Like I need to encourage them. There are raccoons and coyotes all over the area. You ever see a dead fish floating in the lake?

I live nearby by you should see the size of the raccoons. They look like small dogs.

I am really bummed what has happened to this lake. I caught my first LMB there and fished it all the time as a kid growing up.Heh the coons and skunks in my area are massive too. Kinda scary, since anaheim is a Red-zone for skunk rabies. O_O

Ive seen some nice bass pushing 7 lbs floating in lakes.. sad =(