View Full Version : Surf fishing

03-23-2010, 05:50 PM

I'm obviously new here, and obviously need some help!! i do quite a bit of freshwater fishing but i want to start surf fishing, but don't know where to start. I have a lot of saltwater gear, i just don't know what is suitable for surf fishing. I was wondering if someone here knew a good place to surf fish around Long beach? Santa Monica? Newport? Marina Del Ray anywhere around there. Is surf fishing illegal in most areas,or are there designated places you can surf fish? Any tips on tackle,technique,bait, jigs, lures will surely help! Thanks guys

murrieta angler
03-23-2010, 06:55 PM
You will be BOMBARDED with help.
I will start,
All of those beaches have fish to be caught and caught anywhere, with the exception of an underwater museum like La Jolla.
Most will say to use at least 12 pound test in case you hook up to something big. If you are targeting, say perch, go as little as 2 pound if you have the skills to bring it in.
Now, I'm talking about cast and retreive, if you want to throw and wait then go with at least a 30 pound test and at least a 7 foot rod, with a reel to accompany it. Use some fresh dead bait, or live if you have it, throw on at least a 4oz weight, cast out as far as you can, grab a beer ( hidden of course ) and relax till somehting comes along and grabs your hook.
With that being said, I hope you have an idea what expect. Like I said before, you will get pleny of responses.
Good Luck,

03-24-2010, 01:36 AM
You will be BOMBARDED with help.
I will start,
All of those beaches have fish to be caught and caught anywhere, with the exception of an underwater museum like La Jolla.
Most will say to use at least 12 pound test in case you hook up to something big. If you are targeting, say perch, go as little as 2 pound if you have the skills to bring it in.
Now, I'm talking about cast and retreive, if you want to throw and wait then go with at least a 30 pound test and at least a 7 foot rod, with a reel to accompany it. Use some fresh dead bait, or live if you have it, throw on at least a 4oz weight, cast out as far as you can, grab a beer ( hidden of course ) and relax till somehting comes along and grabs your hook.
With that being said, I hope you have an idea what expect. Like I said before, you will get pleny of responses.
Good Luck,

Hey Robert,

Thank you very much!! I have an idea of what to use now, but I'm still a little lost on where to tie my hook and weight. Does the bait sit on the bottom, or does it sit off the floor, and how far from the bottom? I know it all depends on what I am targeting, but let's say for a first timer like me, what should I try and target? What is a good time to surf fish? Let's say I decide to act like I know what I'm doing, and i decided to cast and retrieve, what jig or lure should I be using? I apologize for the questions but if I don't ask I will never know!! Thanks again!!

03-24-2010, 06:54 AM
I have an idea of what to use now, but I'm still a little lost on where to tie my hook and weight. Does the bait sit on the bottom, or does it sit off the floor, and how far from the bottom? I know it all depends on what I am targeting, but let's say for a first timer like me, what should I try and target? What is a good time to surf fish? Let's say I decide to act like I know what I'm doing, and i decided to cast and retrieve, what jig or lure should I be using? I apologize for the questions but if I don't ask I will never know!! Thanks again!!

Different set-ups for different species.

Just re-spooled my little Daiwa spinning reel with 6 pound.
Perch or Corbina I like 1/2 oz (3/4 for bigger surf) sliding egg sinker with a swivel and 4 pound flourocarbon leader about 20"
Then a #6 or#8 Owner Mosquito or Octopus hook for sand crabs. Barbed worm hook for worms.
Fish tight to the beach 10' to 50' from the waters edge. Corbina is tough at times to catch and fight real good. They feed on sandcrabs so if your standing in the water the fish might be behind you. The bait kinda just floats around in the surge that is why you want a short leader.

Halibut, Sharks, Rays is a whole different ball game. Heavier line, longer casts.
See the halibut guys posts for info.
Sharks, Rays. 2 to 4 oz clawfoot or pyramid weight. Longer rod, 15 to 30 lb line.
Fillet of mackeral or a squid for bait.

Good Luck, DR

03-24-2010, 06:58 AM
. I was wondering if someone here knew a good place to surf fish around Long beach? Santa Monica? Newport? Marina Del Ray anywhere around there.

What is your location ?
Excessive driving is not always necessary.

