View Full Version : Bad Experience @ the Pudd

07-07-2010, 04:52 PM
I went to the Pudd last night with a friend who was having a bad day and needed to kill a couple hours. He didnt have any of his gear with him so I loaned him one of my rods. He keeps his fishing license in his tackle box so he didnt have it on him. So sure he was risking getting caught fishing without a license. So I decided to toss out a M&M combo for some kitties, my friend decided to start walking the shoreline tossing a swimbait.

After about an hour I see an LA County Sheriff talking to my buddy. I walked over to see what was going on and my friend had his hands on the hood of the car. As I approched the Sheriff asked what I wanted, I told him I was seeing what was going on with my friend. He told me he was checking people for fishing licenses and asked if I had one. I gave him my fishing license and ID, and rather than let me go he tells me to put my hands on the hood of the car and spread'em. "Do you have anything illegal, guns, drugs on you.", he asked. After patting me down and seeing I didnt have anything on me he tells me to keep my hands on the hood of his car and keep my legs spread.

So he goes back into his car and my buddy and I sat there for a few mins wondering what the is going on. Then the guy gets out of his car and walks over to me and starts acting like hes reaching for his cuffs as hes telling me, "You know its against the law to present an officer of the law with an ID thats not yours." Then he shows me my fishing license and says, "the name on this fishing license doesnt match the name on the ID you gave me and this isnt your ID." I look alittle closer at the ID he has in his hand and its my friends ID. So I tell him thats my buddys ID (which made him feel real stupid) and that I already gave him my ID. I glanced over into the window of his car and I could see my ID on the seat so I told him thats my ID over there.

So after about 20 minutes he let me go, probably after he ran a backround check on me. A few minutes later he let me buddy go with a ticket for fishing without a license. After letting my buddy go he sped off somewhere else. He never checked anyone else for their fishing licenses before or after targeting my buddy. There were atleast 20-30 other people fishing in our area and he didnt ask a single one of them for their licenses and many of them got there after us.

Im not sure what made this Sheriff target my buddy and I. OK, so he got my friend fishing without his license. OK, so give him a ticket. What bothers me is the way he treated us and more so myself. When I 1st approached and he asked for my fishing license and ID, he should have looked at them and then let me go and wished me a good day. At that point I had done nothing wrong and he had NO REASON to make me put my hands on his car and pat me down. He then pretty much harassed me for 20 mins while doing a backround check foaming at the mouth hoping something would come back on me.

He made many comments to us like, "The safety patrol isnt around anymore, we're running the show around here now." After all that happened there was about 30 mins left in the day. I left my line in the water as my buddy and I talked to some of the regs. Sounds like since the Sheriffs took over at the lake they have really been harassing people. One older guy said he has been carded there 3 outta the last 4x hes been there. While we were talking to people the sheriff eventually came back to the area of the lake we were in. We could see him in the parking lot going from car to car running the plates and shining his lights in the car windows. When my buddy and I left he pretty much tailgated us all the way to the front gate.


PS - Outta the last 20x ive fished the Pudd ive caught a total 3 fish, 2 LMB and 1 cat. Dont waste your time fishing at a lake where you probably wont catch any fish unless your ready to be harassed.

07-07-2010, 05:37 PM
I despise cops like that. There are good ones, but far and few in between.

Sorry to hear it.

pho boy
07-07-2010, 05:43 PM
it happen to me to 2 month ago . they are so stupid that i thought i was being punk kept looking for the camera . ask me what i was doing on a tree with a fishing pole ,i told him i was fishing he also ask if i had drug, gun ect.. bottom line is they are top notch donkey.

they so remind me of reno 911 , btw do they have to pass an iQ test to be a sheriff ?

old pudd fisher
07-07-2010, 05:45 PM
That happined to me a few years ago at the pudd because someone left some empty beer cans by my car door. They were a bit rude to me and I wasn't drinking and they also checked in my car and trunk. Nothing against cops I think they do a fine job but thier is some bad blood out there. Sorry to hear it.

07-07-2010, 05:46 PM
It's about time the cops crack down on all the illegal fishing that goes on there.

Bummer about the bad experience.

07-07-2010, 05:47 PM
Since when do cops check for fishing licenses?
What a crappy day man, those pigs shouldn't have treated you that way. Power hungry jackholes who couldn't find anything better to do than harass a couple of guys not causing any trouble? Losers.

pho boy
07-07-2010, 05:51 PM
Since when do cops check for fishing licenses?
What a crappy day man, those pigs shouldn't have treated you that way. Power hungry jackholes who couldn't find anything better to do than harass a couple of guys not causing any trouble? Losers.

amen brother

07-07-2010, 05:56 PM
Yeh my buddy is going to have to take his fishing license to court and tell the judge, "Sorry I made a mistake, I forgot my fishing license at home, I was having a bad day." Maybe they will end up dropping the charge.


07-07-2010, 05:58 PM
hate cops thats cause trouble instead taking care of trouble...sorry to hear you had a bad experience.. bacon wrapped jackholes.....**** da police......

07-07-2010, 06:02 PM
I find it humorous that everyone hates the cops until they need their assistance.

ask me what i was doing on a tree with a fishing pole ,i told him i was fishing he also ask if i had drug, gun ect...

WTF were you on a tree with a fishing rod?

If I seen you up in in tree with a fishing rod, I would think you were on drugs too, and that's most likely why he asked you if you were carrying drugs.

07-07-2010, 06:12 PM
i would have ripped that cop a new one to his commanding officer if it was me.

that **** aint right, and i know damn well cops like that can be written up for it. many times i've been pulled over by officers and treated poorly because i drive offroad trucks which dont look street legal on the road, officers have harassed me about it. little do they know my future step father is a captain in the LAPD.

07-07-2010, 06:12 PM
WTF were you on a tree with a fishing rod?

If I seen you up in in tree with a fishing rod, I would think you were on drugs too, and that's most likely why he asked you if you were carrying drugs.[/QUOTE]

Um, I'd say as an angler, if I saw someone in a tree with a fishing rod, I'd think he was fishing. God knows we all have tried some crazy stuff to catch our fish, especially when the bite sucks (which seemed to be the case for Taper). If instead he were taking off his clothes and quoting scripture, THEN for sure I'd want to ask him about drugs lol.

