View Full Version : Castaic lagoon clean up, FNN and friends join FOCL to help clean the lagoon

03-26-2010, 08:28 PM
Hey everyone, i would like to get a group of FNN members together to join in and help out FOCL
"Friends Of Castaic Lake" in there monthly clean up of the lagoon April 10,
if you are available and would like to donate your time to this please add your name to the list
so i can report how many people are going to attend to FOCL so they can supply enuff gloves and supplies for everyone.
Here is the link to the clean up http://www.castaiclake.com/docs/2010/pride.pdf
and of coarse we will be fishing after so bring your fishing gear and get ready to slay the goon pm bite!!
Thanks you, Alex.....aka.....Fishbones

List of people attending the clean up

Fire Ball
03-26-2010, 08:33 PM
Ummmm, isn't that the day of the float tube derby...? I won't be able to help out since it is the day of the derby.

03-26-2010, 08:46 PM
Ummmm, isn't that the day of the float tube derby...? I won't be able to help out since it is the day of the derby.

yup sure is....sometimes you have to sacrafice things in life....to better them in the future.
its your home lake...you better get your butt out that tube for a hour and help out FireBall...
come on bro....sign the list...

03-26-2010, 08:46 PM
Hey everyone, i would like to get a group of FNN members together to join in and help out FOCL
"Friends Of Castaic Lake" in there monthly clean up of the lagoon April 10,
if you are available and would like to donate your time to this please add your name to the list
so i can report how many people are going to attend to FOCL so they can supply enuff gloves and supplies for everyone.
Here is the link to the clean up http://www.castaiclake.com/docs/2010/pride.pdf
Thanks you, Alex.....aka.....Fishbones

List of people attending the clean up

03-26-2010, 09:16 PM
List of people attending the clean up
2. Webmaster

03-28-2010, 04:16 PM
Everyone.....the lagoon and FOCL need your help,
if you can spare a few hours in your day to help out
and then after we can all fish together for the afternoon bite.

List of people attending the clean up

03-28-2010, 06:07 PM
Everyone.....the lagoon and FOCL need your help,
if you can spare a few hours in your day to help out
and then after we can all fish together for the afternoon bite.

List of people attending the clean up

3. Luvthymetal
4. adriian

03-29-2010, 02:27 PM
My wife and I will be there. We actually run the program for FOCL. Thanks for getting a group together. I will be at the sign in table at the Lagoon launch ramp. We usually have between 25 and 50 people, and the more we have helping out, the better. Here is a better link for the event: http://www.castaiclake.net/pride.htm

Thanks again,


03-30-2010, 11:42 AM
My wife and I will be there. We actually run the program for FOCL. Thanks for getting a group together. I will be at the sign in table at the Lagoon launch ramp. We usually have between 25 and 50 people, and the more we have helping out, the better. Here is a better link for the event: http://www.castaiclake.net/pride.htm

Thanks again,


Hey Bassatic,
Looking foward to meeting both of you and helping out FOCL at the clean up with some other FNNers and making new friends thanks for the link and we will chat before then.


fisherman from long beach
03-30-2010, 01:14 PM
cool of you alex to get peeps together and help out.wish i could join. no joke.

03-31-2010, 11:40 AM
thanks johnny...that place is a mess and needs help before it gets worse....they have the clean up every month...hint hint...for all those who couldnt make it april 10.

Everyone.....the lagoon and FOCL need your help,
if you can spare a few hours in your day to help out
and then after we can all fish together for the afternoon bite.

List of people attending the clean up
3. Luvthymetal
4. adriian

Ray Lopez
03-31-2010, 03:02 PM
already talked to you about it bro but sorry i wont be there due to the bacholer party charter i wont be home till after 9pm on saturday.

Good stuff getting this together. I will help out for next month for sure. Also i need to get my butt to the meetings too so i can be part of FOCL again

03-31-2010, 03:35 PM
already talked to you about it bro but sorry i wont be there due to the bacholer party charter i wont be home till after 9pm on saturday.

Good stuff getting this together. I will help out for next month for sure. Also i need to get my butt to the meetings too so i can be part of FOCL again

No worries bro youve organized this event back in the day so even tho you wont be there on april 10 youve already made a dirrerence.

