View Full Version : Forever Fisherman 57 ...... Share your stories and experiences with our Legend.

07-09-2010, 11:34 AM
I received a very special text last night from Donna ......
"That is my favorite verse that you posted"

‎"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying; and there shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." Then He who sat on the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new." And He said to me, "Write, for these words are true and faithful." I believe it!

I ask you all to "Write, for these words are true and faithful".
This thread is dedicated to Dana & Donna with all the wonderful, special or funny moments you've experienced with Team 57 and the influential way Fisherman57 touched our lives personally or with the hobby of fishing.

*What stood out to me the most is how Dana would walk the shore at every event to personally greet each and every one of us, and to take our pictures. He worked so hard to get those great prizes donated so everyone could walk away from a Team 57 event with something. It was rare that Dana actually got to fish at our events because he was so focused on it being the best event to date.
*From the Sierras, to the sea, throughout SoCal........ Dana introduced my family and me to the joys of fishing in the surf; he couldn't pull me out of the water at my very first "Bendo at Bolsa" event, once he coached me on catching surf perch. I was able to attend the last two Parcher's events and experienced the most memorable Father's day my family and Team 57 in the Sierras.
*His ability to bring together such a diverse group of men, women and children to share a common bond of having fun and fishing. Due to his immense spirit , it came to be that I've meet such special friends like Santa Fe Eric, Pontoon, Sansou, Bullets & Tater, OFG, Bendo, Drestyle, rcfb73, Granny & Grandpa Fish, TroutDog, Wingnut and so many, many more.......

07-09-2010, 12:06 PM
I started fishing the November of 2006 after going out on a dare with some guy friends. I fell in love with it straight away, and for Christmas that year I was given a rod and reel as a gift. I started going out to SARL occassionally on my own, and people were always willing to lend a hand to help the newbie fishergirl.
In April 2007, I wanted to meet more people who enjoyed fishing, and stumbled upon FNN. I'll never forget my first post was entitled "Virgin Fishbitch!" and from there I met a lot of new friends and people who were willing to help me out.

After about 6 months of fishing, I still hadn't caught anything. One day, a few of us were out fishing West Shore at Irvine Lake - TM65, OFG, Castaway, XtranzMan, and Dana unexpectedly showed up. However, I knew he was going to be there - he'd pm'd me the night before to say "shhh, but I'm coming down and I'll bring you first Team57 t-shirt".

As we're all talking and laughing on the Shore, Chris suddenly yells "Hey, who's is that pole that's going off?" and it turns out it was my pole!! Yay! What a laugh it was reeling that thing in - I had everybody shouting at me what to do, but finally got it in the net.

First time I'd met Dana, and the first time I'd caught a fish. He often brought up that day.


Here's something I shared with my friends on Facebook before Legends III last year and just goes to show how big Dana's heart truly was:
I am a member of Team57, aka fishingnetwork.net. Now, read on before you think this i a boring "I caught a big fish and it got away" story.

Today, the guy that runs the website sent me a private message:

"Hey, this might be a stupid question, but I was talking to a friend in the UK last night who was talking about his friend who had passed away, and her daughter lives in California and loves to fish. This is just too much of a coincidence, but what was your moms name?"

Naturally I responded with mums name. We both agreed it was rather weird, but it turns out that the other lady's name was Denise.....

About 2 hours later, I got another PM from Dana, and it absolutely fricking blew me away. He basically said he had to tell a little white lie to get mums name out of me......and this is the reason why:


I spent most of the afternoon in tears, stunned and shocked that a fishing friend opted to include my mum in this. Nobody in my fishing team ever met my mum, and I feel blessed and special that she was included in this.

Love you mum, watch over us all at Legends III! :D

There's so many wonderful and cherished memories I have of him, and it's hard to write this in floods of tears. The weekend we all just spent in the Sierras, the two years trips before that, the laughs and loves at the Legends events, the 44's at Stubricks.....

You're going to be missed very much Dana, but I think you'd agree with this:

Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am in a thousand winds that blow,
I am the softly falling snow.
I am the gentle showers of rain,
I am the fields of ripening grain.
I am in the morning hush,
I am in the graceful rush
Of beautiful birds in circling flight,
I am the starshine of the night.
I am in the flowers that bloom,
I am in a quiet room.
I am in the birds that sing,
I am in each lovely thing.
Do not stand at my grave and cry,
I am not there. I do not die.

07-09-2010, 09:34 PM
"Brothers from different Mothers"


07-09-2010, 11:57 PM
The thing about Dana was how he allways had a smile on his face but it was more important to him to put a smile on someone else so go out tomorrow and try to put as many smiles on faces as you can it will put a smile on FISHERMAN57. RIP BROTHER

trail blazer
07-10-2010, 08:49 AM
I never met him in person,only through PM,s and posts,,,,Im sure he was a great person NO DOUBT!.

He left us a great part of his legacy=TEAM 57 and FNN,,Lets do everything we can to keep it the way he wanted it.