07-07-2010, 06:17 PM
Just talk real slow and act like your not too bright. Be respectful and answer their questions directly and honestly. Keep your eyes averted towards the ground. Play dead. Like most predators, they will loose interest and leave. :UDaMan: Do not make their lives difficult unless they really do something horribly wrong. Like give an unjustified ticket or run over your rights.

Most cops are decent enough but there job is such that certain personalities are drawn to the profession and that can be quite annoying at times. There are a few that make a bad name for everyone else. They may also be under a lot of stress and pressure due to the budget cuts. :My Two Cents:

Sorry about the bad experience. Hopefully the judge will cut your friend some slack. There have to be better places to catch fish, although the scenery can be quite nice there.


07-07-2010, 06:27 PM
yea i bet the mighty dollar is playing into more tickets of all sorts and that sucks but I do know that the sherrifs are trying to be tougher than the park police they replaced.
Just talk real slow and act like your not too bright. Be respectful and answer their questions directly and honestly. Keep your eyes averted towards the ground. Play dead. Like most predators, they will loose interest and leave. :UDaMan: Do not make their lives difficult unless they really do something horribly wrong. Like give an unjustified ticket or run over your rights.

Most cops are decent enough but there job is such that certain personalities are drawn to the profession and that can be quite annoying at times. There are a few that make a bad name for everyone else. They may also be under a lot of stress and pressure due to the budget cuts. :My Two Cents:

Sorry about the bad experience. Hopefully the judge will cut your friend some slack. There have to be better places to catch fish, although the scenery can be quite nice there.


pho boy
07-07-2010, 06:28 PM
I find it humorous that everyone hates the cops until they need their assistance.

WTF were you on a tree with a fishing rod?

If I seen you up in in tree with a fishing rod, I would think you were on drugs too, and that's most likely why he asked you if you were carrying drugs.

a spot for fishing crappie and bass you can c the fish swimming from the tree .

07-08-2010, 01:10 AM
little do they know my future step father is a captain in the LAPD.

Why would that matter?

07-08-2010, 01:31 AM
because i simply give the badge number of the officer who harassed me to him and he takes care of it for me. one officer harassed me 3-4 times a week for 3 weeks straight, it all stopped once i told him.

LA county sheriffs is where it gets interesting...filing a complaint against an officer requires you to give your written statement WITH the officer's commanding officer present.

i've yet to have a bad experience with CHP aside from a cop who pulled me over my tires hanging out of the fenders too much(which is perfectly legal in CA as long as you have mud flaps, which i did), but aside from that i've never been harassed by a CHP officer like i have by LA county sheriff or LAPD

07-08-2010, 12:32 PM
Yeh my buddy is going to have to take his fishing license to court and tell the judge, "Sorry I made a mistake, I forgot my fishing license at home, I was having a bad day." Maybe they will end up dropping the charge.


Man! that is straight up Harassment! I would do just that and show your fishing licenses to the Judge for proof. They may just lower the non license ticket fee. That actually happened to one of my buddy's and he presented them with proof of License and they lowered the fee. His excuse was, it was in the car and the ranger didn't want to take the time to go with him to locate the License.

Anyway, Hope all is well and continue to Fish on!

The Pudd is not my favorite place to fish but i guess you will be ready next time for them sheriffs.

07-08-2010, 03:11 PM
One of my neighbors is an LA Sheriff and he says the best way to get your ID ran is to have the so-called "sleeve" tatoo's or wear long white socks with baggy Dickie shorts. He says they have a right to protect the public from thugs and hoodlums.

07-08-2010, 05:00 PM
One of my neighbors is an LA Sheriff and he says the best way to get your ID ran is to have the so-called "sleeve" tatoo's or wear long white socks with baggy Dickie shorts. He says they have a right to protect the public from thugs and hoodlums.

neither of which my buddy or I have or had on, though he def targeted my buddy because of his appearance (long hair, scruffy looking gotee) and he def treated us the way he did because we are a couple of younger guys (early 30's). He was prob our age but I just dont think he would have treated one of the older fisherman or one of the guys with their wife/kids the way he treated us.


pho boy
07-08-2010, 06:03 PM
those la sheriff at the pudd are on a super power trip .i meet many cop before but those at the pudd are special

07-08-2010, 06:29 PM
neither of which my buddy or I have or had on, though he def targeted my buddy because of his appearance (long hair, scruffy looking gotee) and he def treated us the way he did because we are a couple of younger guys (early 30's). He was prob our age but I just dont think he would have treated one of the older fisherman or one of the guys with their wife/kids the way he treated us.


ive ran into allot of cops in my time and always seems that the younger dudes are either super cool or 100% power triping douche bags and there is no in between and it sounds like you ran in to a douche bag. im sure that you buddies fine will get dropped once he shows his fishing license along with his id at the court house.

i once got pulled over by a PD on my way to a party in my buddies car and had 2 30paks of beer in the passenger seat. the cop was probably late 20- early 30 and i could see the guys eyes light up when he seen all the beer. he pulled me out of the car which i dont blame him for i did have an lot of beer in the car and i was in a car that wasnt mine. he ran my id then told me he was going to give me the sobriety test. so he played 20 questions with me then made me do the whole stand on one foot thing and because i hadent got to the party yet i hadent had a drink yet so i was passing the tests just fine and i could see was starting to get really pissed off so he gives me the breathalyzer witch if i recall correctly i blow a 0.01 ( i just brushed my teeth and gargled with mouth wash, got to have good breath for the females) at that point he was irate so he told me off and then asked if i had car insurance and i said yes my friend has car insurance he looked me in the eyes and with a pissed off voice said do you have car insurance and i said i dont have a car that is why im driving my friends car so no i dont have car insurance so he wrote me a ticket for driving with out insurance which he dint even hand to me he through it at me and speeded off. The ticket was like 870 bucks but I got off for free cuz my buddies car was insured.

