View Full Version : Fishing Injuries!!

06-25-2010, 01:41 AM
So whats the most painful thing that has happen to you guys while fishing.. either from the fish.. or something else..:Embarrassed:

fisherman from long beach
06-25-2010, 07:00 AM
i was fishing the rocks with my cousin,and he hooks up and i go over to help him,i trip and fall over and hurt my wrist it was like a good 3foot fall.and my cousins only concern was his fish,WATCH OUT FOR MY FISH!when we talk about we start laughin hard.1 more story,my lil cousin went float tubin with my dad in laguna awhile back,and my dad told him not to go in yet the surf was a lil high,but he doesnt listen and my dad said all you see is his legs up in air and it slams him.he lost his glasses but held on to his rod,he's a good boy.when my talks about this he laughs so hard he starts to cry.lol

06-25-2010, 08:47 AM
Casted and the wind blew my line WAY right and tangled a tree about 30ft. high.

I tugged and tried to work it out and it shot right at me...luckily, the bullet 3/4oz sliding weight hit a non-vital part of my body (my forearm) but broke the skin pretty good, blood did splatter, and the pain was a son of a B***ch!

So glad it wasn't my eye, but I learned a very good lesson.

City Dad
06-25-2010, 09:28 AM
Waaaay back when I was a kid, parents still let their kids take of on their bikes for the entire day (with no helmets of course). A couple buddies and I liked to ride out to our favorite fishing spot on a creek up in the hills beyond my house. One day, as we were racing each other down hill my rod slipped out of my hand and jammed into the spokes of my front wheel. I went sailing over the handlebars. I can distinctly remember flying through the air, noticing how high I was off of the ground an thinking "this is gonna be bad."

Spent the rest of that day whining while my mom picked gravel out of my hands, elbows and knees. I carried my rod in a backpack from that day on.

06-25-2010, 09:56 AM
Oh man im loving these stories.. keep them coming guys!

06-25-2010, 10:16 AM
When i was a kid we were dirt poor. My Dad somehow got hold of some fishing tackle for me , which i kept
on a brown paper bag like you get from the market.

I can remember when i was like 6 , fishing a river with a friend for northern pike . It was winter and frigging cold.
I had just caught a pike and was crowing to my friend about it . He got mad and kicked my bag into the river .
I reflexed jumped straight into the water and grabbed the bag , the bottom and disolved , so i thought all my stuff had sunk.
I tried diving for it but was too weak and cold to reach the bottom.

Some people walking dogs called 999 , thinking kid drowning !. The whole world turned up , fireman , police and some
army helecoptor.

I remember sitting in an ambulance , drinking hot tea , watching the police chew out my friend big time , as
he had just confessed to earlier hiding my tackle in the bushes and there was nothing in the bag !

Good times !

06-25-2010, 01:05 PM
just last year when leaving the vine i was trying to remove a knot from a hook so i could put it back in my tackle box retard me was using a filet knife well i got the knot of with one clean slash and i also filet my finger the bleeding dint stop for about a half hour. Probably should of when to the hospital but having no med insurance i just had to pray the bleeding would stop.

One other time while trying to filet a catfish I caught at the vine using my home made knife that I made from a high speed steel saw blade that is used at where I worked to cut heat treated steel blocks I some how nearly filleted my entire finger nail of my left ring finger. Once again due to not having medical insurance I had to pray the bleeding would stop it took about 45 minutes. It never healed correctly and you can see the scar under the nail. O I also found the nail the next day I tried to put it back on but I wouldn’t stay lol

I have since learned how to better filet fish and I have also banned myself from using knifes unless absolutely necessary

06-25-2010, 01:06 PM
When i was a kid we were dirt poor. My Dad somehow got hold of some fishing tackle for me , which i kept
on a brown paper bag like you get from the market.

I can remember when i was like 6 , fishing a river with a friend for northern pike . It was winter and frigging cold.
I had just caught a pike and was crowing to my friend about it . He got mad and kicked my bag into the river .
I reflexed jumped straight into the water and grabbed the bag , the bottom and disolved , so i thought all my stuff had sunk.
I tried diving for it but was too weak and cold to reach the bottom.