Ray Lopez
03-24-2010, 07:08 AM
I typically fish north of zuma and also Malibu

the way i do it is:

I take my bass pole 6'6" medium action pole. I Carolina rig a 1/2oz egg with a 2 foot leader and a small size 2 or 4 drop shot hook and toss out 2" gulp camo sandworms for the perch on 6pound flouro

While i'm perch fishing i take my 11 foot dawia surf pole and my bait runner reel with 20 to 25 pound flouro (yes i love flouro) and toss out a whole dead squid with anywhere from a 4oz to 8oz weight on a dropper loop or carolina rig. I set that up with a sand pole holder and check it every few minutes. Most bang or your buck that way you can fish the perch all day while you soak your bait.

For halis i like to fish about 14 pound flouro and toss out luckycraft saltwater flash minnows in metallic sardine. Also for half the price you can buy the Dawia DC Minnow in a sardine color and it works just as god if nit better then the LC's. Or you can drop shot zoom super flukes in white. Big kastmasters with feather and krocs in mackerel colors.

Also get yourself some waders so you can get out in the water all year round to get a long cast for the bigger game.

03-24-2010, 09:28 AM
Different set-ups for different species.

Just re-spooled my little Daiwa spinning reel with 6 pound.
Perch or Corbina I like 1/2 oz (3/4 for bigger surf) sliding egg sinker with a swivel and 4 pound flourocarbon leader about 20"
Then a #6 or#8 Owner Mosquito or Octopus hook for sand crabs. Barbed worm hook for worms.
Fish tight to the beach 10' to 50' from the waters edge. Corbina is tough at times to catch and fight real good. They feed on sandcrabs so if your standing in the water the fish might be behind you. The bait kinda just floats around in the surge that is why you want a short leader.

Halibut, Sharks, Rays is a whole different ball game. Heavier line, longer casts.
See the halibut guys posts for info.
Sharks, Rays. 2 to 4 oz clawfoot or pyramid weight. Longer rod, 15 to 30 lb line.
Fillet of mackeral or a squid for bait.

Good Luck, DR

What is your location ?
Excessive driving is not always necessary.

Thanks for all the info!! I will definitely try this and hopefully i wont get skunked. As for where i live, i basically live near Pasadena. It is about a 20 min drive to Santa Monica from where i am. Maybe ill try theses techniques over the weekend. Thanks again, i will definitely report how i do.

03-24-2010, 09:34 AM
I typically fish north of zuma and also Malibu

the way i do it is:

I take my bass pole 6'6" medium action pole. I Carolina rig a 1/2oz egg with a 2 foot leader and a small size 2 or 4 drop shot hook and toss out 2" gulp camo sandworms for the perch on 6pound flouro

While i'm perch fishing i take my 11 foot dawia surf pole and my bait runner reel with 20 to 25 pound flouro (yes i love flouro) and toss out a whole dead squid with anywhere from a 4oz to 8oz weight on a dropper loop or carolina rig. I set that up with a sand pole holder and check it every few minutes. Most bang or your buck that way you can fish the perch all day while you soak your bait.

For halis i like to fish about 14 pound flouro and toss out luckycraft saltwater flash minnows in metallic sardine. Also for half the price you can buy the Dawia DC Minnow in a sardine color and it works just as god if nit better then the LC's. Or you can drop shot zoom super flukes in white. Big kastmasters with feather and krocs in mackerel colors.

Also get yourself some waders so you can get out in the water all year round to get a long cast for the bigger game.

Hey Ray L.

Thank you for giving me an idea of what else can work. I definitely like the idea of having another rod out with bait, while i cast and retrieve. I have never heard of "luckycraft saltwater flash minnows" or "Dawia DC Minnow" ( keep in mind that im new! LOL). Do you have a image of how that looks, or can you point in a direction of where to buy it? How big should they be, and what type of retrieve is it? Don't hate me for all the questions guys!

Ray Lopez
03-24-2010, 10:20 AM
Hey Ray L.

Thank you for giving me an idea of what else can work. I definitely like the idea of having another rod out with bait, while i cast and retrieve. I have never heard of "luckycraft saltwater flash minnows" or "Dawia DC Minnow" ( keep in mind that im new! LOL). Do you have a image of how that looks, or can you point in a direction of where to buy it? How big should they be, and what type of retrieve is it? Don't hate me for all the questions guys!

