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05-27-2010, 09:22 PM
Hey guys
Hoping to go out saturday and find some barracuda, it will be my first attempt. Only have one salt water rig and its a bait rod with 25lb mono. I have a phenix swimbait rod 7' 6" with a calcutta 250 b and thought I could use that to throw some small irons. Should I spool it with 15lb mono or could I use 30 lb braid. The reel only holds about 100yds of 15 mono is that going to be okay. also what colors and size irons ?

Thanks Bill

05-27-2010, 11:36 PM
I'd go with 30lb braid to a 25lb leader. You can't throw bigger stuff, but that would handle something like A 544XX or Tady A1 just fine for the slimeys

05-28-2010, 12:39 AM
go with what dockboy says... 30lb.... 50lb braid would be great too, thats what i have on my cardiff 300 and i have about 150-170yds or so.... 25lb Flouro leader.

05-28-2010, 08:31 AM
Thanks dockboy and geordy for the info. Any color choices, I heard blue and white, also how long of a leader and do you guys use a uni-knot to connect the two lines. I will let you know if we have any luck.

Thanks Bill

05-28-2010, 08:37 PM
on color selection blue and white is dynamite, scrambled egg is always a good color, so is purple and white. with the lighter rig you could throw larger sized krocodile lures in chrome, blue and chrome, or even green chrome