Some people walking dogs called 999 , thinking kid drowning !. The whole world turned up , fireman , police and some
army helecoptor.

I remember sitting in an ambulance , drinking hot tea , watching the police chew out my friend big time , as
he had just confessed to earlier hiding my tackle in the bushes and there was nothing in the bag !

Good times !

you are a better man than i. i would have stomped his face into the ground with no remorse.

06-25-2010, 02:43 PM
Apparently, using a sharp knife to cut braid doesn't fly. I was about 13 and the 1st generation of braided lines had just hit the market, so I began using them. I quickly found out that the ole "use your teeth" method was not gonna fly when cutting the line, so I had to use a knife.

Long story short, I cut the line, and also cut my index finger wide open, something that obviously required stitches. Blood was spurting all over the place so I ran home.

BUT, as any Mexican American kid can attest to, coming home with an injury that requires an expensive trip to the hospital would most likely end up with an additional *** beating for being a marrano, so I decided the best course of action was to wrap the gashing wound in duct tape, followed by gauze, and play off the incident like it never happened.

It took about 7 weeks for the injury to "heal," and by heal, I mean that it no longer bled randomnly and I didn't need to change the gauze out every day.

The aftermath? I've lost most feeling on that finger tip. It makes for a great bar trick when you can hold a lighter's flame to it and not feel much. Chicks dig that.

The scar wraps around from the first crease on the underside, all the way around to where my nail starts on the other side. My buddy said the tip of my finger was "hanging off" when it happened.

So yeah, I don't use braid anymore.

06-25-2010, 04:32 PM
Man ive been hurt so many ways while fishing. LOL

most of my damage came from angry fish that werent tired out yet.

So far, the most painful was when i went fishing at the vine a looooooong time ago with my buddy, like 8 years ago. We rented a boat and were fishing for blues around the flats. We ended up catching a nice one, had to be 15-20 lbs for sure.

Well what happened was, this kitty was pissed, and trying to take the hook outta his mouth just made him angrier. He thrashed and gaffed me in the armpit with his pectoral spine. REALLY EFFIN HURT. had to go to the doc for that one, to make matters worse, the wound became septic. Fortunately it was caught early, i was told if it werent caught that early, i woulda been a goner for sure, that close to my heart..

Another time was when I found a bunch of legal fattie rock-crabs at the 32nd st jetty, wasnt paying attention and a big one got hold of my thumb. POP! Hahaha So i feel this tremendous pressure, and i fling the sucker off--- Well that was stupid, because it just ended up slicing my thumb open. I should have just broke his claw off, but hey no time to react. :LOL:

Yet ANOTHER time, I was fishin the channel and caught a nice sargo, this was fairly recent. I was holding him, trying to remove the hook, and he freaked out and punctured me with his dorsal spines.. And if youve ever caught a big sargo before.. Lol those spines are NO joke. they are like mini-katanas. My hand was sore for weeks!

Then there was that stingray incident.. lol but that really wasnt that painful to me, compared to those other fish. It did bleed alot though. But i just ignored it and fished on, because the venom isnt really that dangerous.

Non-fish-caused injuries-- not very common for me. The one time i slipped on the jetty, i didnt even get hurt. I landed on a bunch of baby green sea-anemones, felt like a big pillow lol!

I did nail myself in the forehead with my own sinker though. Hooked a nice leo in the surf, and he threw the hook. Well, i thought another fish was biting after that, and set the hook with WAY too much vigor. BAM! the funniest part was, it left a "1/2" imprint on my forehead. :LOL:

Billy Bass
06-25-2010, 09:02 PM
I know this is the freshwater board, but getting you *** nailed by a Sculpin. is the most pained I've endured. PS- it goes away after a while

06-26-2010, 12:17 AM
I was fishing the santa ana river system at a small park in Riverside for small bass. It started to rain so we packed up our stuff and as we were hiking of the rocks to the car the boulder I was on rolled. I fell seven feet and broke my ankle before the boulder rolled fown the hill. It ended up on top of my left arm and shoulder. The rock was estimated to weigh 400 to 450 pounds. I pulled all the tendons and ligaments in my arms and was pinned down in poison oak for 10 minutes. I was lucky that I had my brother there or I'd still be stuck lol. I was laid up for a month after that.

