View Full Version : Cinco de Mayo at the Vine

05-06-2010, 09:12 AM
22428Got a call from a Marine Corps buddy of mine and he wanted to hit up the Vine for cinco de mayo, fishing and Tecate I was in. So off we went, got to the lake at 7 had our lines in by 7:30 at Woody's Cove. 5 min later Bendo:EyePop: a nice 3lb bow. No skunk today. 20 min. later my rod goes bendo and I hall in a very nice 4.5 lbd bow that fought like an 8. It even broke the surface a few times trying to shake the hook but this guy has a date with my smoker this weekend. It was steady till we caught our limit about 11:30 all on either PB Garlic or PB mouse pink lemonade. The total wieght of our slayfest was 24.35lbs not bad. We headed to my house but not before stopping at King Tacos for a little carne asada tacos. Got home had a few Tecate's, King Tacos, and caught my limt of Bow's at the Vine, it was a great Cinco de Mayo. SALUD!

05-06-2010, 09:25 AM
That's a nice way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Fishing, pisto, and good old King Taco! Thanks for the report.

05-06-2010, 09:37 AM
They opened a King Taco in Ontario recently. Gotta love King Taco! They put Taco's Mexico too shame.

05-06-2010, 12:21 PM
Nice job!! Way to celebrate! Hellofa weight on that limit too. Thanks for sharing.

Eat Sleep Fish
05-06-2010, 01:56 PM
good total weight for sure. good job out there! funny how trout start looking pale this time of year. that warm water really gets to 'em. theyll be heading real deep soon, that is the ones that dont die off.