Everyone.....the lagoon and FOCL need your help,
if you can spare a few hours in your day to help out
and then after we can all fish together for the afternoon bite.

List of people attending the clean up
3. Luvthymetal
4. adriian

04-02-2010, 04:20 PM
Is it really only 4 of us so far ? Come on people !!!

Fire Ball
04-02-2010, 05:28 PM
Is it really only 4 of us so far ? Come on people !!!

Well, there is going to be a lot of people not on the list: the people that usually go. I can't go because of the float tube derby.

04-02-2010, 10:26 PM
Is it really only 4 of us so far ? Come on people !!!

I feel you LuvThymetal.....wheres everyones support ???

I can't go because of the float tube derby.

you can help out after the tourney....its your home lake and you show no signs of even wanting to...

wheres your lake pride....did you help out last month? or the month before that?

04-02-2010, 10:40 PM
haha dont worry fishbones 4 is all we need.is it that dirty??

Ray Lopez
04-03-2010, 11:51 AM
haha dont worry fishbones 4 is all we need.is it that dirty??

yes it is that lakes gets messed up pretty fast from the weekend warriors and from the campers they think it's cool to just leave everything they use right there on the shore or in the water.

04-03-2010, 05:20 PM
haha dont worry fishbones 4 is all we need.is it that dirty??

its not a dump but it is noticeable and can use some help for sure...

yes it is that lakes gets messed up pretty fast from the weekend warriors and from the campers they think it's cool to just leave everything they use right there on the shore or in the water.

the most thing that bothers me is the line everywhere...but i pick up everything i can.

Fire Ball
04-03-2010, 07:23 PM
you can help out after the tourney....its your home lake and you show no signs of even wanting to...

wheres your lake pride....did you help out last month? or the month before that?

Well, I didn't even know that they had it until last month when I was out tubing and came in a saw all the people, lol. The clean-up ends before the tourney is over.

04-03-2010, 09:28 PM
Well, I didn't even know that they had it until last month when I was out tubing and came in a saw all the people, lol. The clean-up ends before the tourney is over.

your not o member of FOCL?.....i will be there till sundown with extre trash bags in my car so you can still help out and show some lagoon support fireball....

04-03-2010, 09:47 PM
your not o member of FOCL?.....i will be there till sundown with extre trash bags in my car so you can still help out and show some lagoon support fireball....

hahaha man if he doesnt want to just dont force him his choice.

04-03-2010, 09:51 PM
yes it is that lakes gets messed up pretty fast from the weekend warriors and from the campers they think it's cool to just leave everything they use right there on the shore or in the water.

you and your fellow smoker to start by keeping your cigg but out of the water or shoreline, I pick on you because evrytime I see you at the lake, last year dippin shad at the main ramp and your photos in your tube with a cig in your mouth, and I know when your done with it your no eating it, you toss it in the water, time to quit slick those thing got to be over 3 bucks a pack by now, thats bout what they were when I quit cold turkey.... so all you asstrays you know who you are be reponsible, I use big Ray as a exsample, never met him,
I'm sure I'd even like the guy, but I wouldn't let him smoke in my boat...

Fire Ball
04-03-2010, 10:07 PM
your not o member of FOCL?.....i will be there till sundown with extre trash bags in my car so you can still help out and show some lagoon support fireball....

No, I'm not a member of FOCL, but I am thinking about joining.

04-04-2010, 12:23 AM
you and your fellow smoker to start by keeping your cigg but out of the water or shoreline, I pick on you because evrytime I see you at the lake, last year dippin shad at the main ramp and your photos in your tube with a cig in your mouth, and I know when your done with it your no eating it, you toss it in the water, time to quit slick those thing got to be over 3 bucks a pack by now, thats bout what they were when I quit cold turkey.... so all you asstrays you know who you are be reponsible, I use big Ray as a exsample, never met him,
I'm sure I'd even like the guy, but I wouldn't let him smoke in my boat...

Hey SDDave, i am a smoker and always put my cigg butt in my back pocket after im done and i pick up other peoples cigg butts too
i agree that its a bad habit and dont enjoy seeing other peoples cigg butts on the floor or in the lake.