06-26-2010, 12:31 AM
I once stuck my hand in a big legal Halibut's mouth "on purpose". :Shocked:
I don't think I'll ever be doing that again... :LOL:

06-26-2010, 01:58 AM
I once stuck my hand in a big legal Halibut's mouth "on purpose". :Shocked:
I don't think I'll ever be doing that again... :LOL:

Let me guess...you did it just for the halibut ?

Aboloney !

06-26-2010, 08:48 AM
I was fishing the santa ana river system at a small park in Riverside for small bass. It started to rain so we packed up our stuff and as we were hiking of the rocks to the car the boulder I was on rolled. I fell seven feet and broke my ankle before the boulder rolled fown the hill. It ended up on top of my left arm and shoulder. The rock was estimated to weigh 400 to 450 pounds. I pulled all the tendons and ligaments in my arms and was pinned down in poison oak for 10 minutes. I was lucky that I had my brother there or I'd still be stuck lol. I was laid up for a month after that.

damn dude... thats some survivor man **** stuff right there

06-26-2010, 04:55 PM
This is mild compared to the others. A few years back, I would go fishing with my pops and brother out to islands like Catalina in a 21ft Wellcraft. We would catch rock fish like crazy back in the day. One day we where on a hot bite and everyone was busy hooking up and baiting hooks like crazy. Then it happened. I hooked into this huge sculpin. I got it to the surface and my big bro says, " swing it up here!" So I did, and he walked into it and the fish stuck him in the knee. He was pissed off and then the pain set in. He was really pissed off after that. We both suffer injury that day. His leg and my arm after he punch the hell out of it! The sculpin tasted delicious anyway.

06-27-2010, 07:53 AM
Falling off and into the rocks at the channel island harbor jetty. Sucked.. Came away with a few cuts and bruises but otherwise ok. To many Bud's .....

06-27-2010, 09:57 AM
Lets see where do i start,.,

pinheading on the el dorado they woke me at 3am to cut frozen blocks of squid,.,.almost cut my thumb off,.,.
they never woke me for that again...lol

fishing at a lkae hooked a big turtle it went under a ledge, i walked out on the wet slipper ledge slipped and knocked my self out on the rocks waking up laying in the water,.,.,could have drowned .,.,

I was trying to push a pin back into a reel seat with the most rustiest needle nose pliers you have ever seen, well the pliers slipped and went into the web of my hand between my thumb and pointer finger,leaving a sharpie marker size hole that was almost all the way thru.

casting out a 8oz sinker and bait and having the reel backlash catching my thumb with and stopping the reel in its place.,.,ouch

having a big ol catfish lock down on my finger,.,.,.damn that catfish...

getting bass thumb so bad it had a huge scab on it for weeks,.,.thank heavens for leather thumb sleeve.,.,

to be continued with more.,.,

06-27-2010, 01:32 PM
Damn... I must be a lucky man, the worst thing that has happen to me is catching a big catfish and getting the barb in my leg and then he bit the hook down into my thumb ( size 12 treble hook) sneeky cats. These story's are great to read :LOL: keep them coming!

06-27-2010, 01:49 PM
On the Ranger 85 back in o id say 2006 or 7 i was throwing the iron on the bow and this dad decides it time to teach his 6 year old son to toss the iron as i had just naled 5 yellows well dad casts a few times to show him and gets bit brings it in so the kid is excited mind you the kid cant see of the rail so dad gives him the rod and reel kid flings it out but it goes back wards and hooks me on my left eylid hurt like a mofo and i went crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy on the dad of course not the kids fault dad should know better 26 stitches just above my left eye

06-27-2010, 03:34 PM
sliding half way down the long hill at Irvine's West Shore with 4 fishing poles/50pound back pack/fishing net/2 rod holders/folding chair/12 can ice chest. didnt really get hurt so much as i was pissed broke 2 poles on the way down...

Which Way Out
06-30-2010, 03:07 PM
I don't ever want to tell a story here. Well OK just one.. While casting a crank bait (3 of us in a small boat), what did I do? I only go and hang a treble hook in the earlobe of my Boss. Looked great hanging there like a big earring. :LOL: Ah that was funny. The backlash was one of the worst ever. Thanks for the topic brings back lots of memories good and bad I am sure.