Luckycraft saltwater flash minnow 110 $15.99

link to buy

The dawia salt minnow or DS Minnow at 4 1/3" $6.99

link to buy

gulp camo sand worms


link to buy

Zoom super flukes

link to buy

there ya go. Hope this helps

you should be able to find most of these at any local takle store too. To Dawia ds minnow is harder to find seeing as they are a newer product.

All of these can be bought at bass pro shops

03-24-2010, 10:42 AM

WTH?!?!?! seriously, you went out of your way but i Really appreciate it! At first i was a little hesitant to ask questions, but man everyone on here seriously doesnt mind helping each other out. Thanks again and maybe someday i can give some tips.

03-24-2010, 10:55 AM
Read this article carefully, it's a great introductory to surf fishing. :Wink:


03-24-2010, 11:19 AM
Read this article carefully, it's a great introductory to surf fishing. :Wink:


Thank you!, Very Informative!!!

03-26-2010, 11:28 PM
Not sure if you are aiming to use sandcrabs as bait, but if you want some, and have trouble finding any, try digging around jetties.

If you use the big fat sandcrabs, you can nail monster perch.

Structure is very important. If you can find good structure, chances are you will find at least ONE fish.

During a good low tide, try to locate areas with little "canyons", or "ditches". These are better known as trenches, and fish like to rest in these.

There are also "Holes" Sometimes they look like potholes, other times, they look like antlion traps, or really subtle depressions-- All these are great structures.

Reading these structures during high-tide is difficult, but once you get the hang of it, its a major help.

keep a sharp lookout for waves that fizzle out before they hit the shoreline, or areas of the surf the appear calmer than the surrounding water.

03-27-2010, 09:57 PM

Halibut are a bit harder to catch than surf perch, but they definitely are worth the effort.

03-28-2010, 11:53 PM
Not sure if you are aiming to use sandcrabs as bait, but if you want some, and have trouble finding any, try digging around jetties.

If you use the big fat sandcrabs, you can nail monster perch.

Structure is very important. If you can find good structure, chances are you will find at least ONE fish.

During a good low tide, try to locate areas with little "canyons", or "ditches". These are better known as trenches, and fish like to rest in these.

There are also "Holes" Sometimes they look like potholes, other times, they look like antlion traps, or really subtle depressions-- All these are great structures.

Reading these structures during high-tide is difficult, but once you get the hang of it, its a major help.

keep a sharp lookout for waves that fizzle out before they hit the shoreline, or areas of the surf the appear calmer than the surrounding water.

Thanks, i definitely want to use sand crab because it sound like the one bait that has a lot of luck. "keep a sharp lookout for waves that fizzle out before they hit the shoreline, or areas of the surf the appear calmer than the surrounding water." should i try and fish that area, or stay away? thanks again for the tips


Halibut are a bit harder to catch than surf perch, but they definitely are worth the effort.

Thank you, halibut fish is probably something i will try after/if i catch the perch. LOL

03-29-2010, 07:33 AM
"keep a sharp lookout for waves that fizzle out before they hit the shoreline, or areas of the surf the appear calmer than the surrounding water." should i try and fish that area, or stay away? thanks again for the tips

Fish those areas, its where they like to forage because troughs and holes offer and easier place to feed as there is less violent surf in and around them. Also, Gulp! sandworms in camo and blood red are always a good go to if the sand crabs aren't getting bit or there aren't any around. Grubs can produce awesome results as well. Just hook one on to the same set up as previously stated and just cast out and reel in slowly. I would suggest motor oil red flake or rootbeer gold flake for colors. I personally use big hammer grubs over kalins brand grubs because I feel like the tails get bit off less on the BH grubs.

03-29-2010, 04:50 PM
Thank you, halibut fish is probably something i will try after/if i catch the perch. LOL

You'll definitely catch perch!

In that case, there's no need to mess with jerkbaits like LC 110s and Daiwa DCs now, or dropshot baits like Zoom Flukes. These are much more suited to halibut fishing. You can definitely catch big perch on them, but stick with Motor Oil Red Flake or Clear with Red flake grubs (Mojo was discounting them at the Fred Hall Show, so look to see if you can find them), Gulp Cam or red sandworms, and gulp ghost shrimp in New Penny for perch and yellow fin croaker. Sand crabs are good too, but you'll go through a lot perch fishing. I prefer the gulp because it stays on the hook better and it's a lot easier to get bait. No digging and sorting to get the best size with eggs.

