View Full Version : 2/28/10

03-01-2010, 09:54 PM
I went out with my son again to the kid's lagoon. We got there at 7:40am and I ordered a breakfast burrito, and grabbed some nightcrawlers. For the first 30 minutes we were by the road and didn't catch anything. We then moved near the ramp and my son instantly catches his first fish on Powerbait. I catch two on Powerworms (I lose one to a half submerged tree branch) and he catches another one on a Powermouse. The night crawlers never got bit. The water was brown as expected. It wasn't very crowded but I counted about 10-12 families. A gentleman next to me with his grandson got the skunk. He said he kills them in the Sierras. I gave the grandson some Power worms to try but it didn't help. One family was catching fairly consistently to my left and and another family caught three in about two hours were on my right. One of the families caught two trout on store bought shrimp. Every time I have gone to the lagoon I've seen different baits work. As always my son and I had fun.

* The fish in the middle weighed 2.8lbs.


03-01-2010, 10:03 PM
The face says it all...he's got a smile!

03-02-2010, 01:49 AM
You must be related to Jack -in -the-box . :LOL::Wink: Nice going on the trout