View Full Version : Lake Hemet Advice?

05-26-2010, 12:52 PM
Never been to Lake Hemet before but going there for a Memorial Day Weekend camping trip. Any advice on fishing it? We're in the yellow campgrounds and will be fishing for trout during the day and cats at night. Thanks for any tips...

05-26-2010, 01:08 PM
Never been to Lake Hemet before but going there for a Memorial Day Weekend camping trip. Any advice on fishing it? We're in the yellow campgrounds and will be fishing for trout during the day and cats at night. Thanks for any tips...

I've always had my best luck on the free side about halfway down to the gate. Good luck!

05-26-2010, 03:38 PM
Cool thanks for that

05-27-2010, 07:42 AM
I was up there this weekend, it is a beautiful place! BUT... I was there for three days and every day the wind was pretty bad, at around 9ish the wind picks up and doesnt stop. Could've just been my bad luck. I did see a few dead carp that were politely "discarded" a few feet from shore, along with all the packaging from a brand new "cheapo" rod reel combo, to the "fisherman" who left it there you HAD to walk right by the TRASHCAN to get to the parking lot A-HOLE..
My suggestion, after you cant take the wind at Hemet, head a few minutes up the mountain past Idyllwild and you'll find Lake Fulmor all I will say is even if you dont get a single bite (hint:if youre wearing the right sunglasses, you'll get bit) the short trip wil be worth it this is a beautiful little mountain lake, bring a camera!!!

05-27-2010, 07:55 AM
Never been to Lake Hemet before but going there for a Memorial Day Weekend camping trip. Any advice on fishing it? We're in the yellow campgrounds and will be fishing for trout during the day and cats at night. Thanks for any tips...

Hey Gavin i allways camp on the end of boat ramp point. I take my boat and just park it on the shoreline below my campsite and you can leave it there all nite and have ready to take off brite and early. Best spots are the dam area, the rockpiles to the right of it and rite there in the boat dock cove. Alotta 12" trout and pound to 2 pound carp with some small bass by the dam rockpile area. Powerbait, nightcrewlers, bread and drop shot 3' power worms work best there. Good place to Drink and fish all nite.

Which Way Out
05-27-2010, 08:58 AM
When I lived in Palm Desert we went to LH a lot. On a boat we trolled spinners, black roostertails and panthermartins near the dam as well as down the middle. Some people slow trolled night crawlers with split shots to get them down some. 2 places I liked to try just to mix it some were the rocky gravel where Hurkey Creek flows into the lake. There is a small trench. Didn't fish for trout there, fished for bass and have caught lots of small one's as well as my personal best, 6lb 3 oz,(Released). Another place is the chain link fence that separates the paid campground and the free section closer to the dam. In the morning on summer days I would fish the west side of the fence, (the shadow) then in the afternoon the east side of the fence (again in the shadow of the fence). The fence is a good long structure the bass love to hang by and a good plastic worm works well there. If your not in a boat I am not sure what to tell you other than don't walk from the campground through the meadow on the east end of the lake to the creek. Did that once and The Man came down on me like a pit bull on a poodle.( the lake ranger) My guess is I found his favorite spot as he is known for some big bass. Good Luck and dress warm but the wind should not be a big issue this weekend

05-27-2010, 10:25 AM
Awesome guys that's great info. Really appreciate it.

4fish2hunter0... I checked the weather and it's saying the wind this weekend shouldn't be bad. The wind while you were there was crazy. Sucks man, I hate fishing in strong wind. Unless I'm catching fish, then I'll put up with it.

05-27-2010, 10:19 PM
Only been to hemet a couple of times.. but caught fish both times. I did well using 6 inch curl tail purple or june bug plastic worms for bass and mepps, panther martin or thomas boyant spinners w/ a small curl tail jig trailer for both trout and bass. good luck.

06-01-2010, 10:54 AM
Thanks again for the tips guys. The trip was a lot of fun. I'm about to post a report in Freshwater Reports.