View Full Version : 07-10 Shore Fishing

07-10-2010, 09:12 PM
I had a free day and decided to hit up DVL, since I was by myself I tried shore fishing for the first time. I was targeting bass, and packed as light as possible so I could cover ground.

I made it through the gate and onto the trail by 6:30 a.m. I started out west of the boat ramp, and worked the shore about as far as is allowed. The water level is still coming up, so there is a lot of submerged brush right on the shore. It is a little difficult to find an open lane to fish in many areas.

I tried topwater early, but didn't have any luck. There was no overcast this morning, and I didn't see much surface activity. Due to all the submerged brush, I went with T-rigged roboworms.

My first fish came around 7:30, I had him up close to shore and he wrapped some sticks about 6 feet from shore. I could see him, he wasn't very big, but he finally managed to snap my 4# test.

A little later I caught my best fish of the day, he probably went around 2#. I caught one more, then decided to move. I hiked back to the parking lot, replenished my water supply and headed toward the east dam. I went down a steep slope east of the boat ramp, it was pretty treacherous. Didn't see any snakes, but it is definitely ideal snake habitat.

When I got to the bottom, I worked the shore and caught two more small bass by 11:00 am. I kept fishing, working my way along the shore but didn't get any more. I did hook what felt like a decent fish, but he wrapped me up way off shore, I never saw him.

It was hot today. The wind came up in the afternoon, which made it bearable. But by 3:00, I had had enough and decided to call it quits. By the time I made it up the hill to the parking lot, I was pretty beat. Overall, a pretty decent day.

07-11-2010, 08:25 AM
Good job....I wanna shore fish that place one day. I hear people catching lots of fish from the shore.

07-11-2010, 03:17 PM
Good job....I wanna shore fish that place one day. I hear people catching lots of fish from the shore.

I fish the shores at DVL all the time, but in the Summer, it is really hard because of weather (heat), nature (rattlesnakes), and weeds (brush on shorelines). However, it is the best place to catch fish out of all the Lakes in Cailfornia and cheapest at only $10!

Every time I go, I land quality fish from the shore.

Bent rods for life,