View Full Version : DVL..Last Thursday (the day of the Fire)

Pete Marino
07-19-2010, 09:47 AM
Brett and Larry wanted to hit up DVL with me so I met them at the lake last Thursday.
We knew it was gonna be a scorcher so we were all in line nice and early with hopes of taking advantage of the cooler air and getting into some topwater action before it got too hot.
So we launch the boat and head to our first spot.
We worked the first spot pretty thoroughly for No Love from the bass . We were fishing reaction baits and topwaters. So after about 25 mintues we head to our next spot..
As we are pulling in to the area I see the bass busting bait in the back of the cove.. Yaaa Hoooo Its gonna be a blood bath!! :Big Grin: We cruise in slowly and start making casts.. Within a few casts the first bass hits the deck of the boat..a SOLID 3 lb DVL smallmouth!! That was a crank fish.. Then there are a few missed chances on the topwater and then Larry hooks up on another reaction bait. This bass pulled about 20 yards of line and its a good one. Then it comes up and spits the bait into the air...:mad::mad::mad:Noooooooooo....hahahahaha thats the way it goes sometimes..
So we keep fishing and get a couple on topwater and one on a spoon.
Then the bite stops as the sun comes over the hill. :Sad:
Oh well I said...time to go finesse fishing!!! So we went and wormed and started catching fish right away the rest of the day. The bite was good but it was Hotter than Africa out there with little wind..
Then about 12:30 I heard a noise of busting fish in the distance so I put the troller on high and finally caught up to the action. The Striper were boiling like crazy.. Literally hundreds of Stripers were feeding on the surface so I asked the guys if they wanted to fish for them and They said.."Heck yes!!!"
So for the next hour we SLAYED the Stripers on Topwater.

At about 1:30 the action finally slowed down a little and the guys finally were too hot and had enough and decided to call it a day.
Over 20 bass were caught and about 15-18 Striper were boated... The biggest bass of the day was 4 1/2 lbs.
The Guys had a BLAST!!!

Here are a couple pics...

Nice job guys...


(909) 510-5679

07-19-2010, 10:09 AM
Sounds like a good day out there!

I'm making a trip out there this week so it's good to see that the fish are biting!

07-19-2010, 11:02 AM
congrats to you guys, way to slay Pete thanks for the report.

Pete Marino
07-21-2010, 09:37 AM
Thanks Guys!!

The bite is really good out there if you know where to look. That topwater action is really exciting....I look forward to this time of year...

Thnaks again..


07-21-2010, 04:30 PM
Thanks for the good report Pete!