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View Full Version : S.W.A.T. Crew Exploratory Recon Mission. Sunday 5/2/10

05-02-2010, 08:40 PM
Been doing some strategic planning with my S.W.A.T. members in the last couple of weeks on a few new areas to recon. We were just waiting for the weather and surf conditions to coincide with our schedules to make the “ODST” drop. For the Halo fans, ODST stands for “Ocean Drop Shock Troopers.” :Twisted:

We planned on hitting four locations today with three of them I have never fished before. JerryG had some previous experience in these areas so he would be our guide for the day. Thanks Jerry for the valuable intel and sharing your knowledge of the area with the Team. These spots has great potential when the time is right and the S.W.A.T. Crew will definitely be back for another tour of duty there. :Secret:

Conditions: Fantastic warm weather. Water temperature still a bit cool. Moderate surf conditions. Moderate to strong wind for most of the day. Strong baitfish presence with birds diving everywhere (out of casting distance). :Neutral:

The fish were active as we caught a few short Flatties up to 20 inches and had numerous short strikes all day. Steve caught his first “Mr. Wiggles” from the surf.

Hopefully, the warm weather will hold for the next couple of weeks and jumpstart the Halibut feeding frenzy. :Wink:

Here are some pics of the fun day with friends… :Cool:

Steve was the first to arrive at the S.W.A.T. Command Center at 0430 hours… Getting a briefing from the command center Security Chief Wingnut Pug.

At the drop zone and gearing up in the cover of darkness.



The Team assembled and ready for action.

Steve captured the first Prisoner of War of the day… Interrogated and released. Lol


Many enemy combatants were captured... and released. :Cool:




Steve captured the most prisoners today. :Envious:


Including a surprised capture…

An enemy submarine. Lol

What a fun filled day! Mike, Steve, Lucas and Jerry, thanks for joining me in the surf today. Even though the catching wasn’t up to par by our standards, it was a highly informative recon mission and will serve our future adventures well. It’s always a pleasure for me to go into action with the “Best of the Best.” :Big Grin:

Until the next drop… have a fabulous week everybody. :Cool:

Arthur (Wingnut)

“In S.W.A.T. style fishing there are no time outs, there are no helmets, no shoulder pads, no warm dugouts, no commercial breaks, no halftime extravaganzas, and no cheerleaders… So if that’s what you need, go play another sport. You big wuss.”

Bonus pics.




You wouldn’t believe what was in this egg case… :Shocked:

Did somebody lose this lure?

A baby Conch shell.

“Calling Poseidon… calling Poseidon… release all the legal Flatties, please!!!” :LOL:



A gift from Big Red. He got this from Puerto Vallarta Mexico. A custom painted ceramic tile.
Very cool Lucas, thank you!

Parting shot.
Wingnut Pug’s PB Flattie! :Big Smile:

05-02-2010, 08:51 PM
Arthur, Mike. Lucas, Jerry.

Well it was another fun recon mission with great friends sharing yet another location with great potential when the time is right! Will Mother Nature ever give us some decent flat conditions? If it is not the rain, wind, or swell, she has done a fantastic job of diverting us into different directions looking for the right spot.

At the same time putting us onto some potential replacement spots to make up for what will be taken away by the MLPA! :Secret:

Thanks Mike for providing the maps and Intel on the parking areas! We had some early bird free parking due to the Pay Lots being closed .:Wink:

Due to the fact that Lucas and Mike seemed to take forever to get suited up, Arthur and I worked our way down an unfamiliar trail and immediately noticed a trench in the surf that looked like it had good potential. Arthur was first to cast but had a Walmart Gear malfunction and had to pull back and surrender the spot to me.

After a few casts I felt the familiar attack on my generic non customized LC for the first fish of the day.
The boyz working the surf ahead.
Arthur working a trench on the outgoing tide.
The result is the biggest Flattie of the day! :Evil:
Working down the beach looking for some structure of a different kind.
I really felt this was legal but it’s missed guided attack made it into a parachute with all the salad that also accumulated . Nice water shot by Arthur!
We made some moves today exploring like Arthur stated above testing the conditions for the future! Probably should have stayed put and worked the unfamiliar water longer before going on another exploration as conditions were not better at other locations!

We had a great time as always and I look forward to our next meeting!


Thanks for the great gift.

Now how is it that Wingnut Pug waited paitently at home and had the best picture or the day! Thanks Babe for the good luck rub this morning!


PS. MY wife is pissed that I did not eat Dinner this evening!

calico killer kevin
05-02-2010, 08:56 PM
You are one tough dude Arthur. All of you guys are. A little crazy as well, but ehh...
I might be hitting the surf next week for the first time in ages.
Hope I do half as good as you guys.

05-02-2010, 08:58 PM

Great conditioning recon mission today my friend!
We knew that the water temps and overall surf conditions would be less than favorable today but one thing for sure is that it's all on the verge of breaking loose for sure. Soooooooo much life in the water.....Bait,birds and dolphins are definately a good sign not too mention the shorties.
Lots of laughs and smiles today......Doesn't get better than that!
Also loved the all you can eat carnage afterwards.......It really hit the spot.

05-02-2010, 09:30 PM

05-02-2010, 09:37 PM
Even though the legals didn't show themselves, it still looks like a great day on the water! Thanks for the invite Arthur. I definitely wish I could have gone, but unfortunately tomorrow's AP Physics required a lot of attention. On the bright side, come Wednesday I am done with high school, and can start hitting the surf seriously again! You guys should see a few reports from me and Big Steve over the next week or two. Looking forward to many future SWAT trips, and can't wait for the bite to go WFO!

Marc "The Rookie"

Looking back at those recon pics, I noticed that you guys were fishing really close to where my GF lives. Good to know the beach there holds some halibut. Hope she doesn't go there when I'm fishing if I told her I was busy though! :ROFL:

05-02-2010, 10:07 PM
Wingnut pugs halibut looks like a legal to me. This is too funny. :ROFL:
Nice job out there once again swat crew.


05-02-2010, 10:17 PM
Arthur, nice slayage of the medium haliboys.....there getting bigger....great photos too...
im gonna have to head out there and break in that L.C with a legal butt very soon!

05-02-2010, 10:33 PM
You guys definitely have the best adventures.
Hey Art, Phuong told me that you told him to take the Jazz + 7 today. Thanks for the tip buddy, cha-ching!!! :Dancing Banana: U da man.

05-02-2010, 11:22 PM
I foresee legal butts in the next SWAT report. Slowly but surely the flatties are starting to show. Nice work gentlemen.

05-03-2010, 06:12 AM
. Arthur was first to cast but had a Walmart Gear malfunction and had to pull back and surrender the spot to me.

The boyz working the surf ahead.

Walmart Gear Malfunction :ROFL:

I know that spot ? Wait ? Wait a minute ? Ok
Just figured it out. Let me run across the street and check. http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii269/theogrit/1sm184runhappy.gif
OK Recon Mission Confirmed.
Swat Recon trying to invade DR Beach Head.
Gonna be a Turkey Shoot next time.
You have been warned. I told my neighbor girls and she will take you guys out from a above balcony. :EyePop:

Fishing Indian Tribal Land Without Documentation ! OMG !
You guys have some BIG Huevos !

Defend The Beach 'At All Costs '


Sniper Neighbor Girl.
When I gave her the pics of the enemy combatants she said.
'You might as well put a rotating Becon on that guy Lucas's head' :LOL:


murrieta angler
05-03-2010, 07:44 AM
You did a great job out there in virgin territory. As you stated, once the water warms up, that area is going to go off!
Thanks for the report and all the pics. Nice way to wake up in the morning!

05-03-2010, 07:51 AM
SWAT- looks like another great beach assault.

I just don't know whats better, the report, or Dock Rats reply-LOL, LOL, LOL


fisherman from long beach
05-03-2010, 08:19 AM
nice report,and pics.looks like a gooood day on the water.

