View Full Version : HB 7/18/07

07-20-2007, 01:31 PM
I went to the HB Pier the other night with my GF anf my Brother. we were using cut squid for bait and on my other pole I put on a 6inch camo sandworm to see if anything would bite at it and it was the first pole to catch a fish it was a dink staghorn sculpin. after my brother and I caught some more staghorn sculpin's. then we were trying cut pieces of sardines. Then I caught this dink smoothhound shark with a small piece of sardine.
Shot with [url=http://profile.imageshack.us/camerabuy.php?model=FinePix+A210&make=FUJIFILM:dafcf]FinePix A210[/url:dafcf] at 2007-07-20
after that we started catching thornback rays and more staghorn sculpins and my gf got skunked. We catch and release all fish caught. on a side note I saw other people catching good sized yfc and some other big fish not sure what there were though.

07-20-2007, 02:44 PM
Thats cool man, I grew up fishing off of the San Clemente Pier, your report reminds me of the nights we would fish till the sun came up, cool pic of the small gray, thanks for the report

07-20-2007, 09:57 PM
no prob and I think the other big fish were spotfins maybe