View Full Version : Lake Jennings on a Date - March 7th

03-09-2010, 03:18 PM
This girl I recently started seeing wanted to go fishing with me. She had only been fishing when she was young and she never caught a fish. I told her it was going to be raining over the weekend and she said cool, let's do it. i was surprised and impressed. we were gonna go to lake cuyamaca even though it was going to be cold. but then it started looking like it might snow so we decided to hit up Lake Jennings instead. we got there around 8:30am. we got the e-z up set up and got the chairs out. i usually have my rods set up the night before, but she was very adamant about learning how to do all this herself, so we decided i would set up the first 2 rods and she would watch me, then she would do the other two. i set up the first rod and she was watching the tackle i used, the knots i tied, etc. she wanted to do the next one. she got the tackle on and tied the improved clinch knot almost without any help from me. i was really surprised. it took her a little bit to tie the hook on but she got that down too. after the rods were out i explained the steps you take when you see a bite. i told her she needs to quickly but gently take the slack out of the line, feel for the fish, then set the hook. i told her not to reel in the fish if it's pulling out drag. so, after that we just sat and talked and ate snacks. after about an hour or so the bell rang on one of the poles. we both jumped up and ran over to the pole. i took the bell off and told her to set the hook. she yanked back but then the line went slack. i told her to reel in quickly, which she did, and the pole started bending! i was so happy. she was reeling in and then the fish started pulling drag. she kept reeling so i reminded her to stop reeling while the fish is pulling out line. it made probably 3 or 4 runs but she eventually got it close to shore and it was in the net! it was about a 2.5 pounder. we were both pretty happy. she was happy to finally catch a fish, i was happy that this date had now officially went well. the rest of the day was pretty slow, but we were just talking and having a good time. it was lots of fun. we decided to pack it up around 4pm with 1 fish. i told her we'll take down the poles last, so we got the e-z up, chairs, and our bags packed up. i took the bells off the poles and put those in my bag. i tell her you reel in 2 poles and i'll reel in the other 2. we reel in our first 2 poles, then start on the others. i reel in mine, then look over and she's reeling in hers, but the pole next to her is bouncing up and down. i figured her line was over that pole's line, but then i realize her line is already reeled in! so i'm like "grab the pole!" and she's like "huh?!" i run and grab the pole and set the hook and hand it to her so she can reel it in. she says "no way this is your fish, i didn't set up this pole." i tried to hand it to her again but she insisted. it made about 3 runs and i got it in. it's a very nice rainbow a little larger than the last. awesome. she had been teasing me about not catching a fish, so now we were tied and i won with the bigger fish. lol. we went back and cooked up a nice trout dinner. here's some pics...


















03-09-2010, 03:24 PM
Btw, we got the first trout on the inflated nightcrawler with white poweregg. We got the second on the powermouse with orange worm and either garlic or peach powerbait. Not sure which one. Both were dipped in scent.

03-10-2010, 10:11 AM
That's a terrific story! Sounds like a perfect date and a nice dinner at the end! Way to go!

03-10-2010, 10:19 AM
great report sweet lookn trout

Natural Lefty
03-10-2010, 11:15 AM
I think she duped you, Gavin. She is probably an expert fishergal, so she just wanted you to take her fishing and see what you could do fishingwise. LOL:Smile:

03-10-2010, 12:00 PM
I think she duped you, Gavin. She is probably an expert fishergal, so she just wanted you to take her fishing and see what you could do fishingwise. LOL:Smile:

Ya know she did pick up the knot tying and casting a little TOO easily... I gotta watch this one closely...

El Capo
03-10-2010, 12:04 PM
She's hot too.

03-10-2010, 09:16 PM
WTG Bro very nice report Great day fishing and a date at that WOW
Looks like she's a keeper:Wink:


03-10-2010, 09:53 PM
I like your style!

Two birds one stone.....fishing & date. Nice job!

03-10-2010, 11:16 PM
Definately a Keeper, Grats!