04-04-2010, 12:25 AM
ah just found out i have a soccer game that day.what sould i do fishbone

Ray Lopez
04-04-2010, 10:27 AM
you and your fellow smoker to start by keeping your cigg but out of the water or shoreline, I pick on you because evrytime I see you at the lake, last year dippin shad at the main ramp and your photos in your tube with a cig in your mouth, and I know when your done with it your no eating it, you toss it in the water, time to quit slick those thing got to be over 3 bucks a pack by now, thats bout what they were when I quit cold turkey.... so all you asstrays you know who you are be reponsible, I use big Ray as a exsample, never met him,
I'm sure I'd even like the guy, but I wouldn't let him smoke in my boat...

you must be out of your mind. You really think i toss my ciggs in the water and trash my home lake?????? Don't assume things you know nothing about Dave. Also with your attitude i would not want to fish on your boat lol. I'm one of the few guys that picks up other peoples trash out with me when i leave the lake. Also when I'm in my tube all my butts go into my tube. Also i was one of the guys to help start the castaic clean up events and got FOCL to start doing this as a monthly event. (pride in the lake) Also the fact that "you know" that i toss my ciggs in the water is foolish. You don't know me as by fact of what you are saying about me in this post. Do not talk about people you do not know it makes you look like an arsehole. Congrats that you quit cold turkey more power to ya. But really i hate people who used to smoke and quit who get preachy to other smokers. It's different for each person on the addiction to ciggs. But at least I'm respectful to my home lake. So please take my name out of your posts about people throwing ciggs in the water. I'm not one of them and i do not appreciate people blaming me for things i do not do. Even more so when i was one of the many people responsible for getting Castaic lake cleaned up.

Thank you and lets get back on track with getting this thing going for the lake clean up. Also Alex you can't force anyone to clean the lake. They gotta want to do it for themselves. If they don't want to help make a difference then that's on them. But i commend you for getting another FNN lagoon clean up going. Like i said before i wish i could be there for it but I'll be out on the ocean making a chum slick with all my cigg butts!!!!! lol

04-04-2010, 12:22 PM
hahaha man if he doesnt want to just dont force him his choice.

na bro...not tryin to be pushy, just tryin to put a little lake spirit in fireball....

No, I'm not a member of FOCL, but I am thinking about joining.

yeah me too.... let me know when you go and i will go and sign up with you, then we can fish the goon after..

ah just found out i have a soccer game that day.what sould i do fishbone

......1 word.......FISHING!

Alex you can't force anyone to clean the lake. They gotta want to do it for themselves. If they don't want to help make a difference then that's on them. But i commend you for getting another FNN lagoon clean up going.

LOL....no forcing here ....just wanna fish with my good buddy fireball,,

i actually said id sponsor him at the tourney if he would help out after but backed out.....

no worries bro.....fish on!!

04-05-2010, 11:55 PM
you must be out of your mind. You really think i toss my ciggs in the water and trash my home lake?????? Don't assume things you know nothing about Dave. Also with your attitude i would not want to fish on your boat lol. I'm one of the few guys that picks up other peoples trash out with me when i leave the lake. Also when I'm in my tube all my butts go into my tube. Also i was one of the guys to help start the castaic clean up events and got FOCL to start doing this as a monthly event. (pride in the lake) Also the fact that "you know" that i toss my ciggs in the water is foolish. You don't know me as by fact of what you are saying about me in this post. Do not talk about people you do not know it makes you look like an arsehole. Congrats that you quit cold turkey more power to ya. But really i hate people who used to smoke and quit who get preachy to other smokers. It's different for each person on the addiction to ciggs. But at least I'm respectful to my home lake. So please take my name out of your posts about people throwing ciggs in the water. I'm not one of them and i do not appreciate people blaming me for things i do not do. Even more so when i was one of the many people responsible for getting Castaic lake cleaned up.

