View Full Version : Koshaw, Ed and Art At Irvine Lake 3/22

03-23-2010, 10:10 AM
Headed out to the `Vine at 330am, got there by 430am and got in line. It was a bit chilly, 45F with a light wind and black sky.

I was 4th in line, right behind Art. We went to the shop for goodies and to pay for the entrance fee. We headed out and drove immediately to the West Shore. After hiking down that long 70 degree dirt hill in the dark carefully, we set up near the point.

I used a power mouse on one with a #8 mosquito hook and had a worm on a bobber floating around

I managed one on the bobber worm by 9 am. 2lber rainbow Great! Skunk off :D

After that the bite slowed down a tad...and It started to get warm (bout 75-80). I did get lots of hits and farmed 6-7 total throughout the day.

Ed managed a couple and Art one by this time (9am-2pm). Art's put on a fantastic display, jumped 4 times, did multiple runs, and went up and down the bank before he wrestled him in. Nice 5lber!

About this time I went with a power mouse combo with a chartreuse floating worm and a white egg and bombed it out there...bout 60+ yards.

About two minutes later... whamm!!!!! The bobber goes flying and I grab my pole and set the hook.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! luckily I have my drag set really loose as I am using 2lb p-line.

He did a lot of runs but I finally played him out. Nice 3.5 lber.

Threw the same bait in the same spot... and sat down for a little wait.... ZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!

This time the bobber flew off the line and the line was rapidly being taken out (I was doing open bail).

I grabbed my rod and had to be careful as I could tell this was a much bigger fish. This time he also made a lot of runs and went up and down the bank. I finally got him a nice 4.25lber!

By this time its cooler and the sky is covered by clouds and a nice light wind was blowing.

Art managed a double hookup! I grabbed a pole for him and reeled the fish in while Art struggled with his large fish.

Nice 4.5lber! Ed helped him net it. And then Art grabbed the fish on the pole I was holding for him. Looked like a steel head and fought well for its small size.

Threw it out again in the same place…and waited…. Bam! Another large fish on! I played him for like a minute or so and then…. he spit out the hook..... Grumble.

Bout thirty minutes pass and then its a repeat from above, bobber flies, multiple runs, but this time I was using 4lb on this other pole (same bait) with a 3lb maxima fluorocarbon leader, so I was able to put some pressure on him with out as much worry for the line. Art netted him again and it was a 4.5+lber!

It continued getting colder and windier. My other pole goes off with the same results.

Took some doing but got him in. Another 4.25+lber!

Had a fantastic day at Irvine Lake! The day was gorgeous and the fishing superb. The fish all had full tails and lots of fight.

Here is a pic of the fish in my buddy's large sink...only the three biggest could fit!


Got all the pics up now!!!


03-23-2010, 10:17 AM
Very nice fishing Koshaw! I can't wait to see the pictures.

03-23-2010, 12:37 PM
Thanks Mr Chilax!

I should hopefully have them up tonight!

Tight Lines!

03-23-2010, 12:41 PM
What's up Chuck!? Awaiting on pix. Thanks for sharing.


03-23-2010, 01:57 PM
Cool sounds like a great time at the vine. Can't wait to see the pics. I need to get out their someday, I have never fished the vine before but sounds like a great lake.

03-23-2010, 03:53 PM
nice going koshaw I managed 2 on the night crawler bobber on friday but that was it.

tat2 fishhead
03-23-2010, 04:10 PM
Thats cool man that would have been a good tourny day!!!wtg on the fishing man.

03-23-2010, 04:23 PM
Thanks guys :D Had a blast man. It was the 2nd best day ever for the `Vine for me!

Gotta get home for the pics...still at work.

Hey Eddie! Hows it goin? We still gotta get together and fish one of these days!

03-23-2010, 05:48 PM
Nice job Koshaw!!!!


03-23-2010, 10:22 PM
Koshaw slays at the Vine, wtg Chuck...you should have invited HittsOff to your spot, I heard he got skunked but lost a 32lb carp! :Secret: :LOL:


03-23-2010, 10:46 PM
Chuck you finally got a camera!!! :Applause: You Guys killed them out there. Your story was very vivid, I felt as if I was there my Friend. Cindy :Big Grin::Thumbs Up:

03-23-2010, 10:48 PM
Koshaw slays at the Vine, wtg Chuck...you should have invited HittsOff to your spot, I heard he got skunked but lost a 32lb carp! :Secret: :LOL:


That fish story keeps getting bigger and bigger. We will be out there tomorrow TD.

03-24-2010, 07:09 AM
Hehe!!! Thanks gang for your support :D

BTW Some pics are updated...some more coming of the lake once I download from my cell phone...


03-24-2010, 07:27 AM
Thanks guys :D Had a blast man. It was the 2nd best day ever for the `Vine for me!

Gotta get home for the pics...still at work.

Hey Eddie! Hows it goin? We still gotta get together and fish one of these days!

Yah for sure.
One of these days!

03-24-2010, 09:37 AM
Come on Koshaw! Youre killing me here! I want pictures!!! :Big Grin:

03-24-2010, 10:11 AM
Did you see the pics link I posted on page one? How they are filling up the VERY large sink at my buddy's house? Only 3 could fit lying down...quite chunky!!!

03-24-2010, 10:59 AM
WOW! Those are some nice fish!!! Congratulations on your catch! Is Ed or Art the guy you took to the 57event?

03-24-2010, 11:01 AM
Thankees dude! Neither actually. These are kinda lurker folks who are VERY into fishing and always go to the West Shore for trouting.


They are awesome older fisher dudes who have been fishing for like 4+ decades and are a wealth of knowledge.

I hope to get as good and experienced as them!

03-24-2010, 11:19 AM
Man, thats awesome! I was just asking because I remember it was his first time and this would of been a great start. But thats good you have people like these guys to point you on the right direction. Nice fishing.

03-24-2010, 12:04 PM
Yep yep and thanks again.

Here is the link to the caught fish again for those who dont want to go to page one


03-24-2010, 10:24 PM
Rest of the pics are here...


Native Gal
03-24-2010, 10:43 PM
Congrats on and xlnt outing Koshaw, WTG......


03-25-2010, 08:03 PM
Good stuff chuck !! there's an easier way to do your photo's instaed of showing us your whole album....

03-25-2010, 08:54 PM
Thanks guys! I really gotta learn how to post em lolz :D