View Full Version : Trade for MVL admission?

03-22-2010, 06:41 PM
Hey peeps! If this breaks any forum rule let me know and I'll go sit in timeout. ;p Anyway I work for Disneyland and can get up to three people into the resort (aka both parks) on any given day. All I have to do is meet your group at the front gate, scan my ID card and voila, you're in! Yes, it's legal and does not involve scalped tickets and whatnot. It's just a Disney employee perk we can use up to 16 times a year.

I've always wanted to try out MLV for trout but y'know, that whole membership thing....so in exchange for a fishing session at MVL I will sign you ('you' being the member who gets me in at the lake) and two of your friends or family members into Disney for a day. Free parkhopper admission for three is nothing to sneeze at. =p The cost of a parkhopper ticket is more than $90, dontchaknow. There is no deadline for me sign your group in, heck you can wait a couple years if you want, heh.

This requires that you meet me at the Disneyland gate, as previously said, and you must have your entire group there at one time since I cannot sign in someone who isn't actually there and can only use this perk once a day. I'm female btw (bit of a tomboy, ha) and hit up LNL regularly during the trout season. A few board members here have met me on the shore in the past. *waves at lucky and zealot* So...any takers?

03-23-2010, 11:59 PM
Hi. I have a friend that can get you in but i will have to ask him. He has two young girls that he probably would like to take there, so I see no problem. We just talked today about going fishing to MV lake this weekend. Would that be good for you? I want to give you a heads up that MV lake charges guests 10.00 to fish. I'll speak to him tomorrow to see if he agrees and come back here to let you know.

03-26-2010, 11:24 PM
sorry but my friend wasn't interested.