View Full Version : Mexican Seiner Fishermen Killed by Sardines !!!

02-23-2010, 06:53 AM
Is This Possible ?

I heard this story direct from a man who went down to mainland Mexico as part of a investigation team.

True story on how 3 fishermen were killed by Sardines.

Stay tuned for story tonight and feel free to come up with the scenario on how this is possible. http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii269/theogrit/viannen_41.gif

How Can Sardines Kill 3 Men ???

Think hard and post up your idea on how they died ? http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f29/redneckbaby057/Baby_Thinking.gif

seiner | nounpurse seine | noun
Main Entry: seiner !sA-nur
Pronunciation: \ ˈsā-nər \
Function: noun
Date: 1602

1. 1 one who fishes with a seine

2. 2 a boat used for seining


Jackpot Jimmy
02-23-2010, 07:46 AM
I've heard of a story of a bait boat that made over capacity of straight anchovies, and the anchovies sounded, and sunk the whole boat.

02-23-2010, 08:22 AM
I know,the crew left some sardines on the deck a little too long and took them home for dinner, poisoning not only them, but their entire families.
Had an undercooked crab once and thought I was going to die.

02-23-2010, 09:04 AM
Tanker dragged them while making their set??

02-23-2010, 09:48 AM
They got caught in the throat.

02-23-2010, 09:57 AM
Sardine pirates...........Argh!!!

02-23-2010, 01:27 PM
sardines in net and one fisherman dove into the net to see how many the got and they dines were swinnming in cricle and he got caught in the whirlpool and ddown he went couldnot get back to surface

murrieta angler
02-23-2010, 04:05 PM
They were the infamous, Killer Sardines of the South...:Wink:

They have been known to carry WOMD & do not hesitate to use them when confronted...:Explode:

The authorities have been trying for years to corral this bunch, but to no avail...:Head Bang:

At one point authorities even tried infiltrating their gang....:Secret:

But the KSS were on to them and quickly dispersed of the infiltrator....:Beat Stick:

To this day, the whereabouts of this gang of rogue sardines continues to mystfy authorities....:Neener Neener:


02-23-2010, 04:19 PM
Sardines had ingested poisonous plankton:Rain: and were eaten by the fishermen:Fishing Catch:.

Sardines were loaded into a truck. The truck hit the men.

02-23-2010, 08:25 PM
Killers !
http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll184/audrey083053/Food/bf6.jpg http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c394/_Spades_/Cyanide.gif

The story told to me was that the boat was unloaded and after a few days in the summer heat the deckhands were told to clean out the fish hold of the boat of the leftover sardines that were left in the fish hold days earlier.

With the heat the sardines that were left by accident in the hold of the boat for a few days were releasing a cyanide toxic gas and the first guy to go in came right out and said it smelled to bad. They were told to get in there so 2 guys went in and passed out then a third guy went in to help them and he passed out too. All 3 of them died.

Found this cartoon strip called Cyanide and Happiness on photobucket.com whole bunch of them.
Here is a sample.

02-24-2010, 12:03 PM
I too have heard stories of bait boats going down while attempting to wrap large schools of sardines when all the bait sounded with enough force to sink the boat. It sounds hard to believe but it is suppose to have happend to a few boats.


02-24-2010, 06:22 PM
I too have heard stories of bait boats going down while attempting to wrap large schools of sardines when all the bait sounded with enough force to sink the boat. It sounds hard to believe but it is suppose to have happend to a few boats.

I hear you. My old boss worked on a urchin boat and one trip he was not on they had a full load shift in heavy seas and swamped.
He said it sank like a rock and a couple people died.

02-25-2010, 06:22 PM
It was either a really bad night at Domino's or somebody dropped 10 tons of dines on your bro's heads.

02-27-2010, 07:29 AM
RIP the deckhand in San Pedro last summer ? who choked on a Sardine......in front of a boat load of kids

02-27-2010, 08:23 AM
RIP the deckhand in San Pedro last summer ? who choked on a Sardine......in front of a boat load of kids

I believe that was last April 1st.

02-27-2010, 05:54 PM
I believe that was last April 1st.

Not sure if that was the date or not,but his name was Jeff.
He worked for John Ackley for years,back from when John was running the Crest.

He was a good man RIP.

Most of the bait boat going down stories I have heard involved squid.
They are never sure how much they are wrapping,
when 10 tons of squid go down thats alot of weight.

I also remember my buddy Danny that used to work on the blackjack,
he went to work on the tugs.They had a sub pick up the cable mid cat channel.
They lost the cap & I think 2 other decks on that trip.
Danny made it, last time I saw him he said it ruined him for working on boats.
Imagine tuggin along and all of a sudden being towed backwards.
S**t happens fast on the water.

02-27-2010, 06:51 PM
Not sure if that was the date or not,but his name was Jeff.
He worked for John Ackley for years,back from when John was running the Crest.

He was a good man RIP.

Most of the bait boat going down stories I have heard involved squid.
They are never sure how much they are wrapping,
when 10 tons of squid go down thats alot of weight.

I also remember my buddy Danny that used to work on the blackjack,
he went to work on the tugs.They had a sub pick up the cable mid cat channel.
They lost the cap & I think 2 other decks on that trip.
Danny made it, last time I saw him he said it ruined him for working on boats.
Imagine tuggin along and all of a sudden being towed backwards.
S**t happens fast on the water.

That deckhand story was tragic. What year was the Tug/cable accident?
I worked with a guy from Avalon that knew that girl from Avalon that was killed on a tug when the line snapped a few years back, we were just talking about it a couple weeks ago.

02-27-2010, 08:50 PM
they had them in a net hung over the deck(like you see in the movies) and the net broke and crushed them...

02-27-2010, 09:35 PM

My bad was only one that went down,
he was in the engine room.
That sub had quite the streak of bad luck.

02-28-2010, 08:48 AM
Sailor chokes to death on bait fish, with children looking on


That week was not a good one for kids on boats

Whale-watching trip for schoolchildren turns up dead body off Redondo Beach


02-28-2010, 02:41 PM
So this is where you ended up, silly cartoon pics and all...

Is This Possible ?

I heard this story direct from a man who went down to mainland Mexico as part of a investigation team.

True story on how 3 fishermen were killed by Sardines.

Stay tuned for story tonight and feel free to come up with the scenario on how this is possible. http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii269/theogrit/viannen_41.gif

How Can Sardines Kill 3 Men ???

Think hard and post up your idea on how they died ? http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f29/redneckbaby057/Baby_Thinking.gif

seiner | nounpurse seine | noun
Main Entry: seiner !sA-nur
Pronunciation: \ ˈsā-nər \
Function: noun
Date: 1602

1. 1 one who fishes with a seine

2. 2 a boat used for seining


02-28-2010, 05:28 PM
seiner | nounpurse seine | noun
Main Entry: seiner !sA-nur
Pronunciation: \ ˈsā-nər \
Function: noun
Date: 1602

1. 1 one who fishes with a seine

2. 2 a boat used for seining


saner (sic)

somebody who's not as crazy as you