View Full Version : lake tips

02-24-2010, 06:09 PM
I am a regular at corona lake and would like to offer a little advice for those trying to punk the skunk. First off, the day you decide to fish corona lake should be one the main factor to insure success. They stock the lake on Thursdays and do not use holding pens to hold fish for the weekenders. So, the optimal times are Friday and Saturday. These fish usually "stack up in the shallows" around the lake. Your arsenal should include powerbait in the popular colors of chart and rainbow, powerworms in orange, green, pink and white. And also power mouses. All dipped in garlic. nightcrawlers are my last resort. Remember if their not biting move. When they start biting they do it in waves. Hope this helps. Good Luck

02-24-2010, 06:14 PM
cool normally i do pretty good with straight jigs