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View Full Version : Alamitos bay, finally broke the skunk

03-17-2010, 11:46 PM
No luck with the fly rod yet but nailed a 16" spottie on big hammers. I was beginning to doubt there where any fish in there. Several days of attempts all leaving me wanting to drive to NPH in search of a better bite. I was glad to land it but pics will have to wait until the film develops (I am using an old school disposable), I am only at 20/27 exposures left so it may be a while.

PS Any suggestions or comments about cameras people use? I use a backpack for my gear but usually end up wading and getting soaked to at least my waist or mid chest in the surf. Don't want to risk my nice digital camera. Is there a product worth looking at without breaking the bank?

03-18-2010, 05:34 AM
I generally dislike fishing there, but i do enjoy fishing there during low tide for corbina.

Try to get some innkeeper worms.

murrieta angler
03-18-2010, 06:25 AM
Congrats getting rid of the skunk.
I just put my cell in a plastic baggie, then take it out when I get on a fish.

03-18-2010, 11:51 AM
good job beating the skunk....never give up....i know they sell clear water proof cases for different kind of cameras .....
look into it for your model camera...

03-18-2010, 12:02 PM
Good Job on the skunk buster. I've actually done pretty well in the bay for halibut,spotties and corbina you just need to wait for the water temps to come up a bit. As far as the camera......
Sports Chalet sells little water tight boxes in the diving section for 7 bucks or you can buy a waterproof digi at target for 120 bucks which isn't bad. I wouldn't suggest a baggie. Just consider that if you happen to fall in the drink by accident or just get trampled by a big wave the baggie won't work too well. I personally just go with the little box and it has a cord to put around your neck so you can keep the camera right in reach. I also keep some tissue stuffed in the box to dry off any water drops from your finger tips.
I used to use those disposable cameras too but at 8 bucks a camera and another 8 bucks to develop the pics not to mention 2 or 3 bucks to put the pics on a CD just adds up real fast.

03-18-2010, 09:28 PM
Here is a pic of the waterproof containers that Mike was talking about.
They are great to keep Cameras, Cell Phones and whatever else dry and not get ruined while wading in the surf!

The problem is that after you take it out of the container is to not drop it in the surf like I did with a 300 dollar camera!

Way to avoid the skunk!
