View Full Version : Upper Santa Ana River - S.B. National Forest

03-24-2010, 10:49 AM
I managed one nice sized holdover bow and one small wild bow but they became unhooked in the willows as I was bringing them in. I usually don’t use a net on this stream, but it would have been helpful yesterday. Still quite a bit of snow through the cabin area of the South and Main Forks -post-holed up to my knees in some areas. A lot of tree branches either down or bent over from snow load. The water is moving at a good clip and the clarity is poor. The condition of the dirt road that parallels the upper main branch of the Santa Ana is poor: snow, ice, mud. Overall, even though it was a sunny day, the conditions made for tough fishing.
I also briefly tried the section of the stream off of Glass Road but had no luck. Once you drop down to the stream in this area, there is very little snow but the water conditions are about the same. The good thing is that the stinging nettles are just barely poking their heads out of the ground.
While I was fishing this section, I happened to meet a cabin resident out walking his dog who told me that DFG had advertised a plant last week but they never came through. He thought they may come through the latter part of this week.
Off thread FYI: I stopped at the Mill Creek Ranger station around 10:00 in the mornig to use the rest room and renew my Adventure Pass which expires at the end of this month. Rest rooms locked, no body in the office even though it was during their advertised business hours.