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View Full Version : Dink Dink go away let the DD bass play today!!! Goon'n 02-25-10

Ray Lopez
02-25-2010, 05:06 PM
So after this crazy week on the lagoon. Fishing Monday catching 7 bass, then Tuesday off, wednesday i caught 4. When i got home that day i was still getting the shakes because i knew i had to get back to my lovely little goon'. The little lady went to bed at 8pm and i could not sleep at all. Then as i look at the time it was now 12:45am. I was still wide awake and i could hear this voice in the back of my head saying "if you fish it they will come!" Over and over and over again. Something was telling me to get on the water because it was time to pull a hawg!

Now mind you i was already planning to met up with Rob aka REZ to get his mind off all the stress's that come with getting everything together for his wedding in April. So i left my house at about 1am (i woke up at 6:30am the morning prior no sleep!!!! sleep is for the weak). I get to the lake at about 1:30am. It is perfectly calm and the water is flat and glassy. There was a 3/4 rising moon phase. Also the front coming in. I figured that the bite was gonna be killer. As i got down to my first spot at the end of the 1st camp grounds i could hear that little voice getting louder telling me "it's time to land another PIG DDeez all the way!!!!!! get er done! lol

I throw on a arrons magic 7" straight tail on the drop shot douse it in smelly jelly and cast out. First cast i get slammed and land another dinker about 1.5 pounds

Nice that is a great sign for a good night.

I cast out a few more time and I'm getting hits but just can't stick um on the hook. Eventually after like my 3rd missed hit i stick another dinker about 2 pounds.


Then the wind started to pick up big time. Were talking about 30 to 40mph it felt like. I kept trying to fish but i kept missing the hits because i couldn't tell if it was a hit or just the wind moving my lure. Then it got so bad that i could no longer keep the weight on the bottom due to the current being to strong and taking my line. So i figure what the hell and walk back to my car around 4:30am. I set my cell phone alarm for 5:30am so i can get on the water b-4 the sun peaked over the mountains.

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* Okay I'm up. I grab my gear and the wind had died down a bit but was still gusty. I go down to the spot below the 1st campground where I've been hauling fish all week. I throw out the 6"oxblood red flake on the d/s set up. Tap Tap Tap Drop DAMN!! Light tapping. So i dead stick the lure and then twitch it a few times. Nothing!!!!!!!! So then i keep bringing it back it slowly. Half way in BLAM BLAM TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz my reel starts peeling line fast!!!!!! HOLY CRAP i just stuck a HAWG!!!!!!!!!! I really started to get excited when the fish would not come up to jump seeing as all the other bass have been very airborne this week. I knew i had just stuck a fat DD!!! So we go back and forth she would run i would gain a bit and then she would run again. This was going on for at least 3 to 5 minutes (hard to remember since the mind was racing). I finally get to see her size in the clear water about 7 feet in front of me!!!!! F YEA!!! I knew she was a DD my 2nd DD ever!!!!!! Now I'm really getting excited but i keep telling myself "Stay calm you came here for this do not loose this fish!" She tries to break it for the reeds and i work her out and then she runs for the low hanging tree branches. I run to the other side and work her out of that. Then I get her close enough to lip her and pull her out of the water. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

I started jumping up and down and my hands were shaking my heart was racing and i was yelling at the top of my lungs to an empty lake lol. I hurry up and throw her on the digi scale and she comes in at 12.6 SAWEET!!!!! I snap my pictures and off she goes back to make some big strong babies!

Can you see the look of shock on my face? lol

wanted to get a full body shot since she was too long to get a full pic with my huge head in the picture.

Went it finally hit me that i had just landed another DD at 12.6 pounds!! lol

Then my favorite picture is her parting shot as she swims back safe and sound to produce more big bass


I was texting everyone on my phone, screaming out F Ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pacing back and forth trying to calm down. That woke me right up and got my heart pumping a mile a minute!!!!.

Once i calmed down tossed back out and within seconds WHAM TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG!!! OMFG i just hooked another possible Double Digit!!!!!! My eyes got super wide now and i started freaking out. The fight was on while i was still trying to calm down from the first one. She makes some long runs and i keep bringing her back in. I see her come up and give me the DD swirl on the surface I scream out HOLY SH**!!!!!!!! Then she tugs even harder and then after a 5 minute battle the line breaks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! F***!!!!!!!

Okay now I'm freaked out. I just stuck 2 DD hawgs and landed one at 12.6lbs. I was shaking like crazy now. Pissed for loosing that 2nd pig and jazzed i landed my 2nd DD ever!

