View Full Version : Lawn harassment... (no joke)

06-18-2010, 04:02 PM
Well, my family and I have been battling the dreaded pest plant "Dallisgrass" for a while, because some stupid illegal landscapers blew it into our front yard, and some real-estate cocksuckers keep calling the city on us.

Does anyone know how to control this plant!? Im sick of those buttholes trying to drive us out.

Ive tried everything-- herbicides, manual removal, we even dug our entire lawn up and fumigated the soil, and the damn things STILL come back. Its pissing me off, because some little B!@#$ keeps calling the city on us.

the damn things grow like 5 feet in three days. And i cant keep mowing the lawn because of a herniated disk.

They spread and grow too fast for me to handle, and they steal everything from the grass we plant.

Arrrrrrgh.. i hate these real estate agents.. they are so freaking racist and mean!!!

So far ive been able to warn them about an impending lawsuit if they continue, and they stopped for a while, but now theyre doing it again. FOR brown patches on my lawn. >=( Im two steps away from arson! I swear!

Nessie Hunter
06-18-2010, 07:32 PM
Control. In bermudagrass, dallisgrass is effectively controlled by two applications of MSMA or similar materials at 3 pounds per acre. Applications in early spring are most effective and should be repeated at 2-week intervals. MSMA should be applied with a boom or broadcast sprayer in 100 gallons or less of water per acre.

Make applications of MSMA 3 to 4 days after mowing to provide more leaf surface to absorb the herbicide. Do not water for at least 24 hours after treatment and delay mowing for several more days. Dallisgrass leaves will begin to show discoloration 3 to 5 days after treatment and significant leaf burning should be apparent after 7 to 10 days. Within 2 weeks some regrowth may occur and a second application of MSMA is necessary.

In St. Augustine and centipedegrass lawns, spot treatment of dallisgrass with glyphosate (Roundup) is most effective. Treated areas need to be plugged or sodded with St. Augustine or centipedegrass after dallisgrass dies to prevent other weeds from becoming established in the dead areas. Preemerge herbicides may also be helpful in St. Augustine or centipede turf to prevent the spread of dallisgrass from seed.

06-18-2010, 07:38 PM
I live in Arizona.

What's grass ?

06-18-2010, 08:58 PM
We have been trying that for quite a while, the treatment would work just fine if we werent being harassed so much.

If these punks keep it up, I might just have to dip an ailanthus clipping in some root hormone and toss it on their roof. :LOL:

In one instance we got cited RIGHT after we removed some, i left to get some grass plugs, and i come home to find a freakin courtesy notice on the door.. Grrrr...

Lol these idiots seem to think our landlords will kick us out. (what they dont know is my grandparents are the landlords)