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View Full Version : "Go For Broke" 6 pack, July 14-2007

07-19-2007, 07:40 PM
Guilty as charged: I haven't posted a report in a while, so here's my latest.

I had some clients come in from Arizona wanting to experience deep sea fishing. Two months prior, I blindly entered into a contract to charter the F/V Go For Broke, out of H&M. The specs on the website, as well as phone calls with whom I thought was the captain had me confident my money was well spent. I sent him a check for 1/2 of the money up front, even though the prices on the website were less than what I was quoted. All said and done, after being hit with a $400 fuel surcharge the night we boarded, I spent well over several thousand dollars. I would do it again for these guys cause they are great, but I wouldn't spend my money on the Go For Broke.

Long story made short, we didn't catch a whole lot. The deckhand is new to fishing (no joke). The food we ordered ahead of time wasn't served to us. I had to stiffly remind the captain that we wanted to cut the tuna search early to go rock codding for just an hour or so at the Coronados, just so my guys could have fun catching something.

The boat itself is decent. It's a 58 foot Norseman, very wide ***, two good size bait tanks. Too bad the captain (a guy named Jose) didn't think we would need very many anchovies....so liberal chumming to get the chicken to rise wasn't an option. :roll:

Unfortunately, there were only 2 of us fishing. The other 4 guys were sick as dogs from the moment they got on the boat. I felt bad for them, but managed to hand off the troll stick to three of them so that they could at least say they brought in an albacore. Despite being so sick, they promise they want to go back out in September, but this time, on a big boat limited load! Let's do it!

Overall it was a long trip for me as I had taken a couple of the guys out that same morning on a little 1/2 moo-moo to fish for cuda and YT.

Enough complaining. Here's the paltry pickings:

07-19-2007, 07:52 PM
don't feel bad join the crowd 8)

07-19-2007, 08:36 PM
Nice report Rich. Sorry to hear about the green you had to shell out, the green-skilled skipper and crew and the "green" anglers. Nonetheless, it still looks like you had a pretty okay time with your buds. Hooking into albies is always a plus.

The Intrepid looks like a sweet ride! A moo-moo yacht.
I want...


07-19-2007, 10:57 PM
Sorry to hear the bad news, Rich. I sooo wanted to hear that you slayed em.

That's the second time today you made me pinch my neck trying to see one of the pics you failed to rotate.. :evil: ..lol

But those are some nice looking longfins you got there, Rich.


07-19-2007, 11:02 PM
Thanks for the report. Glad you got in to at least a few ablies it has been hit or miss lately... The boat looks sweet I have looked into those 6packs before deffinetly spendy, but it sounds like a tax write off...

07-19-2007, 11:07 PM
Too bad about the lousy crew and poor judgment.

Does it look like you're a little sun burned??


07-19-2007, 11:22 PM
Ouch...couple grand for couple albies..At least you have clients you can take out fishing. All my clients are women. Come to think of it, thats not so bad.. Thanks for the report, get them next time!

07-19-2007, 11:27 PM
nice report Rich..........glad to see u r always smiling no matter what!!!

07-19-2007, 11:58 PM
Thanks for the report Sansou..

at least you got some alby's on the Boat.....

The Intrepid Does Look Nice......

Bucket bay
07-20-2007, 08:02 AM
way to go on the ablies Rich. i was out there sunday on the chubasco 2.

07-20-2007, 08:33 AM
Man sorry to hear the captain and crew were retards. However the pics of the fish on deck make me enviouis for sure!


07-20-2007, 08:56 AM
not bad at all...looks like you were the life of the party...AGAIN ...

I love this guy...he's so RAW!!!!

anyhow, I think you would have done so much better if you would have just pimped the ghost shrimp!!!!!....PIMP IN DISTRESS!! PIMP IN DISTRESS!!!!......LMAO.....