A bait you might want to try to are 3in Big Hammer or Pearl swimbaits on 1/4oz or 3/8oz lead heads. Those baits catch plenty of larger perch, and give you a great shot at catching halibut as well. Big Hammer has a good rigging tip on their website with the dropshot 3in swimbait and grub combo that you should try (gives you a shot at big and small perch).

03-30-2010, 03:16 PM
Fish those areas, its where they like to forage because troughs and holes offer and easier place to feed as there is less violent surf in and around them. Also, Gulp! sandworms in camo and blood red are always a good go to if the sand crabs aren't getting bit or there aren't any around. Grubs can produce awesome results as well. Just hook one on to the same set up as previously stated and just cast out and reel in slowly. I would suggest motor oil red flake or rootbeer gold flake for colors. I personally use big hammer grubs over kalins brand grubs because I feel like the tails get bit off less on the BH grubs.

You'll definitely catch perch!

In that case, there's no need to mess with jerkbaits like LC 110s and Daiwa DCs now, or dropshot baits like Zoom Flukes. These are much more suited to halibut fishing. You can definitely catch big perch on them, but stick with Motor Oil Red Flake or Clear with Red flake grubs (Mojo was discounting them at the Fred Hall Show, so look to see if you can find them), Gulp Cam or red sandworms, and gulp ghost shrimp in New Penny for perch and yellow fin croaker. Sand crabs are good too, but you'll go through a lot perch fishing. I prefer the gulp because it stays on the hook better and it's a lot easier to get bait. No digging and sorting to get the best size with eggs.

A bait you might want to try to are 3in Big Hammer or Pearl swimbaits on 1/4oz or 3/8oz lead heads. Those baits catch plenty of larger perch, and give you a great shot at catching halibut as well. Big Hammer has a good rigging tip on their website with the dropshot 3in swimbait and grub combo that you should try (gives you a shot at big and small perch).

Thanks guys! this thread has helped me a lot. im going to be honest, this is A LOT OF INFORMATION for me to take in LOL. I think i used GOOGLE like 20 times just to look up what everything was and meant. I really do appreciate all the helpful tips. i think i want to go this Saturday and try it out. Hopefully i will man up and be there early enough to catch something. If anyone is going this weekend and doesnt mind a asian guy shawdowing you, let me know! i would love to see how its REALLY done! haha thanks again guys and gluck on your next fishing trip!

03-30-2010, 06:46 PM
yeah lol thats true, you go through sandcrabs like crazy. Ive gone through ten in 2 minutes.

I just prefer SC because they dont cost anything.

One thing i forgot to mention with sandcrabs, is to hook them back-to back, 2 on a hook. That seems to be the best way, so far.

03-31-2010, 11:46 AM
No need to get up early for perch. Just hit the beach when you wake up. A lot of guys like incoming high tide for them, but I have caught perch at all times of the day and at all tides. The most important thing is to find the bowls, troughs, and other bits of structure in the surf. Once you find those, perchy is almost always there for you. Fisherman57's article that Wingnut posted does an excellent job of explaining how to read the surf.

04-01-2010, 12:31 PM
yeah lol thats true, you go through sandcrabs like crazy. Ive gone through ten in 2 minutes.

I just prefer SC because they dont cost anything.

One thing i forgot to mention with sandcrabs, is to hook them back-to back, 2 on a hook. That seems to be the best way, so far.

Thanks, i would not have known that haha

No need to get up early for perch. Just hit the beach when you wake up. A lot of guys like incoming high tide for them, but I have caught perch at all times of the day and at all tides. The most important thing is to find the bowls, troughs, and other bits of structure in the surf. Once you find those, perchy is almost always there for you. Fisherman57's article that Wingnut posted does an excellent job of explaining how to read the surf.

I can wake up late and still catch fish??? haha that sounds like a plan to me. I really dont know how im going to find bowls, and troughs haha, but ill give it a shot. Thanks!

04-01-2010, 04:17 PM
well if you ever decide to fish the surf in the OC, i can show you structure. its really easy when you get the hang of it.

04-01-2010, 05:12 PM
well if you ever decide to fish the surf in the OC, i can show you structure. its really easy when you get the hang of it.

Thanks, i will take all the help i get. I work in Anaheim and i do the drive from LA to OC 5 days a week, making another trip out there on a saturday shouldnt be a prob. If you go on a weekend, and dont mind me tagging along, shoot me a PM and hopefully i can make it. Thanks again