View Full Version : 4-25 First time at the Vine -Report and some input needed

04-26-2010, 08:22 AM
I took my wife and 4 year old son to Irvine for the first time. Ended up getting there fairly late because we decided to drop off our 1 year old daughter at her grandma's. I never go fishing so late, but I just wanted to get out to the Vine and check out the area.

Got to the lake at 12:30pm and got us lunch and started fishing about 1pm. I originally wanted to fish out on Woody's cove, but decided to fish inside the West Fork. Plus I wasn't too sure how accessible Woody's Point is as far as parking and getting to the shore (I had printed a lake map from the Vine’s web site, but the map was really out of date. I found a better map this morning). It was fairly windy and the shoreline in that area is fisherman to fisherman.

My wife and son fished with powerbait, but no bites. I tried several of my proven lures and several different worms on a dropshot and nothing. From 1 to 3:30pm I kept switching the PB flavor & color on the wife and son's poles and still nothing.

About 2pm I went to my gold Kastmaster and got hit on the first cast...Seemed like a little fighter. As I got in closer it was a nice fat bluegill. Not what I wanted, but no skunk for me at the Vine!

Now we are in the final hour and the 3 guys next to me are slaying trout and they were all 2 lbs and up..They probably got 7+ in the last hour out there. It looks like all on PB and one of them was using a Powermouse.

It's now close to 3:40pm and I'm able to move down the shore closer to the guys catching trout....I realized the trout are really down in the structure so I stopped trolling and used my wife's pole.....Then I switched to a PB I hadn't used and tried a different presentation I've been wanting to try out. I casted out by the trees and got hit on the first cast and within a minute. Right away the trout goes jumping out of the water and went back down. I dipped the pull down since it was fighting like a LMB and reeled some more in...One more time the trout jumps out of the water and then.......I've lost him.

It's now 3:50pm and I'm throwing out one last time. I cast in the same area and within a minute....Bendo! Same thing...The trout goes for a run and is jumping out of the water and back down. Again the trout jumps out of the water and far....This time I'm not sure what happened....I lost him too.

I think I was trying too hard in the last 20 minutes to get something and wasn't thinking. I thought they were hooked good since both of the trout were big guys and were taking my line and were jumping… I really didn't set the hook hard...Normally when I have fished for trout (mainly 1 lb to 1 1/4 rainbows) I've set the hook and I usually get them. Also looking back at it, I think the line got way too much slack in it when the trouts jumped towards me.

Either way, I know where I need to fish next time and I will get there when the lake opens and be more ready as I have a better feel for their pattern..I hope. Depending on the weather I’ll try and get out Wed or Thurs.

Question for you Vine regulars: Normally I’ve been using #18 treble hooks when using PB, but I’ve also read some people are using #10 Mosquito hooks. To me a #18 treble hook seems too small for the 2 to 3 lb trout I’m seeing caught at the Vine. Also, will the PB stay on the Mosquito hooks? Any help will be appreciated.

(Future Vine Regular)

My 4 yr old pointing to me.
That was where we were fishing.
The only fish I brought into shore.

El Capo
04-26-2010, 08:33 AM
A good day at the lake none the less. Try a little bigger hook next time, it may help.

04-26-2010, 08:41 AM
Yeah most people use #16 treble hooks. The lake record last year was caught using a #12 treble with db. Irvine is a great lake to fish. Next time your there dont hesitate to ask at the tackle shop whats been working best lately and what spots. Good luck next time!


04-26-2010, 12:40 PM
i have used pb on a Mosquito hook and it stayed on i found that you have to mold the pb to the hook instead of making like a ball when using a treble hook and take care when casting. but i would say a larger treble hook and setting the hook a little bit harder would help. and im a pretty noobish but i have heard when trout fishing that you want to keep your rod up high when fighting them.

04-26-2010, 03:00 PM
i fish #7 mosquito with crawlers & pm also # 20 & 18 treble hook. with no probs. fish a open bail from shore. ya win some ya lose some. get'em next time brother. gl & bendo rods SCOTT/ TEAMBRING IT:Guns:

04-27-2010, 10:48 AM
Thanks for the words and input. I'm sure next time will be better. I guess I just felt behind the 8 ball since I started so late. Now I have a better idea of where I want to go and I'll probably rent a boat too..Unless someone has room on their boat for me and the wife. I have no problem throwing some cash to cover fees and such.


04-29-2010, 02:55 PM
Very nice report! Thanks for sharing!


04-30-2010, 06:57 AM
Very nice report! Thanks for sharing!


Thanks very much Fisherman57. I'm hoping I'll eventually have enough success at the Vine to post a report full of pics and reports that will be worth reading.


04-30-2010, 07:11 AM
Personally I prefer size #16 04 #18 trebles for pb and if you haven't already done so start adding various colors of Berkley power worms and power eggs to your aresenal as sometimes this is the only thing they want to bite on. Worms in green, orange and pink... power eggs in white, green and yellow can always be found in my tackle bag. Although I don't usually fish gulp products the green/chartruese version have been HOT this trout season. Sizes #6-#10 mosquito hooks are good to have for both crawlers and powermouse(worm n egg) combos imo. Lastly pick up a can of Bang spray(garlic or shad scent) and a bottle of BiteOn garlic to further entice the fish. Have fun and good luck!

Thanks very much Fisherman57. I'm hoping I'll eventually have enough success at the Vine to post a report full of pics and reports that will be worth reading.


You already have! :Wink:

See you on the water,