I cast out a few more time and then on my 10th cast Again WHAM WHAM TUUUUUUUUUUUUUUG!!! WTF is going on here? She starts a hard battle and i fight this fish for a good 2 minutes before she comes up to the surface. I jam my rod into the water trying to keep her from head shaking but sure enough i see this massive head and part of her body break the surface and then the dreaded head shake *tink* my line snaps again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Damn this was another fatty i would say at least 8 to 10 pounds!

After i retie and now even more bummed that i just lost 2 possible DDs in a row. I hurry and retie and cast back out but nothing is happening now. No love at all! DAMN! Oh well i landed the one nice fatty PIG marking the 2nd DD notch on my belt.

So then REZ calls me and asks me if it's windy i told him yea but the fish have been biting better in the wind this week. Plus i caught a PIG get your *** out here!!!!!!! So then around 8:45 REZ shows up and we start working the shoreline. My spot got jacked so we decided to more farther north towards the point. We fish there for a bit and then slowly make are way down back to the spot below the 1st campground. I get a few hits but they are short bites and miss swings. "I was getting sloppy from sheer exhaustion from fishing all day the day before and then not going to sleep and getting back to the lake at 1:30 am and only getting 45 minutes of sleep."

I start helping some guys that were going after the bass but didn't know how to do a proper drop shot. REZ started making his way south a bit. Talking to a few different people it looked like the whole lake was sort of slow compared to the prior days this week.

Then i hear REZ call out "I'M ON!" I grab his camera and he lands a nice 2 pound chunky bass.

Sweet the skunk is off for REZ!! This was the first bass he's caught in quite a while. He also landed his on the oxblood red flake 6" straight tail. We continue fishing that area and then Fishbones his lady and Fishtale show up. We start chatting it up. By now im pretty much over the fishing just hanging around for the good company, and enjoying the day. I show fishtale how i do the drop shot and we all pretty much just kicked it chatted it up for a few hours before REZ and i decided it was time to leave since i was passing out.

What an awesome week on the water.

Working this pre spawn time is great seeing as the last 2 to 3 months have been pretty rough for bass fishing on the goon. Been catching good numbers of fish, landed my 2nd DD, got to reunite with my old high school buddy after 11 years, meeting a bunch of cool people. Helping at least 4 people learn the d/s and putting people on fish and breaking in new poles, also seeing some old lagoon folks like reelhigh. This has been one of the funnest weeks i have had on this lake.

If this week is any indicator for this years fishing then we are in for one hell of a year.

Get your chance to fish the lagoon when the fishing is hot March 20th tube, toon, yak meet-up
sign up:

Also major thanks to fishbones for the gift, hope you, your lady, and fishtales land some pigs tonight.

02-25-2010, 05:40 PM
You had those pigs dialed in today no doubt. But you been putting in the work all week and was rewarded nicely, congrats! When you were telling me the story and showing me the pix you were hype,lol. I ended up farming one but I had to run just as quick as I got there.

02-25-2010, 05:54 PM
Nice job man, you're on fire.

Ray Lopez
02-25-2010, 05:59 PM
You had those pigs dialed in today no doubt. But you been putting in the work all week and was rewarded nicely, congrats! When you were telling me the story and showing me the pix you were hype,lol. I ended up farming one but I had to run just as quick as I got there.
The adrenaline was the only thing keeping me going today. I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight!

02-25-2010, 06:07 PM
Snapping off a DD sucks, but at least you got the first one and saw the 2nd one swirl. The bass seem to have moved into pre spawn at most of the lakes, and if the storms don't put them down the bite should end up being very good. Way to lay the smack down on a fatty 12lber, and you'll get that one that broke you off soon. Maybe when she's full of eggs... I'll probably be hitting the lagoon for the 1st time this year this weekend, so I can only hope to have the success you did. Awesome job man.


02-25-2010, 06:08 PM
Damn, bro you're tearing it up out there! That baby was huge! Keep up the good work and thanks for helping me out with those tips yesterday.

Fire Ball
02-25-2010, 06:14 PM
VERY NICE FISH RAY! You definitely deserved it!!! Too bad you broke off on the other pigs! I am definitely going this weekend, so I hope I will see you out there. Hopefully the bad weather on Saturday doesn't mess things up for Sunday!

02-25-2010, 06:16 PM
dude i got to the lagoon and aqll ive been catching is fricken crappie. i cant wait for the topwater to start up in the lagoon.

trail blazer
02-25-2010, 06:17 PM
WTG RAYLO!!!!!!!!!!You,v got the goon wired bro.