05-03-2010, 09:32 AM
I've got a good feeling about next week guys. I post conditions towards the end of the week up here.

05-03-2010, 10:50 AM
Nice assault guys! Red didn't even get me anything from Puerto Vallarta!! I'll remember that hen the tuna are running :)

05-03-2010, 11:50 AM
It was good fishing with everybody even tho the weather was not so good a few halibut did want to chew. It was good to see everybody out on the surf line again and it was good meeting you Jerry G but i never knew somebody on this earth could talk more then Bones :LOL: :Wink: jk we need to kill the yellows Jerry. I hope by next week the weather and the conditions will improve so we can all land the BIG girls.

Take Care


05-03-2010, 11:51 AM
Nice assault guys! Red didn't even get me anything from Puerto Vallarta!! I'll remember that hen the tuna are running :)

I tried they said i cant bring anything illegal back.


05-03-2010, 11:59 AM
Nice job crew, another successful recon mission. I went to Pyramid and fished from the rocks yesterday, easy limit. We need to hop on uncle Bob's boat pretty soon here Art. Go Lakers!!!

05-03-2010, 12:04 PM
Arthur with his walmart malfunction lol steve takes it over and lands a flattie. maybe you shouldnt let him pet your wingnut pug =) sweet first shovel nose in the surf with a lc steve. great report and pics hopefully the bigger units will show up for you guys soon

05-03-2010, 01:39 PM
Great report guys, and good job capturing all those prisoners and destroying one of there submarines! looking forward for the next S.W.A.T. report.

05-03-2010, 06:36 PM
Walmart Gear Malfunction :ROFL:

I know that spot ? Wait ? Wait a minute ? Ok
Just figured it out. Let me run across the street and check. http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii269/theogrit/1sm184runhappy.gif
OK Recon Mission Confirmed.
Swat Recon trying to invade DR Beach Head.
Gonna be a Turkey Shoot next time.
You have been warned. I told my neighbor girls and she will take you guys out from a above balcony. :EyePop:

Fishing Indian Tribal Land Without Documentation ! OMG !
You guys have some BIG Huevos !

Defend The Beach 'At All Costs '

Sniper Neighbor Girl.
When I gave her the pics of the enemy combatants she said.
'You might as well put a rotating Becon on that guy Lucas's head' :LOL:


Hey DR, I certainly hope that humor is what you're after, because it did get a chuckle out of me.

So you know one of the SWAT crew recon stops, big deal. Trust me, it's not YOU that they are worried about. Any locals will know their beach just by looking at the picture of the sand. Your beach huh? I'll make sure we give you a heads up before we invade your beach again so you can come down and show us how to properly poach your beach. :Twisted: Oh yeah, and bring your Sniper Girl neighbor, we got plenty of big guns that she can play with. :LOL: Take care and see you around. :Wink:

05-03-2010, 07:03 PM
The beach is looking more and more enticing with this warm weather and halis seemingly growing by the week...thanks for sharing another fun adventure. Good read Arthur.


05-03-2010, 07:16 PM
Hey DR, I certainly hope that humor is what you're after, because it did get a chuckle out of me.

So you know one of the SWAT crew recon stops, big deal. Trust me, it's not YOU that they are worried about. Any locals will know their beach just by looking at the picture of the sand. Your beach huh? I'll make sure we give you a heads up before we invade your beach again so you can come down and show us how to properly poach your beach. :Twisted: Oh yeah, and bring your Sniper Girl neighbor, we got plenty of big guns that she can play with. :LOL: Take care and see you around. :Wink:

Whoa, easy Phuong... I'm sure DR was just humoring us, right DR? :Wink:
Been doing some intel work on you DR, moving from one website to another I see, do they want you back? :Secret:
Behave yourself buddy, I kinda like your humor around here. :Cool:

05-03-2010, 07:29 PM
Just clowning. Playing with your 'Recon Mission' post. I know that spot. Those condo's above was where a Indian tribe lived. They excavated a whole area full of artifacts at the pool area then got kicked out and built condos over it in the 60's.

05-03-2010, 10:12 PM
WOW!!! Anyone just taking a look @ a Pic of "the crew" would be able to tell the flatties never have a chance.
Good thing "the flatties" don't have access to this site otherwise they would be able to catch on to your tactics! :ROFL:
btw: I noticed that Wingnut Pug is not "fully" outfitted (no backpack and don't they make a small 3rd rod grip that small?). :LOL:
I think the pics say it all...PRICELESS:!!!: :!!!: :!!!:
Nice day on the water with friends. COOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!

05-03-2010, 10:27 PM
Oh yeah, by the way, well done Team. Sorry i couldn't head out on Sunday, but looking forward to the upcoming Halibut fest in the surf. Hey Lucas, i like talking to Jerry, he's the only one that would talk to me when we fish. Art usually just tells me to shut up and fish. lol

05-03-2010, 11:44 PM
Some fish is infinitely better than no fish =) I caught the big skunk at San Onofre that morning...there i was, on the beach baking in the sun, wishing i had checked my PM sooner. Hahah...Thanks for the invite though Arthur...it's crazy how you could fish so hard with so little sleep!

Good going crew, and thanks for the report! I must get out there again with you guys...looks like good time on the water as usual!


05-04-2010, 12:23 AM
Oh yeah, by the way, well done Team. Sorry i couldn't head out on Sunday, but looking forward to the upcoming Halibut fest in the surf. Hey Lucas, i like talking to Jerry, he's the only one that would talk to me when we fish. Art usually just tells me to shut up and fish. lol


Hope you are doing very well my friend. We missed you out there yesterday. It was great meeting and talking to Lucas. He is a fellow pug owner and he was kind enough to listen to me ramble on about fishing all day. Hopefully we can all make it out soon for a mission. That goes for you too BSP. Looking forward to fishing with you guys. Like Mike has mentioned there was tons of bait in the water on the first spot. As soon as the water temps rebound from last weeks winds the fishing should start to get really good.

Steve, Mike, Arthur, Lucas

Thanks guys I had a great time yesterday. I also want to say thanks again to Arthur for everything.. I decided to stop by the plan C spot on the way home. You guys didn't miss out on any thing. There were no signs of life. No rips, no bait, and no bird activity but the water did feel warmer. I tried it for while and ended up with a small round ray and one halibut about 15". Good times on the water with friends now that's what it's all about.. Looking forward to the next mission.


City Dad
05-04-2010, 08:20 AM
NIce work on the brown flatperch, fellahs... and one thing Dock Rat forgot to mention - that shell is a type of welk not a conch... learn your sea snails!!!;)

05-04-2010, 07:14 PM
I can't keep up with all your reports dude!

Arthur, you and the crew bring the Team 57 to new heights everytime you ply the surf. Nice work fellas!

Funny you mention birds diving just outside casting range. I fished the Del Mar kelp this sunday and we watched birds diving 100 feet from the beach. We all thought it was macks stiring pin size bait....turns out it was yellowtail! (my friend managed a a monster cast way over the kelp, hooked up, but couldn't drag the YT over the kelp line back to the boat. ha ha!) Seems mother nature has advanced the clock by a couple months this year...

05-04-2010, 07:55 PM
NIce work on the brown flatperch, fellahs... and one thing Dock Rat forgot to mention - that shell is a type of welk not a conch... learn your sea snails!!!;)

A Kellet's whelk if you really want to know your intertidal mollusks... not that I have any experience with them. :LOL:

jerryG, appreciate the shout out. Looking forward to hitting the surf with you and talking about halibut, city park bass, and great white sightings!

05-04-2010, 09:15 PM
Another very cool report Arthur.....
I dig that Halibut pillow!........... shoot me a PM and let me know where I can get "Nala" one......

BTW... do you remember the size of that shell I found that morning in Carpinteria?
The day you got your PB BSP...... and I got my PB Whelk shell. LOL!

Nice custom tile Lucas! I especially like the "heart". LOL! J/K!

See ya Thursday Art.