07-08-2010, 07:12 PM
From all the stories about cops checking on ppl's fishing license i'm starting to think NOT being required to display ur license above the waist is a big F***ing scam cooked up by the bureaucrats to increase state revenue by ticketing anglers. It's easy to leave ur license at home or somewhere else when ur not required to wear it, imho. Also, the timing of the fishing license regulation change and cops starting to enforce DFG regulations seems too close to be a coincidence. It's almost a conspiracy!

07-08-2010, 07:20 PM
From all the stories about cops checking on ppl's fishing license i'm starting to think NOT being required to display ur license above the waist is a big F***ing scam cooked up by the bureaucrats to increase state revenue by ticketing anglers. It's easy to leave ur license at home or somewhere else when ur not required to wear it, imho. Also, the timing of the fishing license regulation change and cops starting to enforce DFG regulations seems too close to be a coincidence. It's almost a conspiracy!

Well, next year I am thinking of scanning my fishing license into my computer and then having it supersized and put on the back of a shirt and a smaller version on the front right side where the pocket goes. Hopefully the authorities will see my shirt and not even bother with me, or they may feel silly as they talk to me while my fishing license stares up at them off my shirt. We shall see.

I really am considering this. You'll know who I am when you see my shirt.


07-08-2010, 08:02 PM
that is some bullcrap..

You had your license and presented it to him, that should of been that. The whole put your hands on the hood and spread your legs deal is nonsense, he needed probable cause for that. At which that point I would of said screw off I know my rights and went back to fishing.

07-08-2010, 10:24 PM
Telling a cop to screw off sounds great and all but I don't thing it would be beneficial in anyway except further pissing off a cop who was in a bad mood to begin with. You might end up getting a good old fashion *** whoopin. No reasonable cop would harass you without cause and the ones that do might be a little angry and looking to let off steam or even worse a bit crazy.

07-08-2010, 10:33 PM

07-09-2010, 02:35 AM
Sadly, the "serve and protect" motto is largely ignored by nationalist pigs.

Their motto is more along the lines of: "To get revenge on people that resemble our former highschool bullies."

OR: "Allright! I can get PAID to bully! SWEET!.. And if I kill anyone... suspension WITH pay!"

Real damn shame that only 1 percent of the world's populous has the INTJ mindset. If there were more of us, this would be an efficient country... Especially with cops in mind. Cops are gangsters. biggest gang on earth. Just look at Carona. he was the top of the OCSD, and he was covering up rapes and murders.

07-09-2010, 10:02 AM
Why is this thread in FISH REPORTS, since there's nothing here that even remotely resembles that? All you complainers need to get a regular job.

07-09-2010, 10:31 AM
Why is this thread in FISH REPORTS, since there's nothing here that even remotely resembles that? All you complainers need to get a regular job.

Well I was 'reporting' on what happened to me on my last 'fishing' trip. Sure im complaining but I have a valid complaint here. If you or anyone else on this thread would have been there they would have seen that we/I was being harassed. and just because someone decides to 'complain' about something you decide to stereo type them and claim they need to 'get a regular job'. I think you're the one who needs to 'get a life'.


07-09-2010, 11:20 AM
Why is this thread in FISH REPORTS, since there's nothing here that even remotely resembles that? All you complainers need to get a regular job.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=McAeQiLmEYU

What would you suggest a regular job to be?

07-09-2010, 11:56 AM
My job is to fish & monitor these pages and edit out language and profanity,gentleman, thanks for asking

07-09-2010, 12:53 PM
"It's about time the cops crack down on all the illegal fishing that goes on there."

if there was fish to catch there then i wouldnt see an issue witht the licence but since there really isnt fish to catch there what's the big deal?

and as for the cop yeah he was a total prick to me.

and guys if you have a med. script for marijuana they dont care unless its the state card and its not allowed to be in the park with you. which is bs in my opinion cause you need to always have your meds with you in case you need em.

oh and some of you folks need to loosen your girdles becuse you guys are super up tight

07-09-2010, 01:13 PM
TAK!! Tow TAK!!

07-09-2010, 02:56 PM
The cop is mad cause he was busted down to lake patrol

07-09-2010, 03:36 PM
That's too bad you had that experience, but the Sheriffs have a tough job enforcing laws at the city parks now. I know at Alondra Park, there are Sheriffs that are now patroling just the parks and they are assisting the DFG..From fishing violations, poaching, drug trafficing, vandolism suspects,etc, they never know when a routine check can be dangerous. Their lives are on the line every stop.

Honestly, your buddy put himself in a possible bad situation....I've gone to my local lake before and realized I forgot my license and went back home to get it just to be on the safe side.

Again, sorry to hear about that, but be happy the Sheriffs are checkin things out. As a responsible fisherman and citizen, I welcome law enforcing as long as the officers are fair.


fisherman from long beach
07-09-2010, 04:03 PM
a taper steve ive had some extreme expierences with police,but i'll tell you what you did wrong.you approached him while he had YOUR friend and ASKED him what was going on.so he's gonna show you WHATS going on by giving you the same treatment!you should of just minded your own business.you knew your friend didnt have a lic.if he wanted to ask you for YOUR license he would of came and asked YOU but he didnt, he got your bud.im not saying the treatment by this cop is right but he's a cop.and they can be jerks. also to the rest complaining about the cops,isnt this what alot of you guys wish the fish and game would do,and stop and ask people for lic and what there catching,ETC,ETC.just my honest opinion.

07-09-2010, 04:48 PM
a taper steve ive had some extreme expierences with police,but i'll tell you what you did wrong.you approached him while he had YOUR friend and ASKED him what was going on.so he's gonna show you WHATS going on by giving you the same treatment!you should of just minded your own business.you knew your friend didnt have a lic.if he wanted to ask you for YOUR license he would of came and asked YOU but he didnt, he got your bud.im not saying the treatment by this cop is right but he's a cop.and they can be jerks. also to the rest complaining about the cops,isnt this what alot of you guys wish the fish and game would do,and stop and ask people for lic and what there catching,ETC,ETC.just my honest opinion.It's not so much that they were jerks, its the fact that they treat you like dirt! You need to experience it first-hand to understand. I have a few friends that joined the police, they turned into really mean abusive people!

Dont ever EVER get caught off camera with a cop. they WILL violate your rights.