06-30-2010, 03:29 PM
when I was about 8, I was trout fishing w/ a Super Duper and managed to catch the back of my head. Barb was sunk in my skin, so I let my brother try and cut it out with a pocket knife. didnt work too well.

06-30-2010, 03:37 PM
Picture this ... late 50's on the Balboa pier, my Dad always took us fishing on the full moon. All-nighters ... with two little boys. I remember one time just like it was yesterday ... this bone head guy throwing iron overhead, catches an old bald guy with the treble and rips his scalp all the way from the base of his neck on the back to his forehead. My dad calmly reaches down to hold the guys scalp from falling off and uses a few j-hooks and dacron line to temporarily sew it up. Blood everywhere, my brother and I amazed, then it took what seemed forever for the lifeguards to arrive. No cells in those days, and the nearest payphone a few hundred yards away. My Dad was a corpsman during the Korean war and didn't even flinch, he went back to fishing right away. I miss Dad and his never flinching in a pinch when things go bad. Also miss the halibut that filled our freezer after every full moon ...

06-30-2010, 03:54 PM
i go a hook stuck in the lid of my eye luckily it didnt get in my eye

06-30-2010, 06:13 PM
A couple years back I was at my local pond hopping from boulder to boulder and slipped, foot got caught between rocks and tore my ACL. It was the most pain I've ever felt in my life. Felt like a hot iron was being driven into my knee. Anyways, had reconstructive knee surgery and was out for almost a year. So be careful out there and always look where you're steppin.

06-30-2010, 06:41 PM
A # 2 hook lodge deep in the fattie part of the inside of left thumb.:Head Bang: Very painful, I just pulled it out! I bled like a stuck pig! Actually I've had many hooks stuck in numerous parts of my body, that was the worst! Cindy!:Big Grin:

06-30-2010, 09:00 PM
Got nailed by a round stingray at Torrance Beach. Hurt like a Mutha. After 3 days went to the doc for some meds, got better.
Then after a month it was still swelling, went back at 5 weeks. They did a X ray and saw a stinger piece in there.
Cut it and pulled out a 1/4" stinger piece, then it got better.

Here is some Photobucket pics, ' hook hand ' key words.





Ain't so bad, some Chicks dig it !

http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p304/ohmayfly/alicefin.jpg DR

06-30-2010, 09:42 PM
Fished the surf @ El Capitan SB on the rocks a couple of years back. Wave comes in and knocks me down & pole goes sailing in the air. I manage to jump for the rod in the surf. Continue fishing w/o a bite.
After having my fill for the day, I start walking back to the family & notice people staring and pointing at me. Don't pay any attention until I get back. I notice that both my knee caps and shins scraped & cut to the bone. I had been bleeding so much that my lower legs were covered in blood. I guess you don't feel things until you actually acknowledge that something did happen. Boy did this hurt for a while.

06-30-2010, 10:20 PM
Hey city dad I can't remember where I saw it but someone makes rod holders that attach to bikes, I think it was on ebay look under rod holders?

Waaaay back when I was a kid, parents still let their kids take of on their bikes for the entire day (with no helmets of course). A couple buddies and I liked to ride out to our favorite fishing spot on a creek up in the hills beyond my house. One day, as we were racing each other down hill my rod slipped out of my hand and jammed into the spokes of my front wheel. I went sailing over the handlebars. I can distinctly remember flying through the air, noticing how high I was off of the ground an thinking "this is gonna be bad."
Spent the rest of that day whining while my mom picked gravel out of my hands, elbows and knees. I carried my rod in a backpack from that day on.

