View Full Version : 07/10

07-12-2010, 01:03 PM
Got on the lake around 9 and decided to troll the dam for trout with no luck. We decided to move to the flat around 1 PM and achor for some catfish. It was around 130 when something strike my surf rod hard but it didn't stick... I thought it was a hit and a miss on a catfish and decided to leave the rod alone. 20 seconds later, the reel started to screm again! I grab the rod and I can feel the fish yanking my line like a shark running all over the place and finally into the damn bush! :Soap Box: I tried moving all around the boat seeing if I can angle it out but it wouldn't budge! It felt like such a big fish that I cannot even think about cutting the line. I told my friend to start pulling in the achors and get our *** over there. I want that fish! We navigate the boat around the bushes and finally got the line loose and guess what...it wasn't a catfish! It's a wiper!!! :Dancing Banana: It's my first wiper and it's about 2.5 - 3 lbs but it fought like a monster (I'll try to get the picture uploaded when I figure how to...my first post)! By the end of the day, we ended up hooking 5 wipers and 6 catfish. All wipers were released. I got to say though, these wipers are smart. They would hit hard and run to the nearest structure and wrap itself around it. I couldn't ask for a better day of fishing.
