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View Full Version : How to pond fish!

04-01-2010, 09:26 PM
Finding a new pond? Hmm is there fish. Most ponds believe it or not hold some kind of fish.

Species: Bass,Bluegill,catfish,carp,rock bass.

Others not as common: Crappie,trout,tillapia smallmouth striper

First i try to exploratory visit first. Great time mid day check water temp clarity, Look for fish bait, boils etc. How many people hang out. Look for other fisherman. If someones fishing good chance theres biting fish. Walk the banks slowly most fish are holding right on the bank. Springtime look for beds.
Look for any moving current. Almost all streams entering pond hold fish. Or even overflow. Trees shading protection
rocks so on. Grassy areas. Crawdads are also a great find. Cloudy water in clear water spots is a good sign of carp.

1) Always bring lite gear common its pond fishing

a) Recommended 2 to 6 lb test.
B) Down scale all lures. Most pond fish like smaller baits.

Example: instead of a spinner bait bring some roostertails. Use these on not so sunny days Rain even better. Fan cast i catch lots of fish real close to bank. Sneak up on fish.

Sure traps spinner baits swim baits get a few but not lots. Small to large bass eat roostertails believe me. My favorite color white gold blade.

Plastics i like brown as close to a crawler as possible. Flashy colors work at times not like natural looking worms.
Fly lining your plastics work great. Many take worm on slow sink watch line for movement. Keep a finger in contact for tap taps.

Float fishing in high winds cover lots of ground. Make long leader let drift in winds and waves. Watch float for strange movements. Bait such as crawlers meal worms work well. May have to add small split shot. Smaller float the better. No beach balls please. When a fish tries to sink a large float tends to make fish let go.

But if your really serious want to plain catch fish bring worms. Fly line a whole night crawler at first. Bass first always. Getting bites if worm comes back tail missing usually means bluegill. Then you can down size hook try pieces for hook ups. Circle hooks are best no hook setting just reel line it is that easy.

Top water activity

When noticing boils bait crashing etc. Try the small jerk baits hard or soft both work well. Popping rapalas even Zara puppy Vs the bigger spook. Fly poppers on a bobber deadly. Flies etc. Match the hatch.

The new mini chatter baits vs big ones are much better in ponds. Frog baits do good also. Smaller crank bats shallower divers etc. Most ponds are not real deep. There is occasional rock quarry etc. those deeper ponds hold some big fish so be careful. Bigger baits better only in those situations.

Well those are my tips. Polarized glasses are a must. Keep your eye out for activity. Do not stay in one spot if not producing. Chase the boils follow the bait find some current fly line baits. Down scale your lures. Study other fisherman. Ask questions. Go lite do not bring your life supply gear. Be mobile. Leave chairs at home unless you have a good cat spot or carp. Last have a good time.


04-01-2010, 09:37 PM
awesome man.these tips really do help