I learned that the hard way, one time, a cop tried to force me to address him as "sir", then he yanked my ponytail back, and shoved a gun in my face, i wanted to say "Ma'am" soooo bad, but i just said no instead. punk whomped me in the forehead with a nightstick, his buddies all knew it too.

Im sorry but thats just unforgivable.. I'm all for laws being enforced, but they really shouldnt treat you like you're less than human.

fisherman from long beach
07-09-2010, 04:53 PM
It's not so much that they were jerks, its the fact that they treat you like dirt! You need to experience it first-hand to understand. I have a few friends that joined the police, they turned into really mean abusive people!

Dont ever EVER get caught off camera with a cop. they WILL violate your rights.

I learned that the hard way, one time, a cop tried to force me to address him as "sir", then he yanked my ponytail back, and shoved a gun in my face, i wanted to say "Ma'am" soooo bad, but i just said no instead. punk whomped me in the forehead with a nightstick, his buddies all knew it too.

Im sorry but thats just unforgivable.. I'm all for laws being enforced, but they really shouldnt treat you like you're less than human.

look i know how cops can be,trust me.if he would of just minded his own business he wouldnt of got the treatment in the first place.cops on the streets are bad cocky arrogant mofo's.there just weightin to try and put some person in a new choke hold.you want to meet reel pricks its in the la county jail.lots of fun there.

07-09-2010, 07:19 PM
and I am sure his friend was minding his own business until he got the treatment. Cops these days do anything that gets them that high, trust me I know many cops. Eating donuts and patrolling a park gets boring, what better to do than to harrass people that "look" stereo type ish.

07-09-2010, 07:38 PM
One of my neighbors is an LA Sheriff and he says the best way to get your ID ran is to have the so-called "sleeve" tatoo's or wear long white socks with baggy Dickie shorts. He says they have a right to protect the public from thugs and hoodlums.
Your neighbor is a complete moron if he thinks everyone who has tattoos on their arms or who dresses like that is a thug or a hoodlum... But then again, he is a LA sheriff deputy living in Norco, Im not surprised...

07-09-2010, 08:14 PM
this is why you got searched the truth finally comes out, and your argument for i need my meds is BS weed is weed you smoke it to get high... every person i know who supposedly "needs" their "meds" as you call just has the script to get high period, now it might sound like im a anti weed, im not i think it should be legal but just cause you PAY a "doctor" for a script doesnt mean you actually need it, you was prolly smoking weed and thats why the cop stopped in the first place, as for the license i have mine in a lil clear plastic thingy handing from my neck so they normally see it and just keep on moving, and my upper arms are covered in tats and i dress "thugish" so you just ran into the wrong pig at the wrong time get over it, happens to people everyday.

"It's about time the cops crack down on all the illegal fishing that goes on there."

if there was fish to catch there then i wouldnt see an issue witht the licence but since there really isnt fish to catch there what's the big deal?

and as for the cop yeah he was a total prick to me.

and guys if you have a med. script for marijuana they dont care unless its the state card and its not allowed to be in the park with you. which is bs in my opinion cause you need to always have your meds with you in case you need em.

oh and some of you folks need to loosen your girdles becuse you guys are super up tight

07-09-2010, 10:02 PM
What the alternative people? Have the police not do anything and let everyone be; hoping and counting on the goodness of everyone in LA county to not carry guns and drugs? Please...

07-09-2010, 11:44 PM
Sorry, I know how you feel. I've been pulled over 27 time by LaVerne police, most of the the times "I looked like someone they were looking for". I have yet to get a ticket. The last few times made me very angry, because I was harrassed. I am a La Verne grad with my master's. I now hope other people now feel how profiling affects good people. And yes, I am black.

07-10-2010, 02:39 AM
Lol if you paid for a card, you got ripped off. All thats required is a doc's recommendation.

07-10-2010, 09:20 AM
Me and my brother got checked at the pudd about 2 months ago, by a DFG officer not a sheriff and the officer was very friendly. I sparked up a conversation bout his line of work and what stupid things he has caught people doing and we talked for about an hour. Very nice guy my brother didnt have his fishing license at the time, he had forgot it but the officer just gave him a ticket and found out latter he never filed that report so really he just threw it out. I guess it depends on the officer you get. They can be jerks or be really cool guys.

07-10-2010, 10:14 AM
I HAVE BI-POLAR AND A.D.H.D. so dont tell me im smoking just to get high. you dont know me and dont assume you know me

07-10-2010, 12:06 PM
it's about time those guys started earning there money! i see plenty of laws being broken in the back parts of the lakes and there finally going after these guys.don't break the laws and there's nothing to worry about.i was there 2 days ago and some guy got busted for beer in a area he thought was safe.he was mad cause he had been bringing beer there for about 5 years and never been bothered.he should of just counted his blessing till then and stop crying he got a ticket.i believe the higher powers have gotten on there butts and told them to start patrolling the lake instead of the local minimart i alway's see them at.

07-11-2010, 12:55 AM
so your moody and cant pay attention? lol ya you smoke to get high just admit it... seriously ROFL either way i bet you PAID for your "script" just like everyone else...

I HAVE BI-POLAR AND A.D.H.D. so dont tell me im smoking just to get high. you dont know me and dont assume you know me

07-11-2010, 07:31 AM
it's about time those guys started earning there money!

i believe the higher powers have gotten on there butts and told them to start patrolling the lake instead of the local minimart i alway's see them at.

I've talked to the Sheriffs at Alondra Lake few times recently. They told me they are assigned to the City Parks and they are there to enforce everything, including fishing violations. I believe this all happened in the last 9 months or so. One of the Sheriffs told me he was suppose to be getting in contact with the local DFG Warden in regards to problem areas and violations. Not sure if that happened, but I appreciate their daily presence at Alondra Park.

07-11-2010, 08:01 PM
What the alternative people? Have the police not do anything and let everyone be; hoping and counting on the goodness of everyone in LA county to not carry guns and drugs? Please...What a funny comment by someone with that screenname.

By the way, isnt it the Glock 18 thats fully auto???

07-11-2010, 08:22 PM
so your moody and cant pay attention? lol ya you smoke to get high just admit it... seriously ROFL either way i bet you PAID for your "script" just like everyone else...This may shock you, but cannabis has credible medical benefits... One of the most important is the heightened sense of awareness-- this is what makes it so useful to those that have trouble concentrating.

