View Full Version : Attention all kayakers

03-30-2010, 08:32 PM
Ok so I've been looking around for the perfect oportunity to buy and own my first kayak....well that time came today when i was able to pick up a used Cobra Navigator for only 100 bucks in very good condition. There was some cosmetic damage done during an accidental tent fire while camping which melted some of the tent onto the kayak on the rear left side, and also the heat warpped that same side a little but there is no puncture to the vessel.
However seen how it was only 100 bucks there was no seat inclulded with it or paddle and since it was just used for recration there are no pole holders. That is where I can use some advice from all you veterans of the kayaking world. Obviously I want to get it in the water and go fishing as soon as possible, what do I get first (of course a paddle is the obvious answer) and where can I get it at the cheapest possible price.
Looking to do some lake fishing while I get used to being in a kayak before I try the salt water world so bait tanks and gaffs and stuff like that are not really top priority, I'm looking for seats and pole holders maybe a fishfinder, also do I need a life jacket and if so what would be a comfortable fit for fishing seeing I'm a big guy and dont want to feel too bulky.
All in all, any advice would be greatly appreciated since I am completly new to kayaks so thanks for all the help in advance.

03-31-2010, 08:35 PM
Post a pic !
Have a couple of Cobra Fish & Dive's.
Near Puddingstone, where are you ?
Check out Plastic Navy !

03-31-2010, 09:20 PM
Yeah I should take a couple pix. I went to BPS today to check out their paddles but they were all over 100, went to their web site and they have a cheaper model for around 45 bucks too bad they didnt have it in stock I would have picked it up.

I am currently in rialto and have been fishing pudd puddle of the shore but when i take my tube out I'm usually at Perris.

04-01-2010, 06:46 PM
Here are a couple pix of what I got. A question I have for anyone who can asnwer is, what are the holes for on the bottom of the boat and what do you do to stop water from coming in and getting you wet?

04-01-2010, 07:39 PM
awesome! im going to buy my first kayak nexw weekend and i cant wait. maybe we can go fish!

04-06-2010, 11:29 PM
looks sweet. Exact model as mine.
The holes are called "scuppers" they allow for water in the kayak to drain. Basically its self bailing. You can buy scupper plugs...i think it may help you go a tad faster but mine is fast compared to my old eXtreme I didn't bother trying. Basically leave it alone for now.
Southwind Kayaks in Irvine has a room in back where they sell all their used rental fleet stuff for decent deals. Or craigslist is a good place to start. You can start with a cheap walmart vest...i'm getting an inflatable. Out of the way and comfy. Standard ones can get bulky when fishing or casting.
Any OEX should be able to set you up proper. How "big" are you? I'm 200lbs and the Navi took me a bit of getting used to but I went from my X that was a tank and I could do jumping jacks on. Now 5 fully loaded hoop nets isnt a problem. Good luck!

04-11-2010, 09:24 PM
I am looking for a set of oars and the backrest can wait for a later date, but I am still looking to get this thing in the water, I just havent had time to yet. I was thinking just for the initial outing buying the plastic oars from walmart for ten dollars. However I dont know that I will actually take fishing gear with me on my frist time out. (I am afraid of flipping over and loosing some of my gear). I did put it in the pool and without oars if did feel quit unstable I could easily rock myself over board but I'm hoping that will change once I get some oars on me. Doing jumping jacks on a kayak is still quit a ways off for me. but thanks for the tips on the used gear, I will definatly look iinto that once I start picking up some real gear for it.

Mojave River Angler
04-12-2010, 02:00 PM
The price you pay for the paddle is reflective of your overall experience. I had shoulder surgery in 05 and it matters to me how much effort I have to put into paddling. I also matters when the weather turn on you and you get caugh "with your shorts down". That is when you need evry advantage. Good quality paddles will allow you to move with economy of motion. Cheap paddles are great if you want to get some exercise. You don't need to spend more than $150 to get someting that works well. If you have plenty of disposable income go for the ergo bend and the carbon fiber ($300-500).

I hate to be the one to think of all the bad things that can happen, but it comes from whitewater experience. How do you blow up an inflateble vest if you are unconsious? Boaters at places like Castaic will run you over. You have to think of every angle.

I also thought my yellow kayak was something that nobody could miss. I was wrong because I assumed that drivers of other boats were looking forward.

On the bailing holes...I wonder if you can put some plugs in there that have some pull tab on it so you can keep dry inside until you really do have to bail. On a nice trip you may never need to be bailing.

Enjoy your kayak dude. Maybe I'll see you sometime on the water.

Mojave River Angler

04-13-2010, 04:56 PM
Thanks for your input Mojave river angles, your right I know the difference good quality gear can make in every aspect of fishing, kayaking, and so on. I however have never kayaked before so I will be on a lake in the calmest weather possible for my first time, trust me I dont plan on any whitewater adventures anytime soon. The only reason I dont really want to spend too much on this hobby just yet is because, I recently got my boat running and I also do alot of float tubing so really the kayak would just fit in on days when I dont want to haul the boat and I happen to be at a lake too big to explore on my tube. the thing is I may not even keep the kayak after all is said and done, but it is something I have always wanted to try. Hopefully if its as addicting as I hear I will keep the kayak and get comfortable enough on it that I will be out surf fishing on it, but that will come down the line, as for right now I want the cheap paddles just so I can take it out on the water and see what it feels like. Like I said maybe wont even take any gear with me my first time out, but we'll see how that goes, might take it out to puddingstone this weekend and then I will go from there.
Thank you for your info it is all so useful to me since I am a true beginner in this.

Mojave River Angler
04-15-2010, 07:35 AM
I see the Bass Pro Shop fishing and camping sale catalog that just arrived in the mail has a day tripper paddle for $35 that looks suitable for your purposes. It is a catalog and online only sale.

Item numbers
52-612-997-10 for the 220 cm
52-612-994-31 for the 230 cm

04-15-2010, 05:26 PM
that sounds perfect, thanks. I wont end up taking the yak out this weekend because I will be taking the kids to Jess Ranch. But soon we will be out on the water.