Ray Lopez
02-25-2010, 06:28 PM
VERY NICE FISH RAY! You definitely deserved it!!! Too bad you broke off on the other pigs! I am definitely going this weekend, so I hope I will see you out there. Hopefully the bad weather on Saturday doesn't mess things up for Sunday!
no way not this weekend, the lagoon is gonna be horribly packed i have a feeling lol. Plus i've been fishing heavy all week got quite a few nice fish and then ended it with a 12.6 gotta say don't want to press my luck. But i'll probaly be out there monday if the weather is not complete crap.

WTG RAYLO!!!!!!!!!!You,v got the goon wired bro.

it's about that time for you bako boyz to come on down....your the next contestent on the fishing is HOT. I would say in like a month or so it'll be perfect for that night bite i was telling you about at striper fest.

Damn, bro you're tearing it up out there! That baby was huge! Keep up the good work and thanks for helping me out with those tips yesterday.
thanks. Also not a problem, i'm always willing to help out a fellow angler.

Snapping off a DD sucks, but at least you got the first one and saw the 2nd one swirl. The bass seem to have moved into pre spawn at most of the lakes, and if the storms don't put them down the bite should end up being very good. Way to lay the smack down on a fatty 12lber, and you'll get that one that broke you off soon. Maybe when she's full of eggs... I'll probably be hitting the lagoon for the 1st time this year this weekend, so I can only hope to have the success you did. Awesome job man.

I'm hopeing for it. Yea the lagoon went into presapwn mode last sunday and has been pretty damn good all week long. It's been allot of smaller males holding just off the breeding grounds. Then today i guess there were some fatty females cruiseing that same area first thing in the morning.

This week was killer, such a break from that slow 2 months or so that the lagoon suffered.

Fire Ball
02-25-2010, 06:35 PM
no way not this weekend, the lagoon is gonna be horribly packed i have a feeling lol. Plus i've been fishing heavy all week got quite a few nice fish and then ended it with a 12.6 gotta say don't want to press my luck. But i'll probaly be out there monday if the weather is not complete crap.

I have a feeling that it will be packed too, but I'm not able to go any other days, haha. I am going to tube, like usual, so that I don't have to compete for shore space!

02-25-2010, 06:44 PM
Great Job Ray and REZ!!!!!!!!

You guys are doing well at the lagoon!:EyePop:

02-25-2010, 07:10 PM
Congrats on the DD LMB. That's a beauty.

02-25-2010, 07:43 PM
Cutbait is jealous.

Cutbait wants one of those Hawgs for his garage wall! {replica ofcourse}

Cutbait says congratulations

02-25-2010, 07:54 PM
You are on fire!!! Way to nail the big ones.

Ray Lopez
02-25-2010, 08:39 PM
Cutbait is jealous.

Cutbait wants one of those Hawgs for his garage wall! {replica ofcourse}

Cutbait says congratulations

Ray says that cut bait needs to get his happy *** down to castaic in the next month and experience a wide open gooner bite.

yea man now i got 2 big fish i want to mount if i keep this up im gonna rack up debt on fish mounts lol.

02-25-2010, 08:48 PM
Nice, I have to get out there soon.


02-25-2010, 09:12 PM
Nice LMB you got that place down. thanks for the report


Socal Bassman
02-25-2010, 10:14 PM
Excellent work Ray!!! You are on fire. Congrats on the DD Goon bass, keep it up bro.

02-25-2010, 10:25 PM
ray....good times at the goon today bro...congrats again on the hawg....
Like i said earlier....you put your rod down to help and show me the ropes yesterday...
and it was returned in fish karma.....you deserved it bro....great job once again....see you tomorrow..LOL

02-25-2010, 10:28 PM
Awesome JOB BOYZ.......I've been watching ya low pro RayLo. Your making me proud dude. Tell Rez...."What's up" from me and when are ya boyz going to get down to the surf for some flattie action?
Grunion runs are in about four weeks. You know what that meens......bikinis and BUTTS !!! god I love spring......LOL

02-25-2010, 10:46 PM
I shaking a bit myself after reading your post.

Good job pulling in that beastie boy.



02-25-2010, 10:56 PM
If thats a twelve ,its the worst picture ive ever seen you should get your digi checked .

02-25-2010, 11:13 PM
Hey Ray it was great meeting you and Rez today and that DD Bass
congratulations man you deserved it !!!
Looking forward to getting out to the Lagoon more often this year and
will definitely make your March 20th Fishing get together.

And again congratulations on that DD Bass !!!

02-25-2010, 11:17 PM
If thats a twelve ,its the worst picture ive ever seen you should get your digi checked .

aww.......theres always one hater.......figures....its a newby with no FNN etiquette ..no congrats, no way to go or nice job....
just a stupid remark that will start post wars and get him disliked......If you dont have anything good to say....dont say it at all..........