Would you prefer he popped prescription medication containing fluoride, or amphetamine salts?

Or how about anti-depressants?

It's his body man, you dont have the right to push him around for it, no matter what he says that annoys you.

But hey, what do I know.. I'm just a druggie to you. Suddenly my point is invalid because i Like to get baked. :LOL:

07-11-2010, 09:23 PM
this thread really went off topic
imho, getting stoned on some good herb does less harm then getting drunk. there are some side effects but nothing major, except for lung damage, but i was a cig smokers first. Anyways, you can't really dismiss or ignore the medical benefits of THC. if ur a drinker and/or a smoker, please don't look down on cannabis users. It is in no way any more harmful then alcohol or tobacco. only difference is some long dead uninformed politicians found it necessary to classify cannabis as a schedule I drug. btw, i personally haven't smoked cannabis in a few years because of work and it's too much of a hassle to get some. I was hoping it might be legalized sometime in the near future but by the way things are going they might make tobacco use illegal as well.

back to the original topic,
it's great that there are cops out there doing their jobs protecting the public but there always seems to be the few exceptions (aka assholes) that shame the rest. every profession has it's share of assholes and pricks but what's different about law enforcement is the power and authority that comes with the job. i couldn't care less about the local grocery store clerk being a dick. the worst they can do is short change me, oh wow! but a cop, it's a different story. We've all seen, heard or experienced what an ******* cop can do, no joke. i think what ppl want is for our civil servants to act civilized.

07-12-2010, 02:28 AM
dude i dont have a prob with smoking weed, i have a prob with stoners saying that it is medicine as for it making it easier to concentrate i wanna know where the hell you get your herbs ive never smoked any that made me more alert in fact the whole reason i used to smoke was to relax. also i know over 50 people who have paid for these "scripts" and have never meet a single person who got their "legit" meaning from a real doctor not some med school drop out or whatever they are that you PAY to get the "script" hell i even know a cancer survivor who had to PAY to get the "medical pot". again i dont have a prob with smoking but i do have a prob with the ppl who pay for these scripts and thinks they are just free to go around smoking all over the place ive read the actual paper that allows you to get into the medical "clinics" and while it does give you some freedom your a fool to think you can just smoke in front of a pig and they not gonna take your weed, cause while they may not legally have the right they sure are gonna still take it, and try getting it back when you go to court not gonna happen LOL.

This may shock you, but cannabis has credible medical benefits... One of the most important is the heightened sense of awareness-- this is what makes it so useful to those that have trouble concentrating.

Would you prefer he popped prescription medication containing fluoride, or amphetamine salts?

Or how about anti-depressants?

It's his body man, you dont have the right to push him around for it, no matter what he says that annoys you.

But hey, what do I know.. I'm just a druggie to you. Suddenly my point is invalid because i Like to get baked. :LOL:

07-12-2010, 03:19 AM
Never did i suggest smoking in public was legal because you own a script...

In fact, all doctors and dispensaries URGE you to smoke in the privacy of your own home.

You cant group cannabis together like that. Many strains have different highs and effects.

Sativas are the strains that make you VERY alert. In fact, in certain people, a sativa can cause a freakout. They have less CBD, and far more THC, making you extremely alert. Some people become so aware of things, that a simple thing like being gassy can give them a panic attack-- they are noticing things they otherwise normally ignore as normal and totally freak out.

Indicas have the opposite effect, containing far more CBD-- which is the chemical in herb that makes you lazy and sluggish/sleepy.

In fact, i use sativas to help me concentrate on my artwork.

being stoned is still regarded as public intoxication, and WILL merit a ticket..

StressD has nailed it right on the head. We want cops that dont treat us like dirt.

Every time I had been stopped by police, I was clean, and had nothing they could ticket me for.

I allegedly "fit the description" of their "suspect".. (despite being the only white boy in the area) and consequently, I was treated like trash. They did their whole mind-game bologna, the whole routine. And even after being proven innocent, i always get the "Dont let me catch you here again tonight" crap.

What about people with glaucoma? What about people with Arthritis? What about the many other health problems that cannabis eases? There are dozens of ailments that cannabis helps treat. I'm not saying its a magical panacea that cures EVERYTHING, but it DOES have a high number of medicinal properties.

07-12-2010, 07:48 AM
The sheriff's at castaic have started checking for fishing licenses out on the water , i quess they are hepling the dfg because of the out of control poaching and such, and taper if the cops are trippin to hard at the pudd maybe ypou should find other places to throw out a line. F/f/l/b/ you probably needed to be arrested for impersonating a fisherman,,,,,,lol,,,,,

fisherman from long beach
07-12-2010, 08:32 AM
The sheriff's at castaic have started checking for fishing licenses out on the water , i quess they are hepling the dfg because of the out of control poaching and such, and taper if the cops are trippin to hard at the pudd maybe ypou should find other places to throw out a line. F/f/l/b/ you probably needed to be arrested for impersonating a fisherman,,,,,,lol,,,,,

damn bobby i wake up to this crap.how do you impersonate a fisherman?i'll tell you how to do it.you go out on your boat and watch you and mimick you!.now that is funny.lol.

07-12-2010, 09:19 AM
The sheriff's at castaic have started checking for fishing licenses out on the water , i quess they are hepling the dfg because of the out of control poaching and such, and taper if the cops are trippin to hard at the pudd maybe ypou should find other places to throw out a line. F/f/l/b/ you probably needed to be arrested for impersonating a fisherman,,,,,,lol,,,,,

Yeah I mostly fish the Vine, Corona Lake, Balboa Pier 1-2x a week. I live 5 mins from the Pudd, but I hardly ever fish there. The fishing there sux. I took my boat out there a few times last year when I 1st bought it but I soon found out it was a waste of money/time. The only time I ever will go there now is after 7pm when they are no longer charging at the gate. Even then ive only been there 2x this year. I never go there specifically for a fishing outing. Ive gone for picnics, family dog walks, etc, and being able to fish was always an added bonus even though I rarely ever caught anything there.

pho boy
07-12-2010, 09:28 AM
back to the original topic,
it's great that there are cops out there doing their jobs protecting the public but there always seems to be the few exceptions (aka assholes) that shame the rest. every profession has it's share of assholes and pricks but what's different about law enforcement is the power and authority that comes with the job. i couldn't care less about the local grocery store clerk being a dick. the worst they can do is short change me, oh wow! but a cop, it's a different story. We've all seen, heard or experienced what an ******* cop can do, no joke. i think what ppl want is for our civil servants to act civilized.[/QUOTE]

well said stressd

07-12-2010, 01:33 PM
What a funny comment by someone with that screenname.