City Dad
07-20-2007, 09:49 AM
Hey, Rich, next time bring those clients up to Balboa. I'll get you onto the Tilapia for half that price!

07-20-2007, 10:51 AM
Hey, Rich, next time bring those clients up to Balboa. I'll get you onto the Tilapia for half that price!

How much for Surf perch fishing.

07-20-2007, 11:19 AM
$400 fuel surcharge?!! Sounds like "Go for Broke" was what they were trying to do to you.

At least you got a few chickens. Nice variety of fish too.

07-20-2007, 11:30 AM
You didn't do so badly. When you slay the albacore, you wind up giving 99% of them away anyhow cause there is no way on earth you can eat that much. Apparently, your clients also had enough fun to want to do it again in September.

07-20-2007, 02:35 PM

First off, thanks for posting and at least you got a few chickens. One question, did you complain to the office about the problems you had with the boat and crew?

07-20-2007, 04:04 PM
Rich, sounds like the Albies didn't get have their feed bags on, but you guys made the best of it. As you know the tuna fishing has been a hit miss down your way. You would have thought a six packer could have done a little better for your group, but obviously it wasn't the case this time out. Thanks for sharing your report.

07-20-2007, 05:38 PM
Hey guys,

Thanks to you all for the kind words. I wish you all better luck than I had. They are certainly out there, it just was hard to get them to come up. I personally sat through a few hours glued to the sonar looking at baitballs punctuated with a couple scratches (albies) below. Those suckers wouldn't come up for nothin' even though they often were at as little as 50 feet below! We would circle and circle the baitballs.... but alas, no love.

Maybe things will change for the better next week.

Re: informing the landing:

There's not much you can do with 6 pack operators. I've since learned that most, not all, are privately owned and the only thing the landing does is take booking fees and charges for admin & logitical services & stuff.

This particular boat is owned by an older gent who also apparently owns 5 other boats (I don't know the names, but this is what the captain tells me). According to even his own crew, he is tough to work with, hence the reason we went out shorthanded and with a greenhorn deckie (the kid tried hard, bless his soul, but he was C L U E L E S S ...). In fact, we didn't even have a relief skipper. Jose, the skip (and also a relief captain from time to time on the Samurai), just came back from 2 other trips back to back, and then piloted our boat throughout the night and into the day! Yikes! He was clearly tired as heck, so we didn't push him to much.

As for the gas surcharge, well, you all know by now that it is the biggest farce running around the landings. I was a bit steamed at having to pay an extra $400 at last moment, but in the scheme of things, it isn't all that much in light of what I was already shelling out. Fortunately for them, one of the guys felt that the lady cook still deserved a tip, so he tipped her. I felt it was overtipping, but that is his perogative, and besides he's too nice a guy.

I cannot complain too much about this because I made some newbie mistakes booking these guys, but given the scheduling afforded to me from the guys going I was a little stuck with selection. I should have taken my lazy *** to the landing and personally taken a look at the boat, and maybe even shook hands with the captain. We made the best with what we were given, and I would like to think my friends had an enjoyable time despite the seasickness. Trust me when I say we made up for that with the festivities that ensued on land. San Diego in the summer is a haven for young impressionable tourists. Ha ha!! :wink:

I hope someone learns from my neophyte mistakes on taking on the chartermaster role.

I'll take another shot at whatever is out there in September.

I would love to see someone (other than myself!!!) put together a little FNN overnight albie trip! It can't be that hard! Someone please step up to the plate, it would be a blast!


07-25-2007, 02:41 PM
I would love to see someone (other than myself!!!) put together a little FNN overnight albie trip! It can't be that hard! Someone please step up to the plate, it would be a blast!

Seriously! Funjunkie74 said he'll pay for everyone too :) jk hahahahaha

Nice work on the albies and sorry to hear about the mostly bunk report... I'm still in search of my first albie and YT (and pretty much anything that weighs more than 10 lbs for that matter...lol).

An FNN charter trip would definitely be fun.