Thank you and lets get back on track with getting this thing going for the lake clean up. Also Alex you can't force anyone to clean the lake. They gotta want to do it for themselves. If they don't want to help make a difference then that's on them. But i commend you for getting another FNN lagoon clean up going. Like i said before i wish i could be there for it but I'll be out on the ocean making a chum slick with all my cigg butts!!!!! lol
You Ray, say what, I jump on your bandwagon beacause I fish the upper alot and the lower to, been fishing these lakes since 89, yep used to smoke, didn't care where they ended up when I was done withem, I watched you at the upper last year in the fall dipping shad at the main ramp dock and everytime I seen you you got a smoke stuck in your face, and yes I saw you flik your butt in the water, butt you must of dip it up with the shad you were catchin. so when you post pictures of yourself out on the water in a tube with a cig in your mouth I'm gonna awesome it's going in the water, but if you say your dippin em and put them in your pocket good for you, but your cred is a little low for me.
Also I pretty supprise to here you say yhat you started the clean up effort for the FOLC , even though they've been at it since 1983, cleaning up trash around the lake, you must have been what 6 years old...

04-05-2010, 11:56 PM
you must be out of your mind. You really think i toss my ciggs in the water and trash my home lake?????? Don't assume things you know nothing about Dave. Also with your attitude i would not want to fish on your boat lol. I'm one of the few guys that picks up other peoples trash out with me when i leave the lake. Also when I'm in my tube all my butts go into my tube. Also i was one of the guys to help start the castaic clean up events and got FOCL to start doing this as a monthly event. (pride in the lake) Also the fact that "you know" that i toss my ciggs in the water is foolish. You don't know me as by fact of what you are saying about me in this post. Do not talk about people you do not know it makes you look like an arsehole. Congrats that you quit cold turkey more power to ya. But really i hate people who used to smoke and quit who get preachy to other smokers. It's different for each person on the addiction to ciggs. But at least I'm respectful to my home lake. So please take my name out of your posts about people throwing ciggs in the water. I'm not one of them and i do not appreciate people blaming me for things i do not do. Even more so when i was one of the many people responsible for getting Castaic lake cleaned up.

Thank you and lets get back on track with getting this thing going for the lake clean up. Also Alex you can't force anyone to clean the lake. They gotta want to do it for themselves. If they don't want to help make a difference then that's on them. But i commend you for getting another FNN lagoon clean up going. Like i said before i wish i could be there for it but I'll be out on the ocean making a chum slick with all my cigg butts!!!!! lol
You Ray, say what, I jump on your bandwagon beacause I fish the upper alot and the lower to, been fishing these lakes since 89, yep used to smoke, didn't care where they ended up when I was done withem, I watched you at the upper last year in the fall dipping shad at the main ramp dock and everytime I seen you you got a smoke stuck in your face, and yes I saw you flik your butt in the water, butt you must of dip it up with the shad you were catchin. so when you post pictures of yourself out on the water in a tube with a cig in your mouth I'm gonna awesome it's going in the water, but if you say your dippin em and put them in your pocket good for you, but your cred is a little low for me.
Also I pretty supprise to here you say yhat you started the clean up effort for the FOLC , even though they've been at it since 1983, cleaning up trash around the lake, you must have been what 6 years old...

04-06-2010, 05:16 PM
Can we keep the thread whats intended for, to help clean up the lagoon!

If you have a problem with someone PM them instead.

Thanks, Fishbones

04-07-2010, 02:03 AM
LMAOOOO!! I love the devil fish lake! Look what it does to folks !!

Robo Bass
04-07-2010, 11:11 AM
I'd help out but it's on a Saturday and I'm busy Saturdays. Make one on a Sunday and I can go... until then I will probably be able to go on a Saturday over summer. And why are people hating on this thread? There are too many haters on this site, that's why I stopped posting a while ago, this is a thread for cleaning up a lake, no need for fits.

04-07-2010, 01:45 PM
I'd help out but it's on a Saturday and I'm busy Saturdays. Make one on a Sunday and I can go... until then I will probably be able to go on a Saturday over summer. And why are people hating on this thread? There are too many haters on this site, that's why I stopped posting a while ago, this is a thread for cleaning up a lake, no need for fits.

Let me guess, you know of a "better" site (probably has 5 members)....which coincidentally all your close tubing friends are on. :Wink:

Gimme a break...

