View Full Version : Any tips for trout fishing at Big Bear Lake this weekend?

07-02-2010, 04:00 PM
Have a friend taking his family to Big Bear Lake this weekend for some trout. Any good tips on some decent spots and what's working right now?


07-02-2010, 06:35 PM
was just at big bear from monday to wednesday.
didnt get any bass but a few trout around the dam area where the floating porta potty is
from both a boat and from the shore
from the shore i was on the north side of the lake almost at the very end where the road starts to curve and go over the dam, there is a red house that is kind of standing out alone, i fished there. there is a lot of vegetation so it's better to cast before it or over it, its a lot easier to see when the sun is higher and if you stand on the higher rocks.
i was using standard setup of the sliding sinker, treble hook on light line, and the garlic chatreuse powerbait dough.
its slowed down a lot according to the people i talked to there like trolling the boats and also fishing, i caught 3 on the boat on one day and 1 from the shore the other day.