Thank you 57,,GOD SPEED!!


07-12-2010, 12:07 PM
man, what a bummer. I have never met Dana in person, but this site has brought a bunch of people together. FNN is one of the most positive and supportive resource for fishing i have ever seen. That alone is a pretty amazing legacy.

See Chris Fish
07-12-2010, 04:46 PM
I only had one time where I had Dana all to myself. It was when I just started with this website/Team 57.
I was in the Bass Pro Shop, in Rancho Cuc. I see this guy with a Team 57 shirt on, so I wander over and start talking to him. I'm telling him what a great group of guys the Team is and how much I've learned from the site already. We just talked like old friends, even though, I just met him for at least 30 minutes. At the very end he tells me who he is. I was blown away at his friendliness and willingness to help anyone.
I saw him many times after, but it was always at an event, so he was really busy.

I know only a few things: Heaven is a better place than it was a few days ago and that Dana will be missed.

You are still in my thoughts and prayers.

Big Daddy
07-13-2010, 01:22 AM

About the "Naming of Team 57"

First I would like to say I really miss our friend, but I too do have some great memories to help me get through this very tough time.

I want to share something that I have been thinking about for the last week or so. A few weeks ago when we were up at Parcher’s resort setting around a camp fire at Dana & Donna's cabin we were talking and Dana said the Question that he was asked the most was why the name "Team 57" and he said that it was just because he had to call it something and because when he raced stock car's his car was # 57. I had stated that I thought it was because we "Team 57" are all such a diverse kind of people where none of us were some kind of special breed but kind of a group of "Heinz 57 Muts" that only we could love each other because of this group called "Team 57". I still kind of think we are kind of muts but "I Like Muts".

Anyways back to my thought. I think I know the real meaning of the naming of "Team 57" Just my thought. The Word of God say's in Psalms 37:23 The steps of a [good] man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.

The way I see it. Dana was a GOOD man and the lord has ordered his foot steps through this whole process called life albeit , we all feel he has been taken from us much , much too soon. The lord is delighted in Dana's way which was to bring us together to be better people and to show love to everybody regardless of who they are, how much money the have, how the look, or how good of an orator they are or weather they would be able to ever give back to us or not. Bottom line Just be kind to everyone regardless. This is what my Friend "Fisherman 57", " Dana Big Heart Rea" mean's to me.

You see the lord has confirmed "Team 57" & "Fisherman 57" by allowing our Leader, Brother, Friend, and Fishing Buddy to be called Home at 5:57 to reside in that mansion that he has prepared for those that are prepared to meet him.

John 14:1-3
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.

In my Father's house are many mansions: if [it were] not [so], I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, [there] ye may be also.

I met Dana a while back and like most of you, if not all of you it started with him going to his rig after shaking my hand to get a "Team 57" shirt for me and my son. What a generous soul. I still have that first shirt it is tore up and stained but I love that shirt and even more now it really does mean a lot to me. You see my Friendship with the Big Samoan started right then & there, the same way it has with probably 1000's of others. I am a self -employed General Contractor and wear them Proudly & everywhere I go and when we were at parcher’s a few weeks ago I shared with Dana & Donna that I wore them so much that some of my clients had asked if they should just write the checks to "Team 57" Dana had laughed and Donna with out missing a beat said "Tell them yes" LOL.

When I was at Parcher’s a few weeks back Dana gave my son a Team 57 hat and a new style shirt and he gave me a new style shirt and wouldn’t’ let me give him anything for it.

The way this started for me was the way it has kind of ended. Dana generous in the beginning and generous to the end.

I loved this Guy not for what he gave me but for what he gave to other’s and what he stands for.

The last time I saw Dana was at Intake II as he was packing up to leave the lake. I gave Dana and Donna a Hug and Thanked him for being the Person that he was and for doing so much for all of us. I am so glad I was able to spend that week up there and most of all I am thankful that I was able to give him a Hug Good Bye. Little did I know?

R.I P. “Fisherman 57” and enjoy that Mansion my Friend you deserve it.

Big Daddy and Family

07-13-2010, 02:07 AM
Great memories everyone......:Big Grin:

07-13-2010, 08:39 AM
Perhaps not a definitive moment, but certainly a funny memory of Dana:

About a week before the Parchers event, Dana and Donna met up with Paula (my wife), Dawn (a friend) and I to watch a band play. Dana and I were watching the ladies dance when one particular top heavy drunk chick fell face forward while trying to dance provocatively for her boyfriend. Dana and I started to completely break up laughing. The girl's dancing partner gave us a wink and nod implying he was gonna "get lucky" that night. Undoubtedly a funny moment in the annals of men trying to score with the ladies.

Dana had a demented sense of humor. I will miss that.