Robo Bass
04-07-2010, 01:56 PM
Let me guess, you know of a "better" site (probably has 5 members)....which coincidentally all your close tubing friends are on. :Wink:

Gimme a break...

No I stopped posting in general and just started up again, if you have a problem with that then feel free to PM me and I'll make sure to give you a nice reply.

04-07-2010, 05:52 PM
I'd help out but it's on a Saturday and I'm busy Saturdays. Make one on a Sunday and I can go... until then I will probably be able to go on a Saturday over summer. And why are people hating on this thread? There are too many haters on this site, that's why I stopped posting a while ago, this is a thread for cleaning up a lake, no need for fits.

yeah i know you will be busy with the thing you do with the sheriffs. no worries Robo Bass the only thing is FOCL holds there clean ups on saturdays but if we can set up a FNN sunday clean up then your good to go bro...

Let me guess, you know of a "better" site (probably has 5 members)....which coincidentally all your close tubing friends are on. :Wink:....Gimme a break...

this is what i was talking about sansou......

he was simply saying hes would help out but hes busy

and then makes a comment thats clear to see is true and then you bust his chops....

comfirming his thoughts.....

No I stopped posting in general and just started up again, if you have a problem with that then feel free to PM me and I'll make sure to give you a nice reply.

i agree with you robo....its been getting a lil out of control lately....to many online attackers

.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........................................

can we get back to the threads purpose, to help FOCL clean up the lagoon......thanks, Fishbones.

04-07-2010, 06:11 PM
Fishbones, sorry if I am prodding your friends, but you and your buddies can expect plenty more commentary from myself and other members whenever I see the same old whiney "too many haters on this site", couple with the usual "that's why I don't post reports here anymore".

Have fun at the clean up, I applaud your effort in organizing it, and Ray Lopez for inventing it.

04-07-2010, 07:24 PM
You young Guys throw "Hater" word around here a lot to freely, adults sometimes get into heated discussions over thing they believe in or take notice of, some of us aren't the best in witing down our thoughts, the written word doesn't alway come across as indended.
Life isn't like the pat in the back and hugs all around like you guys might be getting at home or from high school friends! But I thought they stopped that hugging crap at schools.
But that doesn't mean that discussions can't be civil to.
I've been around the block a few times, seen alot, been on the water one way or another since I was two.
Castaic Lake is a place I get alot of fun and frustatrion from, a lot of people get protective of the place and the thing that swim, fly, but most of the time the tough part is getting alone with the things that float on it, or race arcoss it.
Not all of us use this forum the same way other due, some lurk, others post a picture of every fish they catch, with that they are going to draw attention to themslve or to the lake, some of good, some negitive.
The internet fishing type forums have been around for maybe 15 years or better, I like em, I get some good, some crap info. The Fishing Network is a Good one for local news.
I don't fall into the group of posting alot of my fishing acompishments, some of you guys do it to much, IN MY OPINION, so the more attenion you draw to yourself the thicker your skin better be.
I got On Ray about smoking, I don't believe Ray lost any sleep over what I had to say.
The clean up deal at the lake is something the FOLC does on Saturdays, yeah if people choose to be part of it more power to you.
I walked the lower lake this afternoon with my sons dog and besides the poop I took out to throw in a can I also picked up couple plastic bags, a pie tin, and other crap, but I said before I'm not one to post a cell phone picture of every peice of trash i got and post it on the fresh water reports...

Ray Lopez
04-07-2010, 08:43 PM
you guys really need to grow up. Start acting like adults. This is a post about being helpful but we got:
A.) and FNN moderator who does nothing but provoke drama on most every thread he can.
B.) this "older guy" who seems to think any one cares for his thread jacking babble. If it's important to you PM me about it don't try to advertise your feelings about me on a post in no way related to me.

Grow up guys. It's getting to be almost every 5th post i read all over this site is riddled with some sort of drama, makes it no longer enjoyable to even be on this site. Everyone is just so bitter and hateful and very child like. At least we got someone here like Alex who is generous enough to drive out of his way plus help organize his own little group of anglers to go out and take care of a lake that's not even his home lake.

Good job Alex sorry about the drama the followed in this thread. Keep up the good work hommie.

