View Full Version : lakewood country club

03-31-2010, 10:43 AM
Heard a few stories of fisherman sneaking in and fishing the ponds for bass. has anyone ever tried it or do you have of anyone who has fished there and got caught?

03-31-2010, 11:02 AM
A little story about Lakewood Country Club:

Back in the 80s and early 90s, fishing was EPIC there. Since the proshop didnt seem to care, most fisherman would simply park in the parking lot and walk out to the lake. On a nice summer afternoon you could see upwards of 20 people fishing. BIG bluegill and bass were the norm. On or about 1991, due to construction on the south side of the street, they drained the lake and when it was filled up, was never the same obviously. However, the North side of the street was still hoppin.

In 1994 I was fishing there amongst about 15 other fisherman. Just before dark, the sheriffs helicopter began haloing overhead. About 10 sheriffs deputies came ONTO the course and escorted us off. They took pictures of all of us, and made us sit on the curb for over an hour while they ran background checks on each one of us. Bieng the smartass I was at the time, while sitting on the curb I commented that perhaps all of these tax dollar resources should be used to catch real criminals instead of harrassing fisherman. Well, that comment almost got me arrested. haha.

They let us all go with a stern warning.

Havent been back since.

03-31-2010, 11:24 AM
I fished there a few times at night in the last year and had no issues. Caught a few fish each time; biggest was only around 2lbs. All on chartruese senkos.

But the last time I was there some weirdo claiming to be looking for his dog came out of nowhere. This dude looked like a crack head .... Kind of strange to say the least. Haven't been back since.

03-31-2010, 12:25 PM
i was gunna hit it up a month back but the night before someone carved a swastica on the greens and i thought it wasnt a good idea to ninja it the day after and didnt.

03-31-2010, 12:40 PM
feel free to fish here. nothing like a good night out fishing & being raped on the 9th hole. enjoy!

03-31-2010, 10:19 PM
Check this out young'ns........,

I was born in Lkwd. in '59.....,while I went to Gompers & Bancroft in the 60's/70's I used to skip school with a couple of buddys & we'd ride our sting-rays up Woodruff to Carson,hang a right,buy a roll of biscuit dough at a little liquor store on the way and hop the fence where the water crosses the street & the bridge is on the No. side.

We'd throw our bikes over & try not to draw attention while we caught many very fiesty bluegill & occasional Bass.....
My prized rig was a Zebco spincast closed-faced reel combo from Fedco with a bobber a foot above the splitshotted biscuit dough.......

Oh the memories........Thanks..... :Thumbs Up::Thumbs Up:

04-02-2010, 09:50 PM
Back in 1994, I was fishing lakewood too. Man that place was awesome. Just walk right on in like you own the place. Never got hassled, except once. Helicopters, and all, they had me running ! Then I realized there were about a dozen or so more people fishing at the time. We were all running !!! Makes me wonder if that was the same night Stormcrow !!! But ya, I feel ya, it was cool. That and yorba linda country club. We use to kill em there. Now I have subdivision ponds all around my house, 2 rivers that I can walk too, and a pond with giant crappie. All with no pressure and no one to tell you to leave. I am so glad I left so cal.