View Full Version : Hesperia Lake??

07-13-2010, 10:45 AM
anyone fished hre recently or at all??? if so how is the water quality type of fish avg siz any good spot?? any info is much appreciated ty in advance

07-14-2010, 09:14 AM
i went there last sunday w/ my pops and we only caught 4....frm wat we heared we had caught the most that day.....

07-15-2010, 02:19 AM
u should ask the one armed hispanic dude who kills it at hesperia haha. i literally watched him hit up like 7 cats in like 2 hours with just one arm. it was wild but awesome sight to see. i was there last monday got my limit.

07-15-2010, 01:19 PM
The conditions seem to be ok and all. The water is getting warm and the cats do not seem to bite till dark. Leaving a small window to whack the fish. This season vs others i have found the cats to be closer to shore. Than the years in the past where you need some casting distance. For some reason a worm with a marshmallow seems to be working better than mackerel or shrimp baits. Mondays are 10 bucks good luck getting a good spot.


07-28-2010, 08:00 AM
I've been to this lake six time over the last month and a half or so. The first time I walked away with a 15" Striper and nothing else. From what I saw I was the only one to catch anything during that morning session (6am-5pm). The second and third times were skunks and my 4th and 5th trip I walked away with two cats and then a single catfish. My most recent trip on 24 July 10 was a skunk. I've heard of various baits being effective and the most common seem to be anchovies/mackeral/M&M combo. They say they stock the lake with roughly 2k pounds a week but to be honest with that many fish going in each week I've only seen a handful of people hit their 5 limit!

I've never encountered any problems with other people fishing, most are polite and courteous and will carry on a conversation and give you advice if you ask. The facilities and staff have always been polite and helpful.

Hesperia lake isn't a bad place to go in my opinion, but for $15 a pop it can get expensive when you hit a few skunk trips. Silverwood is nearby but kind of a pain in the rear to shore fish due to the thick growth of algae along the shore. I haven't tried Mojave Narrows or Jess Ranch yet. I believe both those places are roughly $17+ to fish....

Give Hesperia lake a try sometimes its hot, sometimes it's not. Make sure you take the above mentioned for bait, try a few to see what they are biting on and make sure you take a rod or two that you can cast a good 200+ feet with to hit the 'center' of the lake.

07-28-2010, 09:34 AM
Was out for a walk yesterday afternoon, saw cats, small sturgeon and a wiper come out. Water quality is never going to improve dramatically until it's dredged or more pumps installed.

07-28-2010, 08:21 PM
There are no stipers in Hesperia Lake those are Wipers striper white bass mix a hybrid

I've been to this lake six time over the last month and a half or so. The first time I walked away with a 15" Striper and nothing else. From what I saw I was the only one to catch anything during that morning session (6am-5pm). The second and third times were skunks and my 4th and 5th trip I walked away with two cats and then a single catfish. My most recent trip on 24 July 10 was a skunk. I've heard of various baits being effective and the most common seem to be anchovies/mackeral/M&M combo. They say they stock the lake with roughly 2k pounds a week but to be honest with that many fish going in each week I've only seen a handful of people hit their 5 limit!

I've never encountered any problems with other people fishing, most are polite and courteous and will carry on a conversation and give you advice if you ask. The facilities and staff have always been polite and helpful.

Hesperia lake isn't a bad place to go in my opinion, but for $15 a pop it can get expensive when you hit a few skunk trips. Silverwood is nearby but kind of a pain in the rear to shore fish due to the thick growth of algae along the shore. I haven't tried Mojave Narrows or Jess Ranch yet. I believe both those places are roughly $17+ to fish....

Give Hesperia lake a try sometimes its hot, sometimes it's not. Make sure you take the above mentioned for bait, try a few to see what they are biting on and make sure you take a rod or two that you can cast a good 200+ feet with to hit the 'center' of the lake.