By the way, isnt it the Glock 18 thats fully auto???

Yes it is! You know your guns! I made this screen name years ago when I couldn't think of anything else. Its just a screen name; but I do own guns...legally. Which is more than I can say for the thousands of people in Los Angeles who use them on each other and to rob good people; accidentally killing babies and grandparents.

If cops don't do their job, then eventually society will begin to flush down the toilet. If you've served in any capacity and seen the world without central government or poor/corrupt law enforcement(ie. Afghanistan, Mexico, East Asian nations) then you will know. Why do you think people always move or want to move into the safer areas?

I know of at least two fisherman who got robbed of their gear(at gunpoint) in city parks; countless others who have seen people smoking meth in city lakes and at the san Gabriel river. We may 'hate' cops cause they give tickets and inconvenience us, but I say again, whats the alternative? Have them stick their heads in the sand and hope that everyone in LA will follow the law? PLEASE...mankind hasn't proved that it can handle that responsibility

07-12-2010, 04:35 PM
If I were fishing at night and not doing anything illegal, I would much rather encounter a couple of overzealous cops than some guy wanting to stick a gun in my ribs.

07-13-2010, 01:41 AM
Yes it is! You know your guns! I made this screen name years ago when I couldn't think of anything else. Its just a screen name; but I do own guns...legally. Which is more than I can say for the thousands of people in Los Angeles who use them on each other and to rob good people; accidentally killing babies and grandparents.

If cops don't do their job, then eventually society will begin to flush down the toilet. If you've served in any capacity and seen the world without central government or poor/corrupt law enforcement(ie. Afghanistan, Mexico, East Asian nations) then you will know. Why do you think people always move or want to move into the safer areas?

I know of at least two fisherman who got robbed of their gear(at gunpoint) in city parks; countless others who have seen people smoking meth in city lakes and at the san Gabriel river. We may 'hate' cops cause they give tickets and inconvenience us, but I say again, whats the alternative? Have them stick their heads in the sand and hope that everyone in LA will follow the law? PLEASE...mankind hasn't proved that it can handle that responsibility

East Asian nations?
Which country in Eastern Asia lacks central government and has corrupt law enforcement, China, South Korea, Japan ....?
As a Korean American I take offense to your comments. The three Eastern Asia countries I mentioned are key players in the world's economy as well as G-20 members. If you don't know what G-20 is here's a link, educate yourself http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-20_major_economies
as you should of in the first place before posting your comments and opinions. When is the last time you went to the electronic section/store and most of the brands were not Sony, Samsung or LG. Your comment may have been true 30+ years ago but Eastern Asia of today is a far different story. You make it sound like the region is full of lawless countries run by warlords, it's just not true!

07-13-2010, 12:51 PM
East Asian nations?
Which country in Eastern Asia lacks central government and has corrupt law enforcement, China, South Korea, Japan ....?
As a Korean American I take offense to your comments. The three Eastern Asia countries I mentioned are key players in the world's economy as well as G-20 members. If you don't know what G-20 is here's a link, educate yourself http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-20_major_economies
as you should of in the first place before posting your comments and opinions. When is the last time you went to the electronic section/store and most of the brands were not Sony, Samsung or LG. Your comment may have been true 30+ years ago but Eastern Asia of today is a far different story. You make it sound like the region is full of lawless countries run by warlords, it's just not true!

Hahaha! I also happen to be a 'hangkook saram. Mik-gook eh suh tae-won eh suh'. Mabye you should stop researching and replying on your computer and get some life experience; you know by seeing the whole world...mabye you should serve in the military or be a public servant or something to see the grittier, underside of things in life beyond a commute to school.

Whatever, I'm not going to change anyones view on a fishing forum. Tight lines.

07-13-2010, 04:49 PM
Yes it is! You know your guns! I made this screen name years ago when I couldn't think of anything else. Its just a screen name; but I do own guns...legally. Which is more than I can say for the thousands of people in Los Angeles who use them on each other and to rob good people; accidentally killing babies and grandparents.

If cops don't do their job, then eventually society will begin to flush down the toilet. If you've served in any capacity and seen the world without central government or poor/corrupt law enforcement(ie. Afghanistan, Mexico, East Asian nations) then you will know. Why do you think people always move or want to move into the safer areas?

I know of at least two fisherman who got robbed of their gear(at gunpoint) in city parks; countless others who have seen people smoking meth in city lakes and at the san Gabriel river. We may 'hate' cops cause they give tickets and inconvenience us, but I say again, whats the alternative? Have them stick their heads in the sand and hope that everyone in LA will follow the law? PLEASE...mankind hasn't proved that it can handle that responsibilityalternative? ---CONCEALED WEAPONS PERMITS.

Arm the general public, and crime rates decrese dramatically. Do that, and cops are obsolete. =)

07-13-2010, 07:21 PM
Hahaha! I also happen to be a 'hangkook saram. Mik-gook eh suh tae-won eh suh'. Mabye you should stop researching and replying on your computer and get some life experience; you know by seeing the whole world...mabye you should serve in the military or be a public servant or something to see the grittier, underside of things in life beyond a commute to school.

Whatever, I'm not going to change anyones view on a fishing forum. Tight lines.

