View Full Version : Bass Attack 5/16/10

BassKing OG
05-17-2010, 09:33 AM
Hit up the Vine yesterday with Maverick in hopes of cashing in on the solid bass bite that has been taking place for the last few weeks. Arrived just prior to 6.00am and were on the water by about 6.30am after making the treck to the Santiago Flats launch. Maverick struck first, with a small fish on his second cast of the day. Then after working down the bank for nada to our first main spot, we caught fire and got on a nice school of fish. Maverick was pulling one fish after another out off this spot while I was missing one fish after another....lol. Over the next hour, it was non stop action.....literally a fish or missed fished on EVERY cast. Once the dust settled, we had caught a minimm of 20 fish and missed about 10 - 15.....it was WFO. We had to work for the fish after that and between us, caught at least another 10 fish, ending the day with a solid 30 fish. Lots of fish in the 2 - 3lbs, with a few in the 4lb range......was hoping for some 5lb+ but never got the big bite today. Overall great day on the water.......it was also great fishing with Maverick.....a cool guy that knows the lake well!

FYI....most of our fish came off reaction baits.....no big surprise......spinnerbaits, cranks, etc.

05-17-2010, 11:08 AM
Great report Matt! Thanks for the awesome day on the water! Don't worry, we'll get those biggens next time. I was so spoiled on your Champion, now you set the bar for my next boat.

Sidenote...little does anyone on here know you have caught triple digit tuna in more countries than i've even been to. I expected that to mean you were in need of some help on fresh water. BOY was I wrong! You are are killer fisherman, in any water. Where is our next target and LMB victims?

El Capo
05-17-2010, 05:01 PM
Epic report, great job fellas. Work has not let me hit the vine this week but next week is another story.LOL