View Full Version : Uncle Pauls Pond???'s

02-23-2010, 11:38 AM
Just wondering if any of you have fished this place. I signed up for some more information and rec. weekly updates as to the progress this place is making. Lots of talk of some really nice catches of both trout and bass has me wondering. I'll admit that the goal for this place (based on some emails I rec.) seems obtainable and they have some really good ideas, but the size of the "pond" has me wondering...

So have any of you taken the mgr. emails to task and fished this place?


02-24-2010, 07:23 AM
but the size of the "pond" has me wondering...

This would be my biggest concern... It looks tiny...

02-24-2010, 09:42 AM
I just looked over the site online. It does appear to be pretty small for a lake. And they have a list of rules longer than your arm. C & R only, too. I suppose it's a way to manage a body of water effectively, to keep the area tidy, etc. But my question is: if it's strict C & R in such a small body of water, won't the fish populations become susceptable to disease, overcrowding, etc.? Seems to me that a certain amount of 'take' would be healthy overall. But then I'm hardly a biologist or fisheries expert. Anyone have any ideas on it?