View Full Version : Jess Ranch/Silverwood on Sat 4/17

Mojave River Angler
04-19-2010, 09:34 AM
Hit the ranch in the morning for a limit by ealy afternoon of some very nice Jess Ranch Ruby Reds. Spent the day throwing the same color of PB with enhancements. Moved on up to Silverwood at about 4 in the afternoon to fish by the dam. No good there because the wind was pretty stiff from the south. I drove around the lake on the east side and fished the south shore of the northeastern most cove. I scored two rainbows (one a holdover) in less than 20 min. and then nothing until I left at 6:30ish. This is the first time I've actually caught any fish at Silverwood so I was jazzed about that.

I noticed that lip hooked some of the fish this time. Most of my trout fishing in the past has reslulted in the gullet hook. I don't know if I'm behaving differently or the fish.

Weather was nice all day in the desert. The breeze at the dam area was not alltogether unexpected, I just didn't feel like trying to cast into that. Temps at Jess were definately in the upper 70s with very smooth water. Silverwood was cooler and once I got into the cove the water was not to rough. I wish there was a place over there to launch a kayak. I'm not going to try to drag a 85 lb. tandem up an 80' bank after paddling around for several hours. I guess it is reachable from the dam area but even that is quite a hike from the parking area. I'll probably just put the kayak in down at the marina next time I go.

Great day of fishing...nice weather...very relaxing. Just what I needed after a crazy work week.
I may post some pics if I can get them cut down in size.
Mojave River Angler