View Full Version : Pretty good day at corona 5/18

05-18-2010, 06:17 PM
First off to everyone who read my last post and were all hating alot of those 25 fish were givin away to people who wernt catching anything, if you wernt there you shouldnt speak up1 my buddy tracey and myself were handing our rods to people to get them hooked up sorry if anyone got the wrong idea! its just fun to see people get excited for fish!


got to the lake pretty late around 545 but to my surprise i was about the 5th car there was no one there at all today! i met up with tracey at the usual spot by the dam on the rocks! started off tossin a split shot powerworm and on the 2nd cast i hook up to a 6 and a half pounder man it ran for days i love how they fight on the 2 lb test! after that is died down for about an hour i wasnt gettin bit so i decided to switch up to a chart jig! i throw for a bit nothing so i add a little bite on garlic first cast Bendo fish slammed the jig got it to shore and had a nice 4 and a half pounder! once again didnt touch my nightcrawler offering all day, man i love jiggin! fished tell 4 missed a couple good fish and seen a bunch of huge ones swimmin in real close! caught about 5 pan fryers that were givin to the family next to us that couldnt seem to solve them! i dont think anyone was catching on the bait and wait offererings! great way to end the season! maybe lol i know there are still a bunch of big ones out there!

Matt 44

05-18-2010, 07:57 PM
First off to everyone who read my last post and were all hating alot of those 25 fish were givin away to people who wernt catching anything, if you wernt there you shouldnt speak up1 my buddy tracey and myself were handing our rods to people to get them hooked up sorry if anyone got the wrong idea! its just fun to see people get excited for fish!Matt 44

Hating? LOL in your last thread you wrote that you "released" 25 stockers. Even if you were catching all those fish and giving them away thats not any different. You payed to CATCH 5 fish, thats it. Im not hating ive caught my triple limit at the lake before but you know the difference? I payed for my 2nd and 3rd limit passes instead of stealing from the lake like you did. I suspect if you really gave away any of those 25 stockers you caught it probably wasnt all 25 of them and like I said it doesnt make a difference anyways. Your right I wasnt there im just going off your original post and comments you've made. If you dont think you did anything wrong why dont you call the lake and tell them what you did. or better yet next time you go why dont you tell them what you did and see what they have to say about it. Like I said before im not trying to bust your balls or "hate" as you call it. Honesty is the best policy!


05-18-2010, 08:11 PM
funny thing is i have told some off the staff and iv fished with some of the staff! the beauty of fishing a mini jig or a power worm is you can catch the fish without harming it. when you pay 22 dollars to fish you expect to catch quality. if you go to a lake and toss ten casts and catch a limit your gonna feel a little cheated, weather i realeased them all or gave them away i still didnt see any dead fish from the shore today. like it or not it happened i love to fish and catch fish and see people catching! it makes my day. if your so concerned with how many im catching why dont you get out there and get yourself some! its funny though because in a couple weeks or sooner there probably gonna be doin no limit trout so your bitching wouldnt matter anyways!

05-18-2010, 08:27 PM
when you pay 22 dollars to fish you expect to catch quality. if you go to a lake and toss ten casts and catch a limit your gonna feel a little cheated

Actually when you pay $22 to fish there is no guarantee that you will catch even 1 stocker let alone a limit of "quality" fish. I bet if the managment at the lake knew what you did they would be the ones that would feel "cheated".

its funny though because in a couple weeks or sooner there probably gonna be doin no limit trout so your bitching wouldnt matter anyways

So because you're assuming they will "probably" be doing no limit on trout in a couple weeks you decided it was OK to take it upon yourself to start doing it now.

I wasnt trying to bust your balls before but now I guess I am. Remember what I said, "Honesty is the best policy" and ill add in "not the policy you think is best".


05-18-2010, 08:34 PM
cool put your rod where your mouth is ill fish with you anyday!

05-18-2010, 08:41 PM
Ohh boy here we go with the, "My %#&$'* bigger than your &$%# talk". LOL, ill fish with you anytime but for fun and the love of the sport not to prove my $&%#'* bigger than yours.

05-18-2010, 09:01 PM
im not trying to prove anything i like to fish, **** thats in understatement i love to fish. fish with me once and im sure you will see what im talking about, im all about sharing hell ill teach you to jig if you dont know how it changed the way i fish for trout! im all about catching fish and having fun though. it was just off the chain fishing !

tat2 fishhead
05-19-2010, 12:36 AM
wowowowowowowow i didnt know there were pro staff guys at corona hahahhahahahhaaha wtg matt44!...=]

05-19-2010, 08:30 AM
thanks tat man last friday it was insane so i had to get back out there it paid off it was a really slow day but jiggin paid off got 2 good ones. send me a pm or something sometime im always down to fish brotha!