View Full Version : Questions Regarding Bait Rigs For The Aqueduct

02-21-2010, 04:34 PM
First, is the Carolina set up the best way to go, and if so, what's the best weight size and leader length? Second, which type of line is best--mono or braid? Third, if you use mono, is fluorocarbon better? Fourth, has anybody had any success using Gulp! products instead of bait? Fifth, what's the best way to hook cut-up anchovies, sardines, or shad? And sixth, how much line should you let out when you're fishing bait? I would appreciate any input regarding these questions. Thanks!

02-21-2010, 07:49 PM
You know, since nobody is stepping up to help you I will do the best I can:

I fish 15lb flouro in the duct
Mono or flouro or braid doesnt really matter
I have never used gulp products at the duct
Thread a full chunk of chovy onto the hook then rotate the hook and stick in into the chunk again behind the backbone
If your using a sliding rig, let the line go slack. if there is full flow, fishing bait will be tough
All of my fish at the duct have come on artificial baits

Sorry I dont have more info, but it seems you put this post up at 4:30 and nobody has said anything so I thought I would contribute as much as I could.