Hope the turn out is well and the fishing gods will hook you guys up with some good fishing afterwards.

04-07-2010, 09:50 PM
B) older guy

Well Seeing you choozen yourself to be the ambassador of the lake, why don't go around and tell your brethren that picnic and barbque and trash the place up in there lingo not to leave there trash and crap everyware to blow all over the park, so yeah Ray can go speak to all of them so there won't be anymore trash to have pick up on weekends and every cam go back to fishing , awesome job, Ray Lopez is the man problem solved

04-08-2010, 01:03 AM
Fishbones, sorry if I am prodding your friends, but you and your buddies can expect plenty more commentary from myself and other members whenever I see the same old whiney "too many haters on this site", couple with the usual "that's why I don't post reports here anymore".
Have fun at the clean up, I applaud your effort in organizing it, and Ray Lopez for inventing it.

no worries sansou, freedom of speach. i usually get a kick out of your commentarys and sometimes i disagree.
i understand why you feel this way and how you are tired of the whinning and complaining.
other times i dont see how you make it better with certin comments and remarks you post.
its not about other sites out there..FNN is our home and is a great site to be part of.
I look foward to posting and commenting on many more threads in the near future
and for the people out there that disagree if you dont have something nice to say, why say anything.
thank you for your support with the clean up sansou

Life isn't like the pat in the back and hugs all around like you guys might be getting at home or from high school friends!
But I thought they stopped that hugging crap at schools.

you sound kinda bitter bro, it is what you make of it....can we hugg it out

At least we got someone here like Alex who is generous enough to drive out of his way plus help organize his own little group of anglers to go out and take care of a lake that's not even his home lake.
Good job Alex sorry about the drama that followed in this thread. Keep up the good work hommie.
Hope the turn out is well and the fishing gods will hook you guys up with some good fishing afterwards.

Thanks ray, thats all i wanted to do is help gather a group of FNN ers to join and help the FOCL with there monthly clean up.

B) older guy
Well Seeing you choozen yourself to be the ambassador of the lake, why don't go around and tell your brethren that picnic and barbque and trash the place up in there lingo not to leave there trash and crap everyware to blow all over the park, so yeah Ray can go speak to all of them so there won't be anymore trash to have pick up on weekends and every cam go back to fishing , awesome job, Ray Lopez is the man problem solved

is this really necessary!!!

04-08-2010, 01:04 AM
Fishbones, sorry if I am prodding your friends, but you and your buddies can expect plenty more commentary from myself and other members whenever I see the same old whiney "too many haters on this site", couple with the usual "that's why I don't post reports here anymore".
Have fun at the clean up, I applaud your effort in organizing it, and Ray Lopez for inventing it.

no worries sansou, freedom of speach. i usually get a kick out of your commentarys and sometimes i disagree.
i understand why you feel this way and how you are tired of the whinning and complaining.
other times i dont see how you make it better with certin comments and remarks you post.
its not about other sites out there..FNN is our home and is a great site to be part of.
I look foward to posting and commenting on many more threads in the near future
and for the people out there that disagree if you dont have something nice to say, why say anything.
thank you for your support with the clean up sansou

Life isn't like the pat in the back and hugs all around like you guys might be getting at home or from high school friends!
But I thought they stopped that hugging crap at schools.

you sound kinda bitter bro, it is what you make of it....can we hugg it out

At least we got someone here like Alex who is generous enough to drive out of his way plus help organize his own little group of anglers to go out and take care of a lake that's not even his home lake.
Good job Alex sorry about the drama that followed in this thread. Keep up the good work hommie.
Hope the turn out is well and the fishing gods will hook you guys up with some good fishing afterwards.

Thanks ray, thats all i wanted to do is help gather a group of FNN ers to join and help the FOCL with there monthly clean up.

B) older guy
Well Seeing you choozen yourself to be the ambassador of the lake, why don't go around and tell your brethren that picnic and barbque and trash the place up in there lingo not to leave there trash and crap everyware to blow all over the park, so yeah Ray can go speak to all of them so there won't be anymore trash to have pick up on weekends and every cam go back to fishing , awesome job, Ray Lopez is the man problem solved

is this really necessary!!!