06-30-2010, 10:31 PM
Was he a Navy corpsman? either way I thank you for your dads service, Semper Fi! Mike Alvarado USMC 89-92

Picture this ... late 50's on the Balboa pier, my Dad always took us fishing on the full moon. All-nighters ... with two little boys. I remember one time just like it was yesterday ... this bone head guy throwing iron overhead, catches an old bald guy with the treble and rips his scalp all the way from the base of his neck on the back to his forehead. My dad calmly reaches down to hold the guys scalp from falling off and uses a few j-hooks and dacron line to temporarily sew it up. Blood everywhere, my brother and I amazed, then it took what seemed forever for the lifeguards to arrive. No cells in those days, and the nearest payphone a few hundred yards away. My Dad was a corpsman during the Korean war and didn't even flinch, he went back to fishing right away. I miss Dad and his never flinching in a pinch when things go bad. Also miss the halibut that filled our freezer after every full moon ...

06-30-2010, 10:45 PM
I was fishing on the Pier Point when my cousin was working on it. I was on there with i guy that i know at the time. He had a trolling rod and he put on a barracuda jig on there and thought he could cast it on the rod. But instead of it casting out the jig out it went up my back and left a nice size gash on my right shoulder. Now i have about a four inch. scare now from that.

06-30-2010, 10:50 PM
Went camping/fishing to Piru lake 1987/88 with some high school friends, 4 guys 3 girls. The other guys piss off the girls so they come with me on my dads hunk of crap boat, we pull into a cove and I start throwing a 1/2 ounce gold kastmaster, lots of T and A laying on the boat so I don't notice that I've cast beyond a submerged tree. I end up sling shotting the lure from under the tree and don't see where it goes BAM I feel something hit my forehead, see stars drop the rod the girl closest to me stops the rod from going in the water.

I take off my hat hold my forehead, dam that F'n hurt one of the girls happens to be an EMT, asks me what just happened so I tell her I had already taken my hat off, she tells me to move my hand so I do all of a sudden she's all F k put your hand back on your head!!! why? duh stupid me, she cleans me up cuz I can't see what was going on. So the rest of the day I end up fishing with a fricken garfield band aid on my forehead, turns out the kastmaster had come flying at me and the end that the line was tied to hit my forehead, to this day I still have a dent where it hit me.

That had to have been the worst fishing trip of my life, the only guy who said he knew how to drive stick almost sunk my truck into the lake while unloading the boat, killed the electrical in my truck had to tow it back home as well as the boat using the one of the other guys van truck ends up at the dealer, very expensive trip never went with any of them again, all together that is.

07-01-2010, 02:03 PM
Got nailed by a round stingray at Torrance Beach. Hurt like a Mutha. After 3 days went to the doc for some meds, got better.
Then after a month it was still swelling, went back at 5 weeks. They did a X ray and saw a stinger piece in there.
Cut it and pulled out a 1/4" stinger piece, then it got better.

Here is some Photobucket pics, ' hook hand ' key words.





Ain't so bad, some Chicks dig it !

http://i131.photobucket.com/albums/p304/ohmayfly/alicefin.jpg DROH god! Man that made me ball my fists up and type with my knuckles :LOL

07-02-2010, 07:07 PM
My buddy got one in his EYEBALL when he was a child. Apparently it wasn't on the cornea or w/e but off to the side. His brother was the culprit. (OUCH)

07-02-2010, 08:08 PM
Dannnnnng, after reading about all the horrible accidents that can happen when people cast irons I think I'll start fishing with a football helmet and glasses. The guy whose scalp got ripped off, the numerous stiches on the forehead and near the eye...

I don't have anything to compare.

Last month I was stream fishing and jumped on a boulder about 3.5 feet in diameter. I was standing there enjoying the scenery when all of a sudden it started rolling forward too quickly for me to react fully and it came crashing into the stream. I got lucky and landed on my back and started sliding toward the creek, but was not seriously injured. I was about to lay there for a second to get my bearings but my bag of worms and powerbait in my net and my cheapo fishing pole were about to sink to the bottom of the creek (~8 feet deep) so I lunged forward and barely saved them and almost took a swim in the process. No big deal but I was a bit concerned at the time since I was about 1/2 mile deep into the forest with no one around and because I am not the lightweight I use to be so when I fall I land harder. Only scrapes, bruises and torn clothes, but most importantly I rescued those worms and powerbait which allowed me to keep catching fish for the rest of the day.

When I was 9 months old I got a treble hook stuck in my tongue and it took quite a bit of work to get it out. Once it was out I scooted away and started playing like nothing happened, or so I am told.