I think ur trying to tell me ur Korean born in the U.S. ? U should brush up on ur Korean or spelling, either way the last few phrases seems a bit off, maybe (mee gook eh suh tae uh nah suh). Just the phrase itself is wrong, it an open ended phrase and not a firm statement like i think ur trying to make. it should be more like, mee gook eh suh tae uh nahn hankook saram! (미국에서 태어난 한국사람). like i said before educate yourself. i don't know about you but i lived in Korean before immigrating to the states. i am very familiar with the culture and customs. ROK (Republic of Korea) has it's share of corrupt politicians and public officials but that doesn't make it a lawless country lacking a central government. If that's true, most if not all countries in the world, as you say are, "without central government or poor/corrupt law enforcement." It great that you chose to serve in the military but it doesn't mean you've seen and experienced the entire world. I'm just curious, what makes you classify Afghanistan and Eastern Asia in the same category and not to mention Mexico. When's the last time you've seem ppl take a vacation to Afghanistan? BTW, i suggest you develop some pride in ur heritage before u go around telling ppl ur Korean, it's embarrassing. Until then, Why don't u consider yourself a good old fashion home grown American.

I live the culture so i really don't think i need to go anywhere to experience it like some tourist.

done with school I work for a living

no research necessary, just some basic knowledge, but I can tell ur impressed, educate yourself and you can be like me "Hahaha!"

Doesn't the military pay for ur education, take advantage of it, EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!!!!!

I should of realized it earlier, did u mean to say Western Asia, where Afghanistan is located.

Don't feel bad, it happens, u just need to EDUCATE YOURSELF!

07-13-2010, 09:42 PM

Arm the general public, and crime rates decrese dramatically.

I couldn't agree more.

07-14-2010, 07:11 PM
Yes it is! You know your guns! I made this screen name years ago when I couldn't think of anything else. Its just a screen name; but I do own guns...legally. Which is more than I can say for the thousands of people in Los Angeles who use them on each other and to rob good people; accidentally killing babies and grandparents.

If cops don't do their job, then eventually society will begin to flush down the toilet. If you've served in any capacity and seen the world without central government or poor/corrupt law enforcement(ie. Afghanistan, Mexico, East Asian nations) then you will know. Why do you think people always move or want to move into the safer areas?

I know of at least two fisherman who got robbed of their gear(at gunpoint) in city parks; countless others who have seen people smoking meth in city lakes and at the san Gabriel river. We may 'hate' cops cause they give tickets and inconvenience us, but I say again, whats the alternative? Have them stick their heads in the sand and hope that everyone in LA will follow the law? PLEASE...mankind hasn't proved that it can handle that responsibilityYou seem to be convinced that Los Angeles is the only place in Southern Cali that is plagued by crime.

Ummm, I think its you my friend, who is sticking his head in the sand when it comes to seeing that crime is rampant wherever drugs are rampant. Meth addicts seem to run wild and do as they please in places outside of L.A., for instance, where many people who seem to think like you reside, in the Inland Empire. Not only that, but the issue of gun violence is not only one that occurs in L.A. You should know that...

Mr Jaws and Catfish
07-16-2010, 05:20 PM
I was told by a DFG Officer that regular cops/sheriffs have absolutely no jurisdiction over fishing.

Mr Jaws and Catfish
07-16-2010, 05:24 PM
The cops are most likely asking if you have a gun because when you're fishing you can legally open carry.

07-16-2010, 05:26 PM
I was told by a DFG Officer that regular cops/sheriffs have absolutely no jurisdiction over fishing.

From personal experience, I know the Harbor Patrol in Newport Harbor enforces DFG regulations.

07-16-2010, 05:29 PM
I was told by a DFG Officer that regular cops/sheriffs have absolutely no jurisdiction over fishing.
Are you willing to challenge their authority? I'm not. I'll gladly be an obedient citizen and pack my ****.

07-16-2010, 08:09 PM
The cops are most likely asking if you have a gun because when you're fishing you can legally open carry.

i ask because i'm not really sure what you mean.

r u saying it legal to carry a side arm when fishing or r u talking about knives?

Just curious.

07-16-2010, 08:40 PM
ask me what i was doing on a tree with a fishing pole

So, do you cast FROM the tree? Or do you go up to the tree to see where the fish are at, and then climb down and cast towards that area?

Inquiring minds want to know.

07-16-2010, 09:22 PM
i ask because i'm not really sure what you mean.

r u saying it legal to carry a side arm when fishing or r u talking about knives?

Just curious.

you can legally open carry in CA at ANYTIME as long as you dont do it an area which could cause the public to panic, such as malls, theme parks, post offices, banks etc.

hell, i carry around one of my rifles when i walk my dogs sometimes. but YOU MUST not have the weapon loaded and magazines must be detached and holstered seperately

07-16-2010, 09:34 PM
Are you willing to challenge their authority? I'm not. I'll gladly be an obedient citizen and pack my ****.

LASD have been contracted to enforce DFG laws in many cities in LA County. They are also enforcing DFG laws on beaches and piers. The state can not hire as many DFG agents so this is what will be going on for a while. Remember many of the parks are ran by LA County.

07-16-2010, 09:38 PM
Are you willing to challenge their authority? I'm not. I'll gladly be an obedient citizen and pack my ****.

LASD have been contracted to enforce DFG laws in many cities in LA County. They are also enforcing DFG laws on beaches and piers. The state can not hire as many DFG agents so this is what will be going on for a while. Remember many of the parks are ran by LA County.

07-16-2010, 11:46 PM
LASD have been contracted to enforce DFG laws in many cities in LA County. They are also enforcing DFG laws on beaches and piers. The state can not hire as many DFG agents so this is what will be going on for a while. Remember many of the parks are ran by LA County.

Then who covers for the sheriff's department while they're assisting the DFG? Doesn't LA law enforcement always ***** about being short handed and under staffed. So they decide to assign deputies to help the DFG catch poachers and unlicensed fishers. Am i the only one who thinks that's a serious misuse of man power? Which seems more important, catching poachers or violent thugs? IMHO, the latter.

Like i mentioned earlier on this thread, it's less likely an effort for the improvement LA's fishing waters but more of a way for the county to generate revenue by citing ppl, innocent or guilty, for violating DFG regulations.

Ray Lopez
07-17-2010, 10:06 AM
From all the stories about cops checking on ppl's fishing license i'm starting to think NOT being required to display ur license above the waist is a big F***ing scam cooked up by the bureaucrats to increase state revenue by ticketing anglers. It's easy to leave ur license at home or somewhere else when ur not required to wear it, imho. Also, the timing of the fishing license regulation change and cops starting to enforce DFG regulations seems too close to be a coincidence. It's almost a conspiracy!