07-13-2010, 10:41 AM
I had just joined Team 57 and chatted with Dana a few times before the SARL overnight event not too long ago. I happen to have misread the details of the event and we were there the day before (my wife only had saturday off since she works at a grocery store). From where we were at I saw Dana and Donna so my son and I went over there, it was a pleasure meeting both of them. I told him my mistake and he immediately got on his cell and called Mike I believe from SARL and said "hey I rarely ask for a favor but there's a new member here that came last night, think you can let him and his family hang out for a while after closing? Thanks." Dana looked like a million things were going thru his mind at the moment but he managed to have that smile on his face. Later on before anyone was let in I was getting a little harassed by one of the guys at SARL, I went over and spoke with Donna since Dana was talking to someone else, she told him what was up, he called the same guy I think and smoothed things over.

Right away I knew this man and his lovely wife were good people, I was looking forward to attending more events and even offered to bring my dish and receiver as long as someone brought a tv and generator, if a sporting event happen to be on during one of these events so that there wouldn't be a problem of getting all who attended into a building to watch it. Little did I realize the turn of events.

I only wish I could have meet with them more before, RIP everyone's friend.

As we Marines say to one another (even though I don't think he was a Marine)

Semper Fi! Always faithful.

07-20-2010, 10:42 PM
I couldn't beleive it when i first read the post. I've always been proud to wear the Team57 shirt he gave us a few years back when we all went on that moonlight fishing event. He was always helpful and nice. God will give brighter blessings for every kind deed Dana has given us. He'll always be a good memory to me. RIP

07-20-2010, 11:12 PM
Rest in peace

07-22-2010, 12:40 AM
Im speechless. Since I decided to go back to school, I havent had the time to get much fishing in, so I havent been here on FNN in a long time....only to come back and hear about Dana. I dont have any specific stories to tell, for Ive only met Dana a handful of times, but I can say that he was always a gentleman and never hesitated to help anyone. Ive always worn my Team 57 shirts with pride, but now it will have an even deeper meaning. My first time back to fishing will be tomorrow (Thursday) at Corona Del Mar, trying my hand at Surf Fishing for the first time in my life, and I would NEVER have considered it, if it werent for Dana.

My condolences go out to Donna and the rest of Danas family. It is obvious that Dana will be missed by many.


07-22-2010, 01:31 AM
RIP Fisherman 57!!

07-23-2010, 09:41 AM
I remember the Bendo at Bolsa event a few years back when we all got together and got to put faces to names. Dana was sure a hit, and he was a sure smile and handshake that could always break the ice.
prayers with you

Nick Lam

City Dad
07-23-2010, 11:09 AM
I'll remember Dana as the guy who introduced my daughter and me to surf fishing.

How great is that?

We're gonna miss him, but we'll remember his examples of generosity and kindness and will carry those lessons with us always.

So long, 57 and thanks.

07-31-2010, 02:01 PM
Dana taught me how to surf fish with his surf fishing beginner article and introduced me to Bill Varney with whom I fished a few times on the jetty. Dana was the first who told me where I could find my first surf fish when I Was a newbie and PM'd him asking for a spot.

Little did he know I would later go on to bag tons of huge halibut at the same beach. I owe Dana all my BCSB fish since he was the first person to tell me to go fish there.

I met Dana two or three times in person. Once or twice at the Irvine events and also at a Bolsa Chica surf fishing event. Kinda bummed I missed out on a lot of the Sierra events too.

Still really bummed out today when I think about it. He always made me feel welcomed at the Irvine events and really made me want to participate too. He always had the patience to let me get away with murder in this website. The patience it required to help disabled people learn how to fish. I always admired him for that.

A legend in his own right. You will be missed and will be on all our minds.

08-02-2010, 03:05 AM
I dont have to say much because everyone has described him best in the previous post. i will say amazing is the word i think of when i hear his name. When i first stumbled onto fnn i loved it right away, I ran and told my fishing friends and tried to get them involved. i even placed a HUGE order so i could give all of those buddys shirts. Soon after i got a call from Dana, he let me know that he had just been wiped out on Team57 gear and we spent a good 15 minutes changing my order to what he had in stock.

Dana asked if i was going to a S.A.R.L event, i let him know i couldn't wait for it and wanted to meet the man behind the cape. I arrived and picked up the order and he gave me a bunch of stuff saying sorry and welcomed me. At first i just thought "man he is one nice dude" i loved the event and the people i met and it was due to this great guy i met.

Since then i have been trying to fish with several people in different areas of fishing. Most of the time i was ignored although i posted "Can anyone teach me how to surf fish" and Dana wrote write away.... i was so happy. We went to one of his spots and we had a great time, he showed me lots of great things and we shared lots of great storys. We talked alot about Wingnut and trout1 and how we wished they both would have been able to make it. He was too nice lol everytime i said i wanted something he tried to give it. I literally had to make him take my money and even then i had to barter how much i could pay him lol...... I have made such great friends such as big daddy and trout1 and many others because of him. i know i will see you again.

Damn this is one special guy.... R.I.P Dana, forever in our hearts
57 4 life,

08-04-2010, 08:05 PM
Thank you for the tributes to our friend.