View Full Version : Sunday 4/25 @ SARL

04-26-2010, 10:06 AM
All around it appeared to be a really slow day, but there were still some good fish at the cleaning table (we were posted up near the cleaning table). Me and my buddy were about the 14th car in line and we got to our spot pretty quickly and had the rods in the water. Our poles were getting "bit" every now and then, but then I saw a huge carp swimming close to shore and I'm pretty sure the carp in the area were just running into our lines. About an hour after we set up my buddy had a fish on and I netted a good 3 pounder for him. He was using Sherbert Power Bait, no scent. And that was about it. We saw one guy quite a ways down from us land a decent fish mid-morning, and a guy closer to us had a fish on around noon but he lost it. So I guess our side of the shore (the side near the cleaning table, where they stock) just wasn't a great spot that day. We were giving them everything... lures, jigs, powerbait, inflated crawlers, regular crawlers, and 3 different types of scents. Tried short leaders (8 inches) all the way up to longer leaders (2 1/2 feet). My buddy was fishing about a 18 inch leader when he got his fish.

If any of you did well out there on Sunday I'd be real curious to know where you were fishing?

04-26-2010, 12:24 PM
Thanks for posting up . Thats how fishing goes sometimes.

04-26-2010, 01:41 PM
Bummer, About the skunk. From my observations at SARL that area where you were fishing is great immediately after a stocking. I've also fished there on a sunday; after a thursday stocking and caught nothing. However, I've seen people do very well there on thur/fri; judgeing from pictures I've seen.

04-26-2010, 02:39 PM
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I really wish I had a topo map of SARL so I could see where the good spots are.

04-26-2010, 04:04 PM
google earth shows some useful structure....look for shelfs and dropoffs.