04-08-2010, 01:52 AM
ah just found out i have a soccer game that day.what sould i do fishbone

I say you just quit soccer !!! Fishing FTW

04-08-2010, 01:59 AM
wow this thread went totally south.. If you have nothing better to say or just wanna bash someone do it through PM or just simply GTFO!

Anyways, Castaic is my home lake.. I just live 2 blocks from it.. I go there 2-3 times a week. I bring a small trash bag with me every time I go for my junk.. But I also pick up trash along the eastside shoreline trails on my way to certain spots. If you like fishing at Castaic or anyof the SoCal lakes, keep it clean.. Granted that not every trash is left on purpose due to winds and all but still, if you like fishing and don't want any of our lakes close, just pick up the damn trash! Simple.

And stop bashing eachother on public forum. Internet thugs=lame! Take it to PM!

Robo Bass
04-08-2010, 07:31 AM
wow this thread went totally south.. If you have nothing better to say or just wanna bash someone do it through PM or just simply GTFO!

Anyways, Castaic is my home lake.. I just live 2 blocks from it.. I go there 2-3 times a week. I bring a small trash bag with me every time I go for my junk.. But I also pick up trash along the eastside shoreline trails on my way to certain spots. If you like fishing at Castaic or anyof the SoCal lakes, keep it clean.. Granted that not every trash is left on purpose due to winds and all but still, if you like fishing and don't want any of our lakes close, just pick up the damn trash! Simple.

And stop bashing eachother on public forum. Internet thugs=lame! Take it to PM!

Thats a good idea, I'll start bringing a trash bag to put in the back of my odc to help clean up a bit while I fish.

04-08-2010, 09:55 AM
I'll be there. Do we get to wear orange vests?

Ray Lopez
04-08-2010, 10:17 AM
B) older guy

Well Seeing you choozen yourself to be the ambassador of the lake, why don't go around and tell your brethren that picnic and barbque and trash the place up in there lingo not to leave there trash and crap everyware to blow all over the park, so yeah Ray can go speak to all of them so there won't be anymore trash to have pick up on weekends and every cam go back to fishing , awesome job, Ray Lopez is the man problem solved

wow not only rude but also racist too. Good job pal. For your information i don't speak Spanish. Stop now before you make yourself any more ridiculous Dave.

Also with the clean up i was one of the few that helped get it back up and running again.. They had stopped and a few of us on fnn got involved and got FOCL to start pride in the lake back up again.

I'm not the ambassador more so a huge fan of this lake that i've been fishing since i was 3 years old so for 26 years now. So dave take your hate and anger somewhere else please it is not needed on this post. You seem to have some serious issues my friend. Anything else you feel the need to say to me can be addressed via PM. Unless you enjoy making yourself look foolish to the general public of this message board. But I'm done with this, time to take my tube out to the lagoon and do some bass'n.

Ray Lopez
04-08-2010, 10:22 AM
I'll be there. Do we get to wear orange vests?

lol no orange vests but you get a trash bag and a trash picker. But you can wear an orange vest if you feel the need lol!!!

04-08-2010, 10:41 AM
Why do people who feel that "it is no longer enjoyable to even be on this site..." continue to post?

Probably better to...

A. Go find a more enjoyable site.
B. Go back to being a lurker.
C. Keep your mouth shut altogether.
D. All of the above.

04-08-2010, 02:15 PM
count me in. Ill be there camping this weekend. Ill be the dude with the yellow kayak.

04-08-2010, 03:37 PM
Everyone.....the lagoon and FOCL need your help,
if you can spare a few hours in your day to help out
and then after we can all fish together for the afternoon bite.

List of people attending the clean up

Ray Lopez
04-09-2010, 04:07 PM
Why do people who feel that "it is no longer enjoyable to even be on this site..." continue to post?

Probably better to...

A. Go find a more enjoyable site.
B. Go back to being a lurker.
C. Keep your mouth shut altogether.
D. All of the above.

A.) i have
B.) never was a lurker
C.) can't when i'm getting bashed on
D.) read above

also to awnser your question about why "people" like me still post here.

It's because i still enjoy helping others, i still have a good group of people on this site that i enjoy fishing and chatting with.