View Full Version : Late Report: Mako's Saturday 7/14

07-16-2007, 06:13 PM
Headed to MDR on Saturday 7/14 to do some Mako fishing. We were suppose to buddy boat with a couple of friends(slief) but they had bait pump issues that held them up so my brother and i ended up heading out ourselves. We launched at 6am got some bait from in-seine where they informed us macks have been out in front of the venice pier so we headed there next to make a bunch of macks for bait before heading offshore. It was pretty ruff out there noaa called for 2ft swell when we got out there is was for sure a 6ft swell. We decided to stick it out and see what we could come up with and not more than 15 minutes after the chum bucket went out we had our first hook up. After setting the hook we see the mako go airborne about 6ft before cartwheeling back into the water, I fought this fish for about a 1/2 hour before bringing it boat side where it went crazy when we leadered it, it managed to bite a nice size whole in our bait bag releasesing most of our bait before it broke itself off on our kicker motor brackett. I guestimate its weight to be around 200lb. About 20min later we have our second hookup also a good jumper. This one just wanted to circle round and round the boat. Got it to leader for a clean release. This one i would have guestimate in the 100lb range. Next came a same blue circling the boat, gave him some giant squid i had so he would go away and not have to bother hooking him but about 10minuntes after that we get hooked up again and it turned out to be a blue in the 50lb range also released. Had a small break in the action before another hook up, This one turns out to be a smaller mako in the 50-60lb range also released boat side. Around noon we started running out of chum but we got one more hook up, This mako did not fight at all, pretty much came right to the boat. We were going to release it also but when we went to get the hook out we noticed it was hooked in the gills and was a bleeder so we decided to boat it, fortunately it was a male about 70-80lb. Called it a day after that. Great 1/2 day of fishing. weather calmed down about an hour after we got out there

Total 4 Makos 1 Blue

Me hooked up to the first one of the day

Second of the Day

The Last one

You Can see the blood flowin from his gills in this Pic

07-16-2007, 07:20 PM
niceeeeeee. me and my buddy go out and do the same thing some times. last time we went out we got a 250 pound thresher

the spinning reel bandit
07-16-2007, 09:47 PM
dude you guys are nutts, but if i had a boat to do it i would probably do it to i have always wanted to get on some sharkin!!!!! if you guys plan to go to bass pro stop in the tracker dept. and say whats up ill be sellin boats


07-17-2007, 07:16 AM
Sweet! Love sharkin'!!!

How far out were you and what was the temp range???

07-17-2007, 09:55 AM
How far out were you and what was the temp range???

We were about 25mile offshore in 67-68 degree water

07-17-2007, 10:07 AM
Nice Catch! Great looking blue water too.

Is there a particular area you were targeting or were you just cruising along until you found the right water temperature?

My buddy and I are planning on going shark fishing on July 28th off of Dana Point. He's gotten a shark the last two times he has gone out.

Once again, nice catch!

07-17-2007, 10:22 AM
Is there a particular area you were targeting or were you just cruising along until you found the right water temperature?

I use tempbreak.com to find a nice tempbreak near a high spot that has at least 66-67 degree water and start out in those areas

if i was to fish out of dana point right now i would target the 279, the avalon bank or the 14mile bank

07-17-2007, 10:27 AM
Cool, thanks for the tip!

07-17-2007, 12:40 PM
Headed to MDR on Saturday

What is MDR???

07-17-2007, 12:51 PM
Headed to MDR on Saturday

What is MDR???

Marina Del Rey