Yea i have had so many people question me as to why i still wear my FL around my neck. I mean for the most part i do it because i got my nail clippers and hook remover attached to it too. But really i don't like getting harassed while fishing. I have had a few stops by he police when i was younger and a raver. But i used my rights to the fullest and never got busted for anything. Like when a cop would stop me and ask to search my car for no reason other then the fact that i was a raver i would kindly tell them "I do not consent to a search." They would get mad and try to tell me all sorts of different things they could do. But every time they just harassed me for like 30 minutes and then take off pissed off.

I also had confrontations with the cops at the upper lake when he said "I smell some pot. Do you guys know anything about it?" our answer was Nope i don't smell anything. He said "well if you guys know of anything just let us know because we don't take kindly to pot smokers on this lake". I said will do officer hope you have a great day. lol

Also at MDR fishing at night. Cop cruised by and flashed his light on us. Then proceeded to say "Were closed!" I looked over and said "huh? this is a public street officer what do you mean by your closed?" He said it again "Were closed!" I said okay. He drove off we moved the truck and we just kept fishing. He drove by like 5 more times and didn't say anything lol. How can a public street be closed? lol damn po po. I love that i used to do martial arts training with the LAPD i got taught alot of things that i can use to my benefit when dealing with the police.

From personal experience, I know the Harbor Patrol in Newport Harbor enforces DFG regulations.

I have had a run in with the Oxnard harbor patrol and he busted me red handed fishing a private dock. We had a small convo on how the fishing was, he asked me if i lived on one of the boats. I told him no, im just out here doing some fishing because i was excited to get out to the islands in the morning and could not sleep. He was very cool and told me well these yuppies out here are pretty snobby and hate anyone that does not live on a boat to be fishing these docks. So he told me where i could fish and even what to use to catch some lol. I love being half white i get away with everything lol.

I look like a clean cut white boy so the cops normally pass me by without a second thought.

07-17-2010, 10:45 AM
Ray is correct. If you say either "YES" or "NO" at any time while they speak to you, you will lose a whole bunch of rights.

Saying yes or no gives the cops the right to search you and your vehicle without your consent. Sneaky, aint it?

If you dont say either word, and they search you anyway, that is definitely illegal.

Here's a little trick. If you DO go out with your stash, always use a metal sneak-a-toke.. the kind with the screw-on cap.

Always refer to it as "A metal pipe".

When my idiot brother-in-law stole a car, and I got caught inside with him in irvine, they actually ended up giving me back the pipe WITH weed in it, after even being detained for 4 hours for questioning! Simply because i kept it obscure and said "metal pipe".

Funny how simple words can save your ***, aint it? :LOL:

Ray Lopez
07-17-2010, 11:11 AM
Ray is correct. If you say either "YES" or "NO" at any time while they speak to you, you will lose a whole bunch of rights.

Saying yes or no gives the cops the right to search you and your vehicle without your consent. Sneaky, aint it?

If you dont say either word, and they search you anyway, that is definitely illegal.

Here's a little trick. If you DO go out with your stash, always use a metal sneak-a-toke.. the kind with the screw-on cap.

Always refer to it as "A metal pipe".

When my idiot brother-in-law stole a car, and I got caught inside with him in irvine, they actually ended up giving me back the pipe WITH weed in it, after even being detained for 4 hours for questioning! Simply because i kept it obscure and said "metal pipe".

Funny how simple words can save your ***, aint it? :LOL:

Nice lol. If they don't have "real" cause to search you by law then they have to contact a judge and get a search warrant. And 9 times out of 10 they wont bother with it. Trust me i have done this at least 5 times in my life.

Know your rights people and the cops can't cause you any harm. But above all be respectful even if the cop is being a D-bag. Yes calling them "sir" helps makes them feel like they are bigger then you but by showing respect they will in turn respect you a little bit. Above all never loose your temper and talk back to the cop. Also never tell them you pay for there pay checks or they will treat you like crap.

Also smokers, even if you have a Medical card keep it on the DL man good lord. I am a smoker but i keep things on the low. Don't bring a damn bong to the lake morons. Keep a small metal pipe with you that you can ditch in times where there is no choice. Also you drinkers if you need to drink on the lake keep that on the DL and also have a trash bag with random lake trash and a few different beer cans in there. When stopped and asked about it tell them you were just picking up some trash left at the lake and you were just trying to do your part to keep the lake clean.

FYI if you fish a body of water on a regular basis get to know you local cops, make random convos with them. Become friendly with them and you will never have a problem. Cops are people just like you and I but they have a very stressful job and run into jerks all the time. If you take the time to be respectful and show them you are not some criminal and even (i know this is hard for some of you) thank them for doing the job that they do it will pay off in the long run.

07-25-2010, 02:28 PM
Well, I got a ticket one time for "fishing" without my license present on me. It was in 1995, the first year you had to have your license visible above your waist, and I was getting some worms out of a river. I didn't have a fishing pole or nothing, but was picking up a couple of grubs to use later (I was about 2 hours away from my boat and tackle). The Game Warden came up and ask for my license. I told him I wasn't fishing and that I left my license in the boat for when I'm fishing. He said that it was illegal for me to pick grubs out of the river without my license present. I did take out my wallet and showed him the carbon copy of my license to show that I did, in fact, have a license. He said that the carbon copy wasn't good enough and wrote me a ticket. Total honest mistake, I had picked grubs out of that area for over 20 years and never once thought about having my licenses on me. At that time I paid $135 for "fishing" with my licenses present on me. If I wouldn't of had a license it would of been $850. I can't imagine what that ticket would be today. On the up side, he was nice enough to let me keep the grubs for fishing at the lake, I guess he felt I paid for it.

07-25-2010, 02:47 PM
I find it humorous that everyone hates the cops until they need their assistance.
WTF were you on a tree with a fishing rod?
If I seen you up in in tree with a fishing rod, I would think you were on drugs too, and that's most likely why he asked you if you were carrying drugs.

Even when I (and others) have needed their assistance, I still hated them. They still acted like pretentious cockbags. And they still didnt get **** taken care of.