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View Full Version : Diamond Valley Catfish Report 4/30/10

05-02-2010, 02:57 PM
All the recent Diamond Valley reports had me salivating at the chance to fish the Jewel once again. So I made the trek up there to see if the kittens wanted to play. I'm fishing from shore but this is an excellent shore fishing lake. So I descended down the hill to a spot that I never fished before in the lake. As soon as I got there I saw a school of about 30 trout. Some of them dinks some of them very VERY nice. Right away I felt like this was going to be a great day. My first 4 casts I toss off my freaking nightcrawlers! Definently overzealous trying to get a line in the watter ha so I finally manage to keep one on the hook (flylined) and after about 15 minutes I get a strike! But missed him! This was to be a theme for the early portion of my day. Anyways several casts later i manage to hook into a trout. I land him and he is a shorty so I let him go. I landed several more trout of the same variety and decided to move furthur down into the cove in search of better fish.
When I got to my next location it was the same thing. Tons of trout swimming along the shallows. I must have seen several hundred trout swimming throughout the day. To be honest though I wasn't really after trout it was more so just exciting to see. So I bust out my catfish setup hoping the bite had started since I hadn't seen too many encouraging cat reports from there. Of course my first 3 cast I toss off the liver I was using. Problem was I was trying to line drive cast the liver rather than lobbing it (too much bassin lately ha). So i made the proper adjustment and within 2 casts I had a run! So I set the hook and this bruiser makes a bline towards the shore. The water is CRYSTAL Clear so I can see where he's heading. After a couple of long runs I get the fish about 20 feet from shore and the hook and bait slip and I watch him swim off. I wasn't really that upset because at least I knew they were biting and fairly quickly. To make a long story shorter I get 2 more runs miss them BOTH didn't even get to feel them and start feeling a bit skittish. After that I settle into a nice little groove. My next run I set the hook and FISH ON! This time he doesn't break my line and the hook doesn't slip! I land what ends up being a nice 7-8 pound catfish.

After that fish The action was pretty much non stop. I was broke of on my 10 lb test several times. I ended up landing 20 fish on the day. The biggest catfish went 16 lbs and some change. Kept 10 and had a lovely fish fry for the mayweather mosely fight! The coolest thing that I saw though was a fleet of about 20 BIG catfish cruising through the shallows through the ultra clear water. I didn't even have polarized glasses on and could see them. First time that I have ever seen something like this and it was awesome. I did sling a chunk over liver into the fleet and got a hook up which made it that much cooler. I'll have more on the water pics next time I'm out there It's hard to keep busting your camera out from shore during that kinda action sometimes. Especially when its been a while ha. Keep in mind though walking uphill with 100 pounds of catfish in a basket is not fun! The staff at this lake is fantastic and friendly and Diamond Valley provides an excellent enviornment for fishing or just getting outdoors in general.

05-02-2010, 03:00 PM

05-02-2010, 03:10 PM
man nice going outthere on those kittys, i really need to make it outhere soon and such a shame i live so damn close to dvl. keep slaying the kittys

05-02-2010, 03:19 PM
By far Russ that is an excellent report and excellent fishing out at DVL man. Good to go Go to Good. I have yet to go there but that is very tempting right there. Nice brother.


05-02-2010, 03:23 PM
By far Russ that is an excellent report and excellent fishing out at DVL man. Good to go Go to Good. I have yet to go there but that is very tempting right there. Nice brothers.


Thanks BC ya that lake can be downright ridiculous for all species at times. The fish seem to grow extremely fast at this lake and bite very well!

05-02-2010, 03:28 PM
Xcellent!!! That looks like a dream day!!! Way 2 slay em'!!!

05-02-2010, 04:11 PM
Nice eats. I think u need a bigger basket man.

05-02-2010, 06:48 PM
Hey Russ,

Wasn't it you that slayed the cats last year about this same time at DVL? You the man, and those are some good looking eats. Not only are you a great cat fisher, but it looks like a pretty darn good cook as well.

05-02-2010, 06:49 PM
REALLY GOOD JOB on those cats . I caught my first DVL catfish today what a fight . Try using a old backpack to carry your fish out . // db

05-02-2010, 07:40 PM
Hey Russ,

Wasn't it you that slayed the cats last year about this same time at DVL? You the man, and those are some good looking eats. Not only are you a great cat fisher, but it looks like a pretty darn good cook as well.

This was last year

05-02-2010, 07:53 PM
Boy, and to think I ate a Ham on Rye sandwich on that picnic table. I thought it tasted a little fishy...heheheheehe. Yah, I remember you talking about your arms practically falling off from carrying all those big boys up the hill. I can definately see why.

05-02-2010, 08:13 PM
Great report and pics... Enjoyed it... Props

BassKing OG
05-03-2010, 03:21 PM
That's some serious catchen right there.....congrats on the fine day.

05-03-2010, 05:01 PM
damn what a slay and from shore too! congrats on all the quality cats.

05-03-2010, 05:02 PM
Wow!!!! Great day and some nice cats.

05-03-2010, 05:40 PM
nice going out there!
I was planning to go somwhere else this weekend for catfish, my make the trip to DVL though!

05-03-2010, 07:18 PM
SERIOUS kitty slay right there, great report and pics!


05-03-2010, 11:43 PM
Nice stringer!

Nessie Hunter
05-04-2010, 06:56 AM

WTG on the kitties, darn nice stringer..

05-04-2010, 09:22 AM
thanks every1 for all the kind words I'll try to keep up the work!

05-04-2010, 09:23 PM
I'm lovin' it! Those are some nice catfish! Just gotta get my head out of bass mode when I'm there and try for other species. Sometimes nothing beats the good ol' bait and wait. :)

05-05-2010, 11:41 AM
Dammit I LIKE IT....slay the hell outa dem' kitties and post up the fried up results !


Salute !

Congrats on those fat 'ol kitties !

Nice work

05-05-2010, 06:08 PM
Yo, feel free to show me that spot anytime! ;) Great report, bro!! Me and some friends are going out Friday. I hope to have at least half the quality fish you have!!!