05-04-2010, 09:32 PM
It was great meeting and talking to Lucas. He is a fellow pug owner and he was kind enough to listen to me ramble on about fishing all day. JerryG

Oh now i see, you have to a a PUG owner to be considered for the SWAT crew. :Wink:
I'm going Pug shopping this weekend. :LOL:

05-04-2010, 10:34 PM
Another round of inspiring reports. Thanks guys! Cool photo of the flatty in the water.

05-04-2010, 11:40 PM
Arthur, Mike. Lucas, Jerry.

Well it was another fun recon mission with great friends sharing yet another location with great potential when the time is right! Will Mother Nature ever give us some decent flat conditions? If it is not the rain, wind, or swell, she has done a fantastic job of diverting us into different directions looking for the right spot.

At the same time putting us onto some potential replacement spots to make up for what will be taken away by the MLPA!

Thanks Mike for providing the maps and Intel on the parking areas! We had some early bird free parking due to the Pay Lots being closed .

Due to the fact that Lucas and Mike seemed to take forever to get suited up, Arthur and I worked our way down an unfamiliar trail and immediately noticed a trench in the surf that looked like it had good potential. Arthur was first to cast but had a Walmart Gear malfunction and had to pull back and surrender the spot to me.

After a few casts I felt the familiar attack on my generic non customized LC for the first fish of the day.
The boyz working the surf ahead.
Arthur working a trench on the outgoing tide.
The result is the biggest Flattie of the day!
Working down the beach looking for some structure of a different kind.
I really felt this was legal but it’s missed guided attack made it into a parachute with all the salad that also accumulated . Nice water shot by Arthur!
We made some moves today exploring like Arthur stated above testing the conditions for the future! Probably should have stayed put and worked the unfamiliar water longer before going on another exploration as conditions were not better at other locations!

We had a great time as always and I look forward to our next meeting!


Thanks for the great gift.

Now how is it that Wingnut Pug waited paitently at home and had the best picture or the day! Thanks Babe for the good luck rub this morning!


PS. MY wife is pissed that I did not eat Dinner this evening!
Steve, the most memorable moment of the day for me was when you & I walked down that path at the first stop. We saw that huge trough in the distance and couldn't wait to cast into it. I remember we both saying, there has got to be a Halibut in that trough. Caught up in the anticipation of the moment, I forgot to adjust the tension knob on the "Walmart Edition" Luna and put myself temporarily out of commission. A rookie mistake. :LOL: You were more prepared and nabbed that Hali from no more than twenty feet from the sand... bravo! It was great to walk the beach with you my friend, good luck this weekend in your playground. Your guests are in for another treat. :Wink:

You are one tough dude Arthur. All of you guys are. A little crazy as well, but ehh...
I might be hitting the surf next week for the first time in ages.
Hope I do half as good as you guys.
Probably more crazy than tough Kevin. :Wink: Good luck if you hit the surf.


Great conditioning recon mission today my friend!
We knew that the water temps and overall surf conditions would be less than favorable today but one thing for sure is that it's all on the verge of breaking loose for sure. Soooooooo much life in the water.....Bait,birds and dolphins are definately a good sign not too mention the shorties.
Lots of laughs and smiles today......Doesn't get better than that!
Also loved the all you can eat carnage afterwards.......It really hit the spot.
We had a pretty decent workout on Sunday... lots of walking, that's for sure. Everytime we head out, there have been more and more positive signs. We keep anticipating that the bite will take off with every trip, and soon we will be right. :Wink: And yeah, that was a killer lunch!

Wingnut Pug can outfish all of us Bob. :LOL: See ya soon!

Even though the legals didn't show themselves, it still looks like a great day on the water! Thanks for the invite Arthur. I definitely wish I could have gone, but unfortunately tomorrow's AP Physics required a lot of attention. On the bright side, come Wednesday I am done with high school, and can start hitting the surf seriously again! You guys should see a few reports from me and Big Steve over the next week or two. Looking forward to many future SWAT trips, and can't wait for the bite to go WFO!

Marc "The Rookie"

Looking back at those recon pics, I noticed that you guys were fishing really close to where my GF lives. Good to know the beach there holds some halibut. Hope she doesn't go there when I'm fishing if I told her I was busy though!
Education always comes first Marc... plenty of time for fishing. I'm glad to see that you have your priorities straight. :Cool: Looking forward to your reports buddy, the "Spot" is going to go off soon, I can just feel it. As for the girlfriend, have her come along and fish with you... problem solved. :Wink:

Wingnut pugs halibut looks like a legal to me. This is too funny.
Nice job out there once again swat crew.

Definitely a legal bro, most definitely!

Arthur, nice slayage of the medium haliboys.....there getting bigger....great photos too...
im gonna have to head out there and break in that L.C with a legal butt very soon!
It's getting pretty close Alex. If this nice weather continues for another week, watch out! I have a feeling you're gonna get your legal Hali very soon. I'm thinking of taking the Superman combo out and try to get a legal Hali out of the surf this season. :Wink:

You guys definitely have the best adventures.
Hey Art, Phuong told me that you told him to take the Jazz + 7 today. Thanks for the tip buddy, cha-ching!!! :Dancing Banana: U da man.
And you're welcome on tonight's tip also Vincent. I told you that Lakers would cover... take the Jazz -4 in game 3. :Shocked:

I foresee legal butts in the next SWAT report. Slowly but surely the flatties are starting to show. Nice work gentlemen.
Slow year so far Jason, but I'm sure that will change very soon. Have fun this weekend! You & Tess are in good hands. :Wink:

You did a great job out there in virgin territory. As you stated, once the water warms up, that area is going to go off!
Thanks for the report and all the pics. Nice way to wake up in the morning!
Thanks Robert... every day above ground is a good day. :Cool:

SWAT- looks like another great beach assault.

I just don't know whats better, the report, or Dock Rats reply-LOL, LOL, LOL

Yeah, well... I'll try to do better next time Scott. :LOL:

nice report,and pics.looks like a gooood day on the water.
Any day out on the water is good. no matter what the results are. :Wink:

I've got a good feeling about next week guys. I post conditions towards the end of the week up here.
Awaiting the Northern intel Mikey... I have my fingers crossed!

Nice assault guys! Red didn't even get me anything from Puerto Vallarta!! I'll remember that hen the tuna are running :)
Thanks Pat... Lucas had to pay his S.W.A.T. membership fee somehow. :LOL:

It was good fishing with everybody even tho the weather was not so good a few halibut did want to chew. It was good to see everybody out on the surf line again and it was good meeting you Jerry G but i never knew somebody on this earth could talk more then Bones, jk we need to kill the yellows Jerry. I hope by next week the weather and the conditions will improve so we can all land the BIG girls.

Take Care

Weather was great, you mean the conditions could be better, yes. I love talking to Jerry too, there's a wealth of knowledge and experience inside that head. :Envious: Nice fishing with you again Lucas. :Cool:

I tried they said i cant bring anything illegal back.

I hope that you didn't bring something else back dude! :Shocked:

Nice job crew, another successful recon mission. I went to Pyramid and fished from the rocks yesterday, easy limit. We need to hop on uncle Bob's boat pretty soon here Art. Go Lakers!!!
Bob was asking about you last time I was out with him Binh. Yes, we will plan that trip with him soon!

Arthur with his walmart malfunction lol steve takes it over and lands a flattie. maybe you shouldnt let him pet your wingnut pug =) sweet first shovel nose in the surf with a lc steve. great report and pics hopefully the bigger units will show up for you guys soon
Poseidon set-up that first Flattie for Steve so perfectly at my expense, but it's all good. :Envious: Wingnut Pug is indeed a good luck charm!

Great report guys, and good job capturing all those prisoners and destroying one of there submarines! looking forward for the next S.W.A.T. report.
Thanks man, I'm looking forward to the next mission myself!

The beach is looking more and more enticing with this warm weather and halis seemingly growing by the week...thanks for sharing another fun adventure. Good read Arthur.

Thanks Aaron, we're getting a little restless waiting for the bite to go off... I'm sure somewhere, it already has... we just have to find it. :Wink:

Just clowning. Playing with your 'Recon Mission' post. I know that spot. Those condo's above was where a Indian tribe lived. They excavated a whole area full of artifacts at the pool area then got kicked out and built condos over it in the 60's.
Nice piece of history fact there DR. :Cool: Quite a nice area to live in. :Envious:

WOW!!! Anyone just taking a look @ a Pic of "the crew" would be able to tell the flatties never have a chance.
Good thing "the flatties" don't have access to this site otherwise they would be able to catch on to your tactics! :ROFL:
btw: I noticed that Wingnut Pug is not "fully" outfitted (no backpack and don't they make a small 3rd rod grip that small?). :LOL:
I think the pics say it all...PRICELESS:!!!:
Nice day on the water with friends. COOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!
But Robert, Wingnut Pug DOES have all the new "State of the Art" Canine surf fishing gear... check it out! :Envious:

Oh yeah, by the way, well done Team. Sorry i couldn't head out on Sunday, but looking forward to the upcoming Halibut fest in the surf. Hey Lucas, i like talking to Jerry, he's the only one that would talk to me when we fish. Art usually just tells me to shut up and fish. lol
Yo Phuong, did you go and check out that boat yet? You can park it in my driveway... your wife won't even know. :Secret: You need to hit the surf with us more often dude.

Some fish is infinitely better than no fish =) I caught the big skunk at San Onofre that morning...there i was, on the beach baking in the sun, wishing i had checked my PM sooner. Hahah...Thanks for the invite though Arthur...it's crazy how you could fish so hard with so little sleep!

Good going crew, and thanks for the report! I must get out there again with you guys...looks like good time on the water as usual!

San Onofre can be a tough place to fish Andrew and those pebbles will beat up your feet quickly. :mad:
BTW - Thanks for doing the research on you know where... that is going to be an awesome S.W.A.T. expedition! :Secret:


Hope you are doing very well my friend. We missed you out there yesterday. It was great meeting and talking to Lucas. He is a fellow pug owner and he was kind enough to listen to me ramble on about fishing all day. Hopefully we can all make it out soon for a mission. That goes for you too BSP. Looking forward to fishing with you guys. Like Mike has mentioned there was tons of bait in the water on the first spot. As soon as the water temps rebound from last weeks winds the fishing should start to get really good.

Steve, Mike, Arthur, Lucas

Thanks guys I had a great time yesterday. I also want to say thanks again to Arthur for everything.. I decided to stop by the plan C spot on the way home. You guys didn't miss out on any thing. There were no signs of life. No rips, no bait, and no bird activity but the water did feel warmer. I tried it for while and ended up with a small round ray and one halibut about 15". Good times on the water with friends now that's what it's all about.. Looking forward to the next mission.

Thanks for the update on Plan C Jerry... I was wondering how you did on the drive home. :Cool:
Get those kayaks ready... the date for my first lesson is coming up quick! :Big Grin:

NIce work on the brown flatperch, fellahs... and one thing Dock Rat forgot to mention - that shell is a type of welk not a conch... learn your sea snails!!!;)
So I don't know my Escargot... excusssse me! :LOL: Is it almost Tilapia time yet Tim??? :Wink:

I can't keep up with all your reports dude!

Arthur, you and the crew bring the Team 57 to new heights everytime you ply the surf. Nice work fellas!

Funny you mention birds diving just outside casting range. I fished the Del Mar kelp this sunday and we watched birds diving 100 feet from the beach. We all thought it was macks stiring pin size bait....turns out it was yellowtail! (my friend managed a a monster cast way over the kelp, hooked up, but couldn't drag the YT over the kelp line back to the boat. ha ha!) Seems mother nature has advanced the clock by a couple months this year...
Hey Rich, I'm eyeing a location where you can catch Yellowtail from the sand dude and I'm not talking about Mexico either... stay tuned, it's still in the early planning stages, but when the time is right, S.W.A.T. will embark on an epic "ODST" mission! :Secret: :Wink: :Twisted:

A Kellet's whelk if you really want to know your intertidal mollusks... not that I have any experience with them.

jerryG, appreciate the shout out. Looking forward to hitting the surf with you and talking about halibut, city park bass, and great white sightings!
You sure know your sea slugs Marc. lol

Another very cool report Arthur.....
I dig that Halibut pillow!........... shoot me a PM and let me know where I can get "Nala" one......

BTW... do you remember the size of that shell I found that morning in Carpinteria?
The day you got your PB BSP...... and I got my PB Whelk shell. LOL!

Nice custom tile Lucas! I especially like the "heart". LOL! J/K!

See ya Thursday Art.

I'll have one custom made for Nala. :Cool:
Yeah, that shell was huge... shoulda taken it home, would have made a nice paper weight on my desk. :Wink: See ya tonight... Sushi, yummy!

Oh now i see, you have to a a PUG owner to be considered for the SWAT crew.
I'm going Pug shopping this weekend. :LOL:
Hey Binh, just borrow one of your sister's Pugs, that'll work just fine! :LOL:

Another round of inspiring reports. Thanks guys! Cool photo of the flatty in the water.
Thank you... good luck out there!

05-05-2010, 10:34 AM

LMAO OMG....Bones has some competition now. lol


05-05-2010, 10:59 AM
Hey Arthur, or any member of the elite SWAT crew. I have a couple of people asking me about the halibut and the water temperature thing and also the spawn cycle. All we've been hearing is eveybody is waiting for the bite to take off. Why, because of the water temprerature? Since i'm not exactely a seasoned surf fisherman, only went surf fishing with you twice. :LOL: Maybe one of you gents can shed some light on the subject and educate us, thanks in advance for you help. :Big Grin:

05-05-2010, 11:08 AM
I'll have one custom made for Nala. :Cool:
Yeah, that shell was huge... shoulda taken it home, would have made a nice paper weight on my desk. :Wink: See ya tonight... Sushi, yummy!


Check your text message.... I can't make it tonight. Tomorrow looks good.

(End of thread jack, now back to your regularly scheduled program)

05-05-2010, 01:37 PM
Hey Arthur, or any member of the elite SWAT crew. I have a couple of people asking me about the halibut and the water temperature thing and also the spawn cycle. All we've been hearing is eveybody is waiting for the bite to take off. Why, because of the water temprerature? Since i'm not exactely a seasoned surf fisherman, only went surf fishing with you twice. :LOL: Maybe one of you gents can shed some light on the subject and educate us, thanks in advance for you help. :Big Grin:

You've got it! The water temperatures lately have been fluctuating from high 50s to low 50s. You can get into good bites in the high 50s provided that it's consistent and there's low swell with a lot of bait around, but the low 60s is when the fishing starts to take off. The reason that low 60s is so important is that's when the halibut start their annual spring spawn. This brings a large volume of fish shallow enough that we surf fisherman can target them, and it also means you have a higher chance of hooking a trophy size fish as she comes in to spawn. It's kind of the annual kickoff to halibut season. Hope that answers your question, and let me know if I can clarify anything!


05-05-2010, 03:40 PM
But Robert, Wingnut Pug DOES have all the new "State of the Art" Canine surf fishing gear... check it out! :Envious:
WOW:!!!: :!!!: :!!!: Wingnut Pug is better set up than I am :Envious: :Big Grin:

05-05-2010, 04:32 PM
GREAT CATCH and AREA! quick question - how do you post a thread?

05-05-2010, 05:59 PM
You've got it! The water temperatures lately have been fluctuating from high 50s to low 50s. You can get into good bites in the high 50s provided that it's consistent and there's low swell with a lot of bait around, but the low 60s is when the fishing starts to take off. The reason that low 60s is so important is that's when the halibut start their annual spring spawn. This brings a large volume of fish shallow enough that we surf fisherman can target them, and it also means you have a higher chance of hooking a trophy size fish as she comes in to spawn. It's kind of the annual kickoff to halibut season. Hope that answers your question, and let me know if I can clarify anything!


Awesome thanks BSP. :Big Grin:

05-05-2010, 06:05 PM
No worries man! Looking forward to meeting you on one of the SWAT trips one of these days. :Cool:

murrieta angler
05-05-2010, 07:14 PM
Hey DR, I certainly hope that humor is what you're after, because it did get a chuckle out of me.

So you know one of the SWAT crew recon stops, big deal. Trust me, it's not YOU that they are worried about. Any locals will know their beach just by looking at the picture of the sand. Your beach huh? I'll make sure we give you a heads up before we invade your beach again so you can come down and show us how to properly poach your beach. :Twisted: Oh yeah, and bring your Sniper Girl neighbor, we got plenty of big guns that she can play with. :LOL: Take care and see you around. :Wink:

That was funny.

05-05-2010, 10:53 PM

Check your text message.... I can't make it tonight. Tomorrow looks good.

(End of thread jack, now back to your regularly scheduled program)
Roger that Dana, see ya tomorrow night. :Cool:

GREAT CATCH and AREA! quick question - how do you post a thread?
Go to any section and click on "Post New Thread" and get busy! :Wink:

05-05-2010, 10:54 PM
Hey Arthur, or any member of the elite SWAT crew. I have a couple of people asking me about the halibut and the water temperature thing and also the spawn cycle. All we've been hearing is eveybody is waiting for the bite to take off. Why, because of the water temprerature? Since i'm not exactely a seasoned surf fisherman, only went surf fishing with you twice. :LOL: Maybe one of you gents can shed some light on the subject and educate us, thanks in advance for you help. :Big Grin:

You've got it! The water temperatures lately have been fluctuating from high 50s to low 50s. You can get into good bites in the high 50s provided that it's consistent and there's low swell with a lot of bait around, but the low 60s is when the fishing starts to take off. The reason that low 60s is so important is that's when the halibut start their annual spring spawn. This brings a large volume of fish shallow enough that we surf fisherman can target them, and it also means you have a higher chance of hooking a trophy size fish as she comes in to spawn. It's kind of the annual kickoff to halibut season. Hope that answers your question, and let me know if I can clarify anything!


Thanks Marc for the input. :Cool:

Here's my take... some people think that Halibut spawn twice a year. There's no scientific data that I know of to prove this because I haven't read of any detailed studies being done on the Halibut spawning habits. I'm sure that there has to be something out there so if anyone can dig it up and post it, that would be great. In the past couple of years, I did read an article or two eluding to the fact that Halibut may spawn more than once a year, but nothing concrete or completely convincing. I form my opinions from my personal experience. Take this last Fall/Winter season when the water temperature dropped drastically into the low 50's. It seemed that the Halibut bite spiked a bit, at least it did for me, because I caught three of my personal best Flatties during these cold months. Last year and the year before the results were similar. Does that mean that Halibut comes to the shallows twice a year to spawn? Who knows... I don't keep enough legals to see if the females carry fully developed eggs in the Fall/Winter months. Last year, the single 23" Halibut that I kept on Christmas Day had only partially developed egg sacks in it, telling me that it was preparing for the Springtime spawn. Of course, we all know that the Halibut bite is best during the Spring and summer months when the water temperature hit 60 degrees and above... when the spawn is in full swing.

If anybody would like to share their personal experiences on this matter, please do so... we can all learn from each other. :Cool:

Native Gal
05-05-2010, 11:52 PM
Darn weather! Can we please have some Spring Like weather, plzzzzz! I wan't to see S.W.A.T. reports on the WO bite. Wow, with so much recon I think the Halis are indeed hiding from the hurting they will endure in the near future. I love the group shots, all geared up and ready to attack, cooool stuff!
O.K. so where is WNPug's S.W.A.T. gear?
Thanks for the xlnt recon pixs of another fun recon mission.


p.s. I guess some don't know you have Native intel, lol.

05-06-2010, 01:19 AM
According to the DFG Halibut spawn from February through the end of June with the peak spawn time being April and May. I also found a study which indiciated that halibut spawn all year but also claimed halibut spawn peaks in April and May. I know some very talented Anglers who believe that halibut spawn during the spring and again in fall.

I'm not sure if they spawn in the fall but I know they do spawn in the Spring. My experience has been that halibut will move in to the surf heavily during spring and fall but they can move in and out of the surf at anytime of the year. I'm not convinced that spawn is the reason for them being in the surf. I fished the halibut spawn from a private boat every spring for many years and our best results usually came from 40 to 60 feet of water with 55 feet often being sweet spot. I believe halibut are drawn to the beaches during this time of year for one reason..GRUNION... During fall we often get large schools of anchovies and sardines moving up on the beaches and when they do the halibut will be move right in with them. If the bait is there more than likely so are the halibut.


05-06-2010, 03:37 PM
Arthur where did you get the toy halibut? I want one. Thats an original !!

05-06-2010, 09:26 PM
Thanks Marc for the input. :Cool:

Here's my take... some people think that Halibut spawn twice a year. There's no scientific data that I know of to prove this because I haven't read of any detailed studies being done on the Halibut spawning habits. I'm sure that there has to be something out there so if anyone can dig it up and post it, that would be great.

No worries Arthur! I'll ask my old bio teacher for access to some of the subscription based biology journal archives to see if I can dig anything up. In the meantime, here's a basic write up the US Army Corp of Engineers did, a study specific to Alamitos Bay, a really thorough DFG study, and a massive UC one on spawning habitat.


05-06-2010, 11:21 PM
Darn weather! Can we please have some Spring Like weather, plzzzzz! I wan't to see S.W.A.T. reports on the WO bite. Wow, with so much recon I think the Halis are indeed hiding from the hurting they will endure in the near future. I love the group shots, all geared up and ready to attack, cooool stuff!
O.K. so where is WNPug's S.W.A.T. gear?
Thanks for the xlnt recon pixs of another fun recon mission.


p.s. I guess some don't know you have Native intel, lol.
Sooner or later things will go nuts out there NG. :Wink: We are sure gonna miss you when you move back East... :Neutral: But I know you will still Represent the Team well. :Cool:

According to the DFG Halibut spawn from February through the end of June with the peak spawn time being April and May. I also found a study which indiciated that halibut spawn all year but also claimed halibut spawn peaks in April and May. I know some very talented Anglers who believe that halibut spawn during the spring and again in fall.

I'm not sure if they spawn in the fall but I know they do spawn in the Spring. My experience has been that halibut will move in to the surf heavily during spring and fall but they can move in and out of the surf at anytime of the year. I'm not convinced that spawn is the reason for them being in the surf. I fished the halibut spawn from a private boat every spring for many years and our best results usually came from 40 to 60 feet of water with 55 feet often being sweet spot. I believe halibut are drawn to the beaches during this time of year for one reason..GRUNION... During fall we often get large schools of anchovies and sardines moving up on the beaches and when they do the halibut will be move right in with them. If the bait is there more than likely so are the halibut.

Thanks Jerry, I knew that I can count on you for first class intel. :Big Grin:
So true about the baitfish and Halibut comment... :Wink:

Arthur where did you get the toy halibut? I want one. Thats an original !!
Here ya go... last one! If it's sold out, contact the seller, I'm sure they can get more. :Wink:


No worries Arthur! I'll ask my old bio teacher for access to some of the subscription based biology journal archives to see if I can dig anything up. In the meantime, here's a basic write up the US Army Corp of Engineers did, a study specific to Alamitos Bay, a really thorough DFG study, and a massive UC one on spawning habitat.

That was some really good read there Marc, thanks for posting it up. You're always the first to offer assistance and help to provide answers. Sometimes, I forget you're only 18! :LOL: Your future is so bright you need sunglasses to look into it... :Wink: Don't ever change kid. :Cool: Hope to hit the surf with you and Dad soon. :Big Grin:

05-07-2010, 05:13 AM
Five dudes at one time !!!
Ain"t that considered a "platoon"
in military terms ?
I would call that a special ops
strike force !!!
Gonna be real good soon !!!

05-07-2010, 08:41 AM
Thanks Arthur, just returning the favor for the help I received! Somebody told me to always pay it forward. :Wink:

05-07-2010, 07:03 PM
WOW !!!

Thanks alot Marc for the very valuable reading. I feel..........Smarter now :ROFL:

Seriously..........I'm amazed how much researchers have tried to nail down the life cycle of flatties and it still leaves so many grey areas it's crazy. I truely believe that there are so many factors in the marine enviroment that contribute to the annual habits of halibut and these factors change drastically throughout the year. I think that the bays,harbors and estuaries provide a favorable enviroment for the youngsters but as soon as they reach breeding age they move out of the protected areas and spread out. As the halibut grow I believe that the majority of the bigger models spend their lives well out of casting distance for the surf fisherman. Occasionally some of the larger models move in close during the spawning period but they move out quickly and the middle sized fish remain in the shallows. This is primarily why a fish over 30" from the surf is a prize model and only a small handful of surf fisherman have caught a 40" fish. I believe that the surf angler is actually only targeting halibut that are....shall we say.....Middle aged so to speak!
That being said......
I know that more folks here are probably going to be hunting the flatties this spring and summer due to the exposure the sport has gotten in the last few years. I've noticed the increase in surf based anglers who are tossing hardbaits and dropshotting alot lately probably due to the popularity of Internet based fishing forums like this one. I truely hope that every one of them look at the BIG PICTURE and don't keep their limits when the flatties are up in the shallows and in spawning mode.It's the same respect that FW bass fisherman have for females on a bed or the pregnant perch to the perch fisherman. It's ok to fish for them and enjoy the sport but PLEASE LET THEM GO so they can finish the cycle and keep the numbers up for the future. During the spring and summer months it can be very easy to put 4 legals on the beach in just a few hours. All of them FULL of eggs. Nobody needs to take their limit home with them during this period IMHO
Now let's go hunt some flatties.......The time has come!

05-07-2010, 07:11 PM
Thanks Arthur, just returning the favor for the help I received! Somebody told me to always pay it forward. :Wink:

Know what you meen Marc.........I've done alot of "Paying it forward" to folks in my life since I met Arthur too!
Great way to live life IMHO!

05-07-2010, 08:29 PM
WOW !!!

Thanks alot Marc for the very valuable reading. I feel..........Smarter now :ROFL:

Seriously..........I'm amazed how much researchers have tried to nail down the life cycle of flatties and it still leaves so many grey areas it's crazy. I truely believe that there are so many factors in the marine enviroment that contribute to the annual habits of halibut and these factors change drastically throughout the year. I think that the bays,harbors and estuaries provide a favorable enviroment for the youngsters but as soon as they reach breeding age they move out of the protected areas and spread out. As the halibut grow I believe that the majority of the bigger models spend their lives well out of casting distance for the surf fisherman. Occasionally some of the larger models move in close during the spawning period but they move out quickly and the middle sized fish remain in the shallows. This is primarily why a fish over 30" from the surf is a prize model and only a small handful of surf fisherman have caught a 40" fish. I believe that the surf angler is actually only targeting halibut that are....shall we say.....Middle aged so to speak!
That being said......
I know that more folks here are probably going to be hunting the flatties this spring and summer due to the exposure the sport has gotten in the last few years. I've noticed the increase in surf based anglers who are tossing hardbaits and dropshotting alot lately probably due to the popularity of Internet based fishing forums like this one. I truely hope that every one of them look at the BIG PICTURE and don't keep their limits when the flatties are up in the shallows and in spawning mode.It's the same respect that FW bass fisherman have for females on a bed or the pregnant perch to the perch fisherman. It's ok to fish for them and enjoy the sport but PLEASE LET THEM GO so they can finish the cycle and keep the numbers up for the future. During the spring and summer months it can be very easy to put 4 legals on the beach in just a few hours. All of them FULL of eggs. Nobody needs to take their limit home with them during this period IMHO
Now let's go hunt some flatties.......The time has come!

Know what you meen Marc.........I've done alot of "Paying it forward" to folks in my life since I met Arthur too!
Great way to live life IMHO!

Glad to help out Mike! I'm trying to become valued as more than a Yuri distraction. :LOL:

Definitely agree with your analysis both on the flatties and the sport. It takes a powerful draw to bring the big girls in close, be it the biological clock, or, as jerryG, said the grunion runs. x2 on releasing the legals! I've actually spoken with several dudes who were only chasing halibut because of what they read online. It's both good and bad, but hopefully they'll respect the resource.

Only thing is, what do you mean it's easy to put 4 legals on the beach during this time!?!? I want to fish there! Have you and Wingnut been holding out on me with the real SWAT spots? :ROFL: Halibut season 2010 is about to begin!

In any case, agreed with you about it being a better way to live. Your attitude affects everything about your life, so having a good one makes perfect sense. Too bad more people don't take the advice.

05-07-2010, 09:22 PM
Before we all know it, these pancakes will be replaced with barndoors in future reports
Nice session out there you guys!!

05-07-2010, 09:29 PM
Marc, Gerry, Mike, Arthur, and all!

This thread just keeps hanging on and has turned into a lesson as well for the newbies to Surf Flatties like myself. You all have some valid points and so have others in the past and it is still a mystery as to what will happen every time we hit the water.

With the introduction of so many new artificial baits and folks experimenting I think it actually adds to the confusion at least for me. Bring too many options with you on any given day and no confidence and you will have a bad day. Keep it simple and stick with what you know works.

Mike is very confident in his Drop Shot Ability and usually works it most of the day. And the Hard bait spends more time in the holster.

Arthur is very confident with the Hard baits and does the same. His other rig spends more time in the holster.

JerryG and BSP seem to me to have more confidence in the Swim baits with my few sessions I have fished with them.

What I have learned from them all is that is all about proper tide for a given area, water conditions, structure, and the ultimate attractant of the bait. If all 4 are in alignment you might just have a good day but no guarantee for sucess.

All the scientific data about what and when is all previous history. If we are not out there trying under various conditions as long as it is safe to do so will never have our have success and rewrite history.

Thanks to my friends for the knowledge shared and it will be "Payed Forward" carefully to the right people!


05-07-2010, 10:03 PM
You've got it! The water temperatures lately have been fluctuating from high 50s to low 50s. You can get into good bites in the high 50s provided that it's consistent and there's low swell with a lot of bait around, but the low 60s is when the fishing starts to take off. The reason that low 60s is so important is that's when the halibut start their annual spring spawn. This brings a large volume of fish shallow enough that we surf fisherman can target them, and it also means you have a higher chance of hooking a trophy size fish as she comes in to spawn. It's kind of the annual kickoff to halibut season. Hope that answers your question, and let me know if I can clarify anything!


Thanks Marc for the input. :Cool:

Here's my take... some people think that Halibut spawn twice a year. There's no scientific data that I know of to prove this because I haven't read of any detailed studies being done on the Halibut spawning habits. I'm sure that there has to be something out there so if anyone can dig it up and post it, that would be great. In the past couple of years, I did read an article or two eluding to the fact that Halibut may spawn more than once a year, but nothing concrete or completely convincing. I form my opinions from my personal experience. Take this last Fall/Winter season when the water temperature dropped drastically into the low 50's. It seemed that the Halibut bite spiked a bit, at least it did for me, because I caught three of my personal best Flatties during these cold months. Last year and the year before the results were similar. Does that mean that Halibut comes to the shallows twice a year to spawn? Who knows... I don't keep enough legals to see if the females carry fully developed eggs in the Fall/Winter months. Last year, the single 23" Halibut that I kept on Christmas Day had only partially developed egg sacks in it, telling me that it was preparing for the Springtime spawn. Of course, we all know that the Halibut bite is best during the Spring and summer months when the water temperature hit 60 degrees and above... when the spawn is in full swing.

If anybody would like to share their personal experiences on this matter, please do so... we can all learn from each other. :Cool:

According to the DFG Halibut spawn from February through the end of June with the peak spawn time being April and May. I also found a study which indiciated that halibut spawn all year but also claimed halibut spawn peaks in April and May. I know some very talented Anglers who believe that halibut spawn during the spring and again in fall.

I'm not sure if they spawn in the fall but I know they do spawn in the Spring. My experience has been that halibut will move in to the surf heavily during spring and fall but they can move in and out of the surf at anytime of the year. I'm not convinced that spawn is the reason for them being in the surf. I fished the halibut spawn from a private boat every spring for many years and our best results usually came from 40 to 60 feet of water with 55 feet often being sweet spot. I believe halibut are drawn to the beaches during this time of year for one reason..GRUNION... During fall we often get large schools of anchovies and sardines moving up on the beaches and when they do the halibut will be move right in with them. If the bait is there more than likely so are the halibut.


No worries Arthur! I'll ask my old bio teacher for access to some of the subscription based biology journal archives to see if I can dig anything up. In the meantime, here's a basic write up the US Army Corp of Engineers did, a study specific to Alamitos Bay, a really thorough DFG study, and a massive UC one on spawning habitat.


WOW !!!

Thanks alot Marc for the very valuable reading. I feel..........Smarter now :ROFL:

Seriously..........I'm amazed how much researchers have tried to nail down the life cycle of flatties and it still leaves so many grey areas it's crazy. I truely believe that there are so many factors in the marine enviroment that contribute to the annual habits of halibut and these factors change drastically throughout the year. I think that the bays,harbors and estuaries provide a favorable enviroment for the youngsters but as soon as they reach breeding age they move out of the protected areas and spread out. As the halibut grow I believe that the majority of the bigger models spend their lives well out of casting distance for the surf fisherman. Occasionally some of the larger models move in close during the spawning period but they move out quickly and the middle sized fish remain in the shallows. This is primarily why a fish over 30" from the surf is a prize model and only a small handful of surf fisherman have caught a 40" fish. I believe that the surf angler is actually only targeting halibut that are....shall we say.....Middle aged so to speak!
That being said......
I know that more folks here are probably going to be hunting the flatties this spring and summer due to the exposure the sport has gotten in the last few years. I've noticed the increase in surf based anglers who are tossing hardbaits and dropshotting alot lately probably due to the popularity of Internet based fishing forums like this one. I truely hope that every one of them look at the BIG PICTURE and don't keep their limits when the flatties are up in the shallows and in spawning mode.It's the same respect that FW bass fisherman have for females on a bed or the pregnant perch to the perch fisherman. It's ok to fish for them and enjoy the sport but PLEASE LET THEM GO so they can finish the cycle and keep the numbers up for the future. During the spring and summer months it can be very easy to put 4 legals on the beach in just a few hours. All of them FULL of eggs. Nobody needs to take their limit home with them during this period IMHO
Now let's go hunt some flatties.......The time has come!

Marc, Gerry, Mike, Arthur, and all!

This thread just keeps hanging on and has turned into a lesson as well for the newbies to Surf Flatties like myself. You all have some valid points and so have others in the past and it is still a mystery as to what will happen every time we hit the water.

With the introduction of so many new artificial baits and folks experimenting I think it actually adds to the confusion at least for me. Bring too many options with you on any given day and no confidence and you will have a bad day. Keep it simple and stick with what you know works.

Mike is very confident in his Drop Shot Ability and usually works it most of the day. And the Hard bait spends more time in the holster.

Arthur is very confident with the Hard baits and does the same. His other rig spends more time in the holster.

JerryG and BSP seem to me to have more confidence in the Swim baits with my few sessions I have fished with them.

What I have learned from them all is that is all about proper tide for a given area, water conditions, structure, and the ultimate attractant of the bait. If all 4 are in alignment you might just have a good day but no guarantee for sucess.

All the scientific data about what and when is all previous history. If we are not out there trying under various conditions as long as it is safe to do so will never have our have success and rewrite history.

Thanks to my friends for the knowledge shared and it will be "Payed Forward" carefully to the right people!


Wow, superb information, great values and beautiful philosophy. :Applause:
This is why i am proud to be associated with the SWAT crew. :Cool:

05-07-2010, 10:34 PM
And...............there is a major private boater fishery that catches major numbers of butt's every year. I have been on trips where we had easily 500# in a day on rod and reel. Two of us. I very much enjoy targeting the butt's on the beach, but I'm waaaaaaaay more confident on my boat when the bite is on. I am at a point in my life where bringing as many fish as I can home is not a prerequisite to my being outdoors. I rarely bring fish home, and share my knowledge with the people that surround me. Arthur is a great facilitator for this sport, and I admire him for his contributions to his peers. But if I could bring down a tank of sardines to the beach, we would really wack em good. I hope this weekend brings some bent rods, and smiling faces to my back yard, and I'm looking forward to sharing the love. Mikey

05-08-2010, 02:25 AM
WOW !!!

Thanks alot Marc for the very valuable reading. I feel..........Smarter now :ROFL:

Seriously..........I'm amazed how much researchers have tried to nail down the life cycle of flatties and it still leaves so many grey areas it's crazy. I truely believe that there are so many factors in the marine enviroment that contribute to the annual habits of halibut and these factors change drastically throughout the year. I think that the bays,harbors and estuaries provide a favorable enviroment for the youngsters but as soon as they reach breeding age they move out of the protected areas and spread out. As the halibut grow I believe that the majority of the bigger models spend their lives well out of casting distance for the surf fisherman. Occasionally some of the larger models move in close during the spawning period but they move out quickly and the middle sized fish remain in the shallows. This is primarily why a fish over 30" from the surf is a prize model and only a small handful of surf fisherman have caught a 40" fish. I believe that the surf angler is actually only targeting halibut that are....shall we say.....Middle aged so to speak!
That being said......
I know that more folks here are probably going to be hunting the flatties this spring and summer due to the exposure the sport has gotten in the last few years. I've noticed the increase in surf based anglers who are tossing hardbaits and dropshotting alot lately probably due to the popularity of Internet based fishing forums like this one. I truely hope that every one of them look at the BIG PICTURE and don't keep their limits when the flatties are up in the shallows and in spawning mode.It's the same respect that FW bass fisherman have for females on a bed or the pregnant perch to the perch fisherman. It's ok to fish for them and enjoy the sport but PLEASE LET THEM GO so they can finish the cycle and keep the numbers up for the future. During the spring and summer months it can be very easy to put 4 legals on the beach in just a few hours. All of them FULL of eggs. Nobody needs to take their limit home with them during this period IMHO
Now let's go hunt some flatties.......The time has come!

x3 on all of the above. I agree on all points Mike and I could not have said it better.

Please fish responsibly people. Take care of our fisheries and they will take care of us in the years to come.

Know what you meen Marc.........I've done alot of "Paying it forward" to folks in my life since I met Arthur too!
Great way to live life IMHO!

I agree..

Glad to help out Mike! I'm trying to become valued as more than a Yuri distraction. :LOL:

Definitely agree with your analysis both on the flatties and the sport. It takes a powerful draw to bring the big girls in close, be it the biological clock, or, as jerryG, said the grunion runs. x2 on releasing the legals! I've actually spoken with several dudes who were only chasing halibut because of what they read online. It's both good and bad, but hopefully they'll respect the resource.

Only thing is, what do you mean it's easy to put 4 legals on the beach during this time!?!? I want to fish there! Have you and Wingnut been holding out on me with the real SWAT spots? :ROFL: Halibut season 2010 is about to begin!

In any case, agreed with you about it being a better way to live. Your attitude affects everything about your life, so having a good one makes perfect sense. Too bad more people don't take the advice.

Thanks Marc for the info and the words of wisdom. "your attitude affects everything about your life, so having a good one makes perfect sense" Makes perfect sense to me my friend, those are words to live by right there.

What I have learned from them all is that is all about proper tide for a given area, water conditions, structure, and the ultimate attractant of the bait. If all 4 are in alignment you might just have a good day but no guarantee for sucess.

All the scientific data about what and when is all previous history. If we are not out there trying under various conditions as long as it is safe to do so will never have our have success and rewrite history.

Thanks to my friends for the knowledge shared and it will be "Payed Forward" carefully to the right people!


Thank you my Friend.. Some solid info followed by a valuable message right there (pay it forward).

Wow, superb information, great values and beautiful philosophy. :Applause:
This is why i am proud to be associated with the SWAT crew. :Cool:

X2 for sure. Well said Phong.

05-08-2010, 06:27 AM
I know that more folks here are probably going to be hunting the flatties this spring and summer due to the exposure the sport has gotten in the last few years.

I've noticed the increase in surf based anglers who are tossing hardbaits and dropshotting alot lately probably due to the popularity of Internet based fishing forums like this one.

I truely hope that every one of them look at the BIG PICTURE and don't keep their limits when the flatties are up in the shallows and in spawning mode.It's the same respect that FW bass fisherman have for females on a bed or the pregnant perch to the perch fisherman. It's ok to fish for them and enjoy the sport but PLEASE LET THEM GO so they can finish the cycle and keep the numbers up for the future. During the spring and summer months it can be very easy to put 4 legals on the beach in just a few hours. All of them FULL of eggs. Nobody needs to take their limit home with them during this period

Good Post Bones.

Santa Monica Bay SMB used to be a big time Halibut spot. Not Anymore. Same with Torrance. In the 70's and 80's you would always see guys drifting off TB for Butts.

With the dwindling numbers in SMB and a huge drop in weigh-ins at the MDR Contest and now the cancellation of the MDR contest. WHAT IS GOING ON IN SMB ???

I don't feel it is fishermen. In my opinion it is pollution from Ballona Creek runoff
or something going on out of El Segundo Hyperion Plant. 9.8 million residents :Pee: and taking a dump daily. That is a LOT of Human Waste. A 7 mile and a 5 mile pipe discharging Human Waste 24/7 365

But think about it. LA River is just as polluted and LB has plenty of Butts in the Harbor. Why ?

LB gets hammered hard daily.

Freedivers are the next wave of people to put the hurt on Halibuts.
That sport is growing huge with young whippersnappers raised on video games who finally learned that they can legally kill stuff. Yah real cool :Finger: Kooks.
There is a big wave of freedivers and many have a Kill Kill Kill mentality. No C&R over there.
One dude had gotton multiple Big WSB a week. One member told me STFU and said they donate ALOT of WSB to Homeless shelters. Why ? Because they shoot way more fish than they can eat and they are addicted to posting 'look at me ' posts. Homeless eating WSB :Finger: They want the tax write off.
Feed them SOS or Gruel. Mostly tweekers and drunks anyways.

I started taking note, then went in calling guys out.

'Dude, why do you feel the need to take so much fish' ? The guy is spearing 200 lbs of fish a month.

I got hammered, ' He has a big family' 'He is within the law' who are you? go away. Treehugger, Blah blah blah. The Internet can be a very dangerous tool to put the hurt on local fish populations.

I spoke with one guy who him and his buddy C&R ed over 100 short halibuts in one day :Shocked:
2 legals and a hookup almost every cast, that was in a october month. Not in SMB. All on swimbaits from shore.

Use caution when typing!

05-09-2010, 06:44 PM
Before we all know it, these pancakes will be replaced with barndoors in future reports
Nice session out there you guys!!
The "future" started TODAY John. We had a pretty good day in the surf. :Wink:

Marc, Gerry, Mike, Arthur, and all!

This thread just keeps hanging on and has turned into a lesson as well for the newbies to Surf Flatties like myself. You all have some valid points and so have others in the past and it is still a mystery as to what will happen every time we hit the water.

With the introduction of so many new artificial baits and folks experimenting I think it actually adds to the confusion at least for me. Bring too many options with you on any given day and no confidence and you will have a bad day. Keep it simple and stick with what you know works.

Mike is very confident in his Drop Shot Ability and usually works it most of the day. And the Hard bait spends more time in the holster.

Arthur is very confident with the Hard baits and does the same. His other rig spends more time in the holster.

JerryG and BSP seem to me to have more confidence in the Swim baits with my few sessions I have fished with them.

What I have learned from them all is that is all about proper tide for a given area, water conditions, structure, and the ultimate attractant of the bait. If all 4 are in alignment you might just have a good day but no guarantee for sucess.

All the scientific data about what and when is all previous history. If we are not out there trying under various conditions as long as it is safe to do so will never have our have success and rewrite history.

Thanks to my friends for the knowledge shared and it will be "Payed Forward" carefully to the right people!

Excellent observation S.W.A.T. Captain. :Cool: Different styles... same fantastic results. :Big Grin:

And...............there is a major private boater fishery that catches major numbers of butt's every year. I have been on trips where we had easily 500# in a day on rod and reel. Two of us. I very much enjoy targeting the butt's on the beach, but I'm waaaaaaaay more confident on my boat when the bite is on. I am at a point in my life where bringing as many fish as I can home is not a prerequisite to my being outdoors. I rarely bring fish home, and share my knowledge with the people that surround me. Arthur is a great facilitator for this sport, and I admire him for his contributions to his peers. But if I could bring down a tank of sardines to the beach, we would really wack em good. I hope this weekend brings some bent rods, and smiling faces to my back yard, and I'm looking forward to sharing the love. Mikey
Thanks for the input Mikey. I have much to learn from you my friend. It was great fishing with you today. :Cool:

Good Post Bones.

Santa Monica Bay SMB used to be a big time Halibut spot. Not Anymore. Same with Torrance. In the 70's and 80's you would always see guys drifting off TB for Butts.

With the dwindling numbers in SMB and a huge drop in weigh-ins at the MDR Contest and now the cancellation of the MDR contest. WHAT IS GOING ON IN SMB ???

I don't feel it is fishermen. In my opinion it is pollution from Ballona Creek runoff
or something going on out of El Segundo Hyperion Plant. 9.8 million residents :Pee: and taking a dump daily. That is a LOT of Human Waste. A 7 mile and a 5 mile pipe discharging Human Waste 24/7 365

But think about it. LA River is just as polluted and LB has plenty of Butts in the Harbor. Why ?

LB gets hammered hard daily.

Freedivers are the next wave of people to put the hurt on Halibuts.
That sport is growing huge with young whippersnappers raised on video games who finally learned that they can legally kill stuff. Yah real cool :Finger: Kooks.
There is a big wave of freedivers and many have a Kill Kill Kill mentality. No C&R over there.
One dude had gotton multiple Big WSB a week. One member told me STFU and said they donate ALOT of WSB to Homeless shelters. Why ? Because they shoot way more fish than they can eat and they are addicted to posting 'look at me ' posts. Homeless eating WSB :Finger: They want the tax write off.
Feed them SOS or Gruel. Mostly tweekers and drunks anyways.

I started taking note, then went in calling guys out.

'Dude, why do you feel the need to take so much fish' ? The guy is spearing 200 lbs of fish a month.

I got hammered, ' He has a big family' 'He is within the law' who are you? go away. Treehugger, Blah blah blah. The Internet can be a very dangerous tool to put the hurt on local fish populations.

I spoke with one guy who him and his buddy C&R ed over 100 short halibuts in one day :Shocked:
2 legals and a hookup almost every cast, that was in a october month. Not in SMB. All on swimbaits from shore.

Use caution when typing!

Wow, that's some good food for thought right there DR. :Cool: Some people get it... some people don't. :Neutral: What can we do but to keep on trying to educate them every chance we get? Maybe, just maybe, someday it will sink in... :!!!: