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matt k.
04-19-2007, 12:06 PM
I usually use spinning rods but want to try a conventional rod when I go out this time and was wondering how diffucult it is to use for someone who hasnt used one before??

04-19-2007, 12:16 PM
I reccomend that if you have not used one before that you practice with one before going out with it. You may want to bring your spinning gear too just in case.

It takes some practice and getting used to if you plan to cast with the reel. If you plan to just drop bait with a weight there's not much to it. its casting that becomes the challenge.

Fresh One !!!
04-19-2007, 01:39 PM
Good advice above... Definetly recommend practicing or else you will spend your day pulling backlashes from the reel. I have a 12 yr old son that is just learning how to use that kind of reel and he practices with a trash can from his room. He started out in the backyard about 5 feet from the can and now he can through the lure a country mile.. Quick Learner. he also enjoys throwing lures in our new pool out back. It teaches him how to impart action to them and he is learning the rate at which they sink...

Good Luck.

Fresh One !!! (Mike)

Fresh One !!!
04-19-2007, 01:45 PM
Good advice above... Definetly recommend practicing or else you will spend your day pulling backlashes from the reel. I have a 12 yr old son that is just learning how to use that kind of reel and he practices with a trash can from his room. He started out in the backyard about 5 feet from the can and now he can through the lure a country mile.. Quick Learner. he also enjoys throwing lures in our new pool out back. It teaches him how to impart action to them and he is learning the rate at which they sink...

Good Luck.

Fresh One !!! (Mike)

04-19-2007, 02:01 PM
Hey Matt,

It is not that hard to cast a conventional reel at all......just takes a little practice to perfect the technique!!!

I don't remember who on this forum posted this link before......but you might take a look here:


It shows how to cast a casting reel!!!!

Good Luck!!!!


matt k.
04-19-2007, 02:36 PM
so its basically the same as a bait casting rod??

04-19-2007, 02:53 PM
Yep pretty much!!

Just practice,practice,practice!!!!


Sea Murda
04-19-2007, 03:03 PM
its easy dude, not hard at all........
take dean070's advice, bring a spinner with you,...just in case.......

matt k.
04-19-2007, 03:31 PM
I'll be on a cattle boat so there wont be much casting anyway
thanks guys

04-19-2007, 03:38 PM
I'll be on a cattle boat so there wont be much casting anyway
thanks guys

u cast farther u have the advantage on a moo moo

04-19-2007, 05:14 PM
I remember there being a post here about casting.
Someone was practicing using a laundry clip (you know the wooden ones) and would tie it to the line. Then clip on a baseball card.

This method gave you the really light weight of the bait and the clip would simulate the hook in the bait. If you swing too hard, the card would slip out. If this was the bait, you just pulled the hook out of its nose and the bait is flopping around on the deck! Swing too soft and the clip/card would not fly. It was about finding that balance between strength, timing and feel.

I've tried it several times and to this day, I still bring my spinning rod.
Not because I completely suck at casting, but because sometimes it's just easier!! :D

ghetto dad
04-20-2007, 08:56 AM
Yep pretty much!!

Just practice,practice,practice!!!!


IMO, the baitasting reel is much easier than a standard conventional reel....most of the baitcasters have some kind of adjustable brake system.....but i will say that if you already can cast a baitcaster, then it WILL be easier to learn how to cast a standard conventional reel....my preference is Newell...they are very light, and cast very nice..and are reasonable priced...most guys on here have their own preference...that is just my own....peace...

ghetto dad
04-20-2007, 09:01 AM
I remember there being a post here about casting.
Someone was practicing using a laundry clip (you know the wooden ones) and would tie it to the line. Then clip on a baseball card.

This method gave you the really light weight of the bait and the clip would simulate the hook in the bait. If you swing too hard, the card would slip out. If this was the bait, you just pulled the hook out of its nose and the bait is flopping around on the deck! Swing too soft and the clip/card would not fly. It was about finding that balance between strength, timing and feel.

I've tried it several times and to this day, I still bring my spinning rod.
Not because I completely suck at casting, but because sometimes it's just easier!! :D

lol... a few years back, my brother in law insisted that he can catch anything with his spinning reel that i could with my conventional reel....he was hard headed about it...well, we fished Farnsworth for yellows, lmfao, lmfao....i told him he was gonna get buttholed...he hooked a yellow, and within literally a few seconds of the initial hookup, his reel blew up in pieces, literally....u should have seen the look on his face...i had a yellow going at the same time which i lost...i was laughing SO HARD, i couldnt pull!!! Its ok, i still ended up with 2 off the bank that day...

04-20-2007, 09:43 AM
I remember there being a post here about casting.
Someone was practicing using a laundry clip (you know the wooden ones) and would tie it to the line. Then clip on a baseball card.

This method gave you the really light weight of the bait and the clip would simulate the hook in the bait. If you swing too hard, the card would slip out. If this was the bait, you just pulled the hook out of its nose and the bait is flopping around on the deck! Swing too soft and the clip/card would not fly. It was about finding that balance between strength, timing and feel.

I've tried it several times and to this day, I still bring my spinning rod.
Not because I completely suck at casting, but because sometimes it's just easier!! :D

lol... a few years back, my brother in law insisted that he can catch anything with his spinning reel that i could with my conventional reel....he was hard headed about it...well, we fished Farnsworth for yellows, lmfao, lmfao....i told him he was gonna get buttholed...he hooked a yellow, and within literally a few seconds of the initial hookup, his reel blew up in pieces, literally....u should have seen the look on his face...i had a yellow going at the same time which i lost...i was laughing SO HARD, i couldnt pull!!! Its ok, i still ended up with 2 off the bank that day...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

04-20-2007, 10:32 AM
If you never used conventional .... "BIRDS NEST !!!!!!" I get it all that damn time .... but then again, I don't really practice it either, hahahaha

definately bring your spinning reel

04-20-2007, 10:34 AM
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: (silently LMFAO in the office!!!)

Yeah, if you're on the boat and YT start to bite, get that spinner out and get the conventional in the water.

Although casting out may get you better results, if you're using live bait, you could always under-cast a little and let the little swimmer do his thing. You don't always have to cast out a mile!!