Ray Lopez
02-26-2010, 10:31 AM
ray....good times at the goon today bro...congrats again on the hawg....
Like i said earlier....you put your rod down to help and show me the ropes yesterday...
and it was returned in fish karma.....you deserved it bro....great job once again....see you tomorrow..LOL
can't make it out today or this weekend due to helping my cousin prep their new home. But i'll be out there on monday for sure.

Awesome JOB BOYZ.......I've been watching ya low pro RayLo. Your making me proud dude. Tell Rez...."What's up" from me and when are ya boyz going to get down to the surf for some flattie action?
Grunion runs are in about four weeks. You know what that meens......bikinis and BUTTS !!! god I love spring......LOL
thanks bones, i'm always down for some surf action, i just know a few spots and never really done too well on the flatties, You wanna show me some spots?? WINK WINK lol

Hit me up sometime man i'm always down for some salty action!

If thats a twelve ,its the worst picture ive ever seen you should get your digi checked .
lol no it's really a 8 pounder........yeeeea right! No im 6'4 230 pounds with a head the size of a watermelon and i'm holding the fish as far back as i can so i could get as much of it in the pic as possible. Compare it to the 2 pounder in the upper pics and it looks like a .5 pounder i'm a giant hommie.

I so called the haters!

I never lie about my fishing experiences (i'm a rare breed)

aww.......theres always one hater.......figures....its a newby with no FNN etiquette ..no congrats, no way to go or nice job....
just a stupid remark that will start post wars and get him disliked......If you dont have anything good to say....dont say it at all..........

I told ya the haters would come a hating bro.

Fishbones knows what i look like there is no doubt that thing was 12.6 pounds

what i need to do next time is get someone else to take my pic but alas both my DD fish i caught by my lonesome!

02-26-2010, 11:21 AM
Congrats on another fat DD Ray. You get the GOON down :LOL:.


Ray Lopez
02-26-2010, 11:24 AM
Congrats on another fat DD Ray. You get the GOON down :LOL:.


i try i try

02-26-2010, 01:41 PM
Great job Ray on the fish, damn Ray, Rez, and Bones...we need to call up Roger and fish again.

02-26-2010, 04:20 PM
Oh Yeah, DD foo shoo. Great detailed report from the goon.

02-26-2010, 07:39 PM
Did you see the infamous giant Musk Rat swimming around out there this time???

Ray Lopez
02-26-2010, 09:06 PM
Great job Ray on the fish, damn Ray, Rez, and Bones...we need to call up Roger and fish again.
lol i know right. Rob and I were just talking about you the other day too. Wondering where you've been. You should come out man do it up like the ol days and do some of the night fishing again.

Did you see the infamous giant Musk Rat swimming around out there this time???
no but fishbones and fishtale got pics of it that night after i left.

Fire Ball
02-26-2010, 09:17 PM
no but fishbones and fishtale got pics of it that night after i left.

Robo Bass got some pictures of it a little while before sunset, but all the pictures came out blurry. Nice job Robo.. :LOL:

02-26-2010, 11:38 PM
Didnt mean to sound like a complete jerk ,im no hater ,ive caught more DD in a day than most people do in their life. just saying those pics didnt do the fish any justice .NICE FISH

02-26-2010, 11:54 PM
Didnt mean to sound like a complete jerk ,im no hater ,ive caught more DD in a day than most people do in their life. just saying those pics didnt do the fish any justice .NICE FISH

Word... ive met and fished with ray lopez and hes a big:EyePop:guy so even a 20lber would look like a dink....
"no offense ray"..hes just big boned...lol:Big Grin:

we would love to see these DD pics....nothing better than fish porn...lol:Shocked:

Ray Lopez
02-27-2010, 09:13 AM
Didnt mean to sound like a complete jerk ,im no hater ,ive caught more DD in a day than most people do in their life. just saying those pics didnt do the fish any justice .NICE FISH
yea i know it sucks not getting someone to take the pic for me so i did'nt have to hold the fish so far back from the camera.
the fish in my avatar is 19.47 but same thing had to hold it far back.

Word... ive met and fished with ray lopez and hes a big:EyePop:guy so even a 20lber would look like a dink....
"no offense ray"..hes just big boned...lol:Big Grin:

we would love to see these DD pics....nothing better than fish porn...lol:Shocked:
lol none taken i'm a big mofo lol
my head is the size of a large seedless watermelon lol

02-27-2010, 09:30 AM
my head is the size of a large seedless watermelon lol

ok....good to know......i